Qurbaan Hua 7th October 2020 Written Update

Qurbaan Hua 7th October 2020 Written Update by Sona

Qurbaan Hua 7th October 2020 Written Episode

Godambari asks Chahat how she dared ask this question, she exclaims that ever since Chahat has come into the house she has been targeting her daughter, she inquires if Chahat is trying to prove that Naveli is of a low character and has gotten pregnant before her marriage, Chahat apologizes explaining that it was never her intent as she cares for her so only desires that they keep her away from her boyfriend, Godambari turns mentioning that she has informed her that Naveli doesnot have a boyfriend still she is blaming her, and asks how can she say that the pregnancy test kit belonged to Naveli, she exclaims that Chahat is trying to ruin their family’s reputation, she prays that she should have died before witnessing such an act. Chahat goes to her mentioning that she never wanted to blame her, and she found a pregnancy kit in their house and it doesnot belong to her so who could use it besides Naveli. She exclaims that if she is blaming Chahat for lying then should ask Naveli why there was an extra hundred rupees in the diaper bill, Chahat tries to assure that she is the one telling the truth, Chahat turns to Naveli mentioning that she wants to help her because if he can pressurize her before marriage then ahs the ability to do a lot of things.
Sunita comes in running thanking Naveli for the balm as it cured her back pain, she turns to Naveli asking her to use the excuse, Naveli stands mentioning that she should now understand that the balm was for Sunita, Godambari asks Sunita to leave, she turns to Chahat mentioning that she should now understand what the hundred rupees was for and In her eyes the real culprit was the one who came to their house after running from her own house, she mentions that in her eyes Chahat is the real culprit, hearing this Chahat starts weeping while Naveli is also standing there.
Neil comes asking what has happened and why are they scolding Chahat, Godambari mentions that she has stayed in their house till now but now understood that his wife would characterize her daughter as someone with a low character, Chahat answers that she only wants to know what is the matter as the pregnancy kit belongs to Naveli however Godambari exclaims that she si living in their house because of the concern she has for them all but witnessing what has happened she can no longer stay in their house and will leave, however Neil stops Godambari then turns to Naveli asking her to take vow on his life that this kit belongs to her, Naveli says that the kit doesnot belong to her.
Neil asks Chahat that she should not have blamed Naveli before knowing the truth as he knows what Naveli is capable off and she should have looked into the matter, he apologizes to Godambari pleading with her to not leave as this house also belongs to her, she warns him that she cannot bear any blame on her daughters character so he should warn his wife that if she again tries this then Godambari would end her life, Chahat turns and heads into her room followed by Neil.
Sunita comes, so Godambari thanks her for informing her beforehand, she asks Naveli what was the reason she brought the pregnancy kit, Naveli answers that she was only trying to end the misconception, Godambari warns her that she should make sure that Baleq agrees to marry her as if anything happens in the future she would not be able to do anything for her, Naveli also agrees to talk with Baleq.
Neil enters the room asking Chahat what was the reason she blamed Naveli as she is not the daughter in law of the family and should not worry about others, Chahat mentions that as a daughter she should be worried for the women because she knows that the boyfriend of Naveli is suing her, however Neil says that she should not worry about Naveli as he knows what she is capable off, he opens the door asking Godambari to punish her because this is what she deserves.
Naveli explains that Chahat was nearly about to reveal the truth about her but her mother took care of the situation, Baleq wants her to remain careful of Chahat, she asks him to talk with Viyas jee the matter relating to their marriage, Baleq promises that he will do it when he gets a chance and not before time, he orders her to leave as otherwise it would create a lot of problem, Naveli thinks that he should live to his promise as she has collected proof against him.
Chahat walks out in the lawn where Godambari comes ordering her to wash the clothes as it would clear her mind, she hands her a tool for cleaning the stains which Chahat thinks is a bat however Godambari leaves after explaining what it is meant for.
She is washing the clothes and scolding Neil for his actions, Neil also comes asking her to not take it out on the clothes they both start a competition on who would create the loudest noise, he starts hitting the nail with the hammer while she starts slamming the clothes and in the competition she tears the sarree which belongs to Godambari, Chahat gets worried thinking of what would happen when Godambari comes to know of it.

Precap: Chahat exclaims that she will come to know who is the boyfriend of Naveli is, she mentions that she has hidden her phone in her purse so that she is able to listen to the recording, Baleq is really worried, Chahat asks them all to hear the conversation as it would prove that she was telling the truth.

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