Qubool Hai 30th June 2014 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 30th June 2014 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 30th June 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Munisa’s residence
At the dining table, all sit down to eat, while hay waits with crossed fingers for rahat. munisa asks if she is waiting for someone. Dilshad says that haya called rahat to eat with them. Munisa is surprised, and says thsat he never ate with them and hence wont come. Haya is disheartened. dilshad says that attitude changes over time, and maybe he changes due to something. haya eyes rahat’s closed door. Munisa again reminds her that he wont come and she would give him food in his arms, and asks them to begin the foiod. As haya continues to watch the door, she is thrilled, as she finds rahat coming out stealthily, uncrossing her fingers, due to her wish having been fulfilled. rahat walks to the dining table stealthily, shocking munisa. Dilshad smiles and is surprised too. haya sits down.

After dinner, rahat helps haya keep the leftover food in the fridge. After she is done, he eyes her. she asks if he needs water. he says that he wants to talk to her. they both sit down. He says that he knows that she is doing this to keep him happy, and draw him out of his loneliness, and hence he complied today and he didnt want to hurt her. he says that he knows he has to move on from his past, but the memories are a part of him now. He syas that she is doing this to get him back, and repay for what he did for her, but his wife also took away the rahat that she wants to see now. He tells her that nothing would vchange now and if she continues trying, she would be disappointed in the end, and he doesnt want that. he asks to be left alone in his memories. As he gets up to go, she stops him by placing her hand on his, and shakes her head in denial. She signals him that friends can never accept defeat. He is overwhelmed.

Scene 2:
Location: Ahil’s residence
Ahil is frustratedly drinking thinking about his engagement, when he notices that the ice is finished. He vents out his frustration at latif, hollering at him, to get ice for him. sanam hurriedly comes and he gets surprised. he resignedly puts the glass ahead and sher puts one ice cube and he eyes it and continues asking for more, until it finally spills out of the glass and falls on his hand. Sanam offvers to clean it up, as he never told her to stop. He throws it in the pool, and turns to her. Ahil, in his frustration, takes sanam with her arm and jerks her around. She is shocked and in pain, while he clutches at her arm, and asks if she has to be told and explained everything and she doesnt understand some things on her own. She eyes him tensed, and asks why is he so angry at such a small thing. He is about to tell her, but then asks her to leave, as she wont ever understand. He gets in a rage, shocking sanam, asking her to leave rightaway. she rushes and runs from there, while ahil is frustrated. Sanam, while running falls in rehaan’s arms and seeks solace in rehaan who comforts her while she is crying and distraught. Rehaan finds ahil drinking and presumes what must have happened. He asks her what happened. she continues to cry simply. rehaan eyes ahil with tension.

In his room, tanveer asks rehaan why is he talking about all this now. he says that this isnt normal, and she cant do this to ahil and force him into marriage, as ahil doesnt want to do it. She says that ahil has himself agreed to do this. He says that he doesnt find it okay, and asks if she is hastening, so that ahil can get married and then she can find some other way to get the will. she says that she wont let it go to the trust as she has sacrificed a lot for this, and she wont let it go in vain. she says that she would see to it that it goes to her heir and noone else. he asks why should they sacrifice ahil’s life for this. She asks him not to get emotional, as she isnt spoiling ahil’s life, as nothing would change, and he has got the wife that he wants, and nida is his best childhood friend. He points out that it isnt ahil’s love. she says that idiots marry for love and ahil isnt one, and whatvere she is doing for ahil is right. He asks what if he loves someone else. she denies anything like that to happen, as she knows it very well. she asks him to go and rest, and not bother himself over ahil. he leaves, while she is tensed.

Outside, sanam eyes the moon, and asks the Lord, that she never understands what he wwants and why is it happening, what is. she says that she tries hard to stick to her work, but keeps ending up in problems, and that she doesnt have the sense and courage, to understand everytime whats the reason behind all this. she says that she doesnt know why is she still stuck here. rehaan comes and says that if the Lord wants her to stay here, then it would be something good. Sanam tries to fumble, but rehaan asks her to let out her anger in front of her friend. He asks her whats she doing here. she says that she likes it here. He asks her to rest as she would have hectic days from tomorrow. she says that she would go in sometime. He asks if she wants to see the falling star. She surprisingly asks how does he know. he sayus that he too had this childhood habit. She also reminisces about her childhood and its memories. rahat eyes him overwhelmingly. She gets aware of this and apologises for boring him. But he takes an interest in her innocence, and they both decide on having an icecream together. But her dupatta gets stuck in the waistband of his watch. she takes it off, while excited at the prospect of icecream, and rants about what a great cook she is. Ahil gets extremely upset and tensed, as he watches form hiding, rehaan tending out to sanam, having a hearty banter with her. Meanwhile, ahil is continuously drawn to sanam, while she continues to work in the haveli, upseeting him all the more as he notices this change in himself.

Tanveer thinks that rehaan is very innocent to think that ahil has fallen in love. She says that rehaan doesnt know that she has taught ahil everything, but has never taught him to love someone. she says that for him, emotions to surge for somneone, is having fertility in barren land, which is impossible. She smiles evilly.

Nida wonders that the ring should have been a bit more extravagant, so that all know what house is she getting married into. Nida says that this is just the beginning and that after marriage, all of this is going to be hers only. Azhar’s parents who hear her say all this, are frustrated and shocked too. Azhar’s parents tell her that they called her at the last minute, and she just got plain lucky. nida says that she knows how to harbour an oppurtunity, and that she has suffered many things from ahil since college, and bore his tantrums and irritating mood swings, and that now her wait shall finally onvert into money. The screen freezes on nida’s evil face.

Precap: Tanveer feels the embroidery of the wedding lehengas sent for choosing, and says that just the feel can say how intricately the design has been knit and how wonderful the lehenga would look. Nida snubs her off saying that feel cannot compensate for what can be seen and maybe if she had sight, she would have seen it and then she wouldnt have liked it. tanveer is irritated at this. Ahil too doesnt seem too happy. Nida makes a mannequin out of Sanam, as she tries on different dupattas on her and asks ahil about his choice. finally ahil gets irritated sensing sanam’s discomfort and asks nida to stop this, surprising her..

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  1. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    July 01, 08:07 Reply

    Whenever a show starts doing well , bad news starts surfacing . I hope that it’s not true .

    Zee TV’s Qubool Hai(4 Lions Films) was once upon a show touted to be agame changer in terms of its unique content and characterization. However, we can now say that the show is past its prime, as there have been a lot many developments of late that have changed the fate of the soap.Karan Singh Grover’s exit was taken care of to some extent with the introduction of the popular actor Raqesh Vashist. He did a commendable job in taking Qubool Hai further.

    However, the generation leap did come in as a stunner to the future of the show, as well as to the audience.With a brand new cast getting introduced with the exception of Surbhi Jyoti, Amrapali Gupta and Shalini Khanna, it was a new start for Qubool Hai. Karnvir Bohra as the elegant Aahil has indeed won over audiences, but there seems to be a major problem in the camp out there.
    As per reliable sources, there is a huge payment issue that has rocked the company. And many cast and crew members from their ongoing show Qubool Hai have not been paid for the last few months.Yes, and this buzz was confirmed when an actor from the show on terms of anonymity shared grievances with Tellychakkar.com saying, “Yes, it is true that we have not been paid for our work. Nobody works for free, and we are really waiting for our dues to get cleared.”On digging in a bit more, we got to know that there are few actors who have not been paid from December 2013. Also, few people in the crew and company have not been paid forthe past three months or so.

    However, when we contacted the protagonist on the show, Karanvir Bohra, he said, “This news is completely untrue. Do you think I will continue to work if I am not paid? I get my payments on time, and there is no issue at all.”[/BR]We tried to buzz Surbhi, who has been in the show from its inception, but she could not be reached.Our efforts to reach Producer Gul Khan proved futile.As reported by Tellychakkar.com, 4 Lions Films is planning a show on Sony Pal at the moment, for which they have almost finalized popular actor Harshad Chopda. But here too, it is the budget that has apparently stagnated the talk between the actor and the producer.
    A source states, “Harshad will most probably not be in, as his monetary demand is quite high. The maker might be now looking for other options to play the lead in the love story with a Muslim backdrop for Sony Pal.”

  2. §àñvì
    July 01, 00:27 Reply

    Y do I feel that rehaan started to feel 4 sanam.
    Rehaan n sanam can make good pair but not great like sahil.so cv’s please make sure of this .
    Simultaneously aahil should express his feelings 4 sanam, especially in front of tan
    I really want to c someone smacking on her face (nida if possible b4r marriage).

  3. Germany
    June 30, 21:45 Reply

    Tanveer killed 6 person (rashid, asad, zoya and her father, najma,nawab) but now she is free , how is it possible?

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 30, 21:48

      Serial logic 😐 . .
      Tanveer is just a serial killer 😀 . ..

    • Germany
      June 30, 22:10

      Gk made the indian police amateur…

  4. penny
    June 30, 18:26 Reply

    Hi everyone, awesome! Aahil is pleading or better yet begging Sanam to notice his feelings. Even though he was at rage he looked at her in a way that he would even hug her at that instant moment. You could sense he couldn’t take it anymore, so he had to send her away 🙁 . I kinda feel that Sanam has sense a little bit of his feelings, but was in denial.

    Nice moment b/w Rehaan and Sanam. Just hoping that he doesn’t fall in love with her. That would be very very bad for him.

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 30, 19:13

      Hi Penny 🙂 . ..how’re you ?
      I just love the way that Karanvir is portraying this character 🙂 . ..
      I was looking at his expressions when Sanam had given him the mango smoothie and he said so much without saying a word through only the use of his expressions 🙂 . .
      You’re correct , he is portraying his desperation very realistically .
      I didn’t like the way he treated Sanam however , he needs to work on his behaviour towards her , or he will have very good reason to worry that she won’t reciprocate his feelings .

    • penny
      June 30, 21:17

      Hello Phoenix, I’m fine. Hope you’re ok too. You know what Phoenix, Aahil’s behavior towards Sanam is not so bad as Asad’s towards Zoya. Asad had repeatedly insulted Zoya and never had believe in her.

      But yeah, he needs to express himself way better to her. He needs to put his ego aside or els he will end up with nothing. How would she know that he has feelings for her. Sanam is not in the same class as him, the rich and arrogant brat. Nida is of the same, but she’s not the right girl for him. Better yet, thank God he doesn’t love her.

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 30, 21:41

      Penny , I think it sends a bad image to young women about what to expect from men in love .
      I know that Asad was even worse towards Zoya , but it doesn’t excuse Aahil’s behaviour still .
      Men have no good excuse to behave in any violent way towards females . Aahil has a lot of issues , however he knows well enough to respect and love Tanveer , which means that the emotion of love is not foreign to him . He has just stumbled upon a new form of love and he needs to sort himself out before taking his frustrations out on Sanam . He won’t ever hurt Tanveer , no matter if she angers him , he shouldn’t be abusing Sanam .

    • penny
      June 30, 23:05

      You’re right, but maybe society should learn that by showing it on screen, how it’s wrong to treat women without respect. Men cannot behave like that, but sadly there are plenty of those who don’t know how to treat women with respect.

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