Radhakrishn 25th October 2018 Written Update

Radhakrishn 25th October 2018 Written Update by MA

Radhakrishn 25th October 2018 Written Episode

Krishna says he will die via Kans’ soldiers. Radha stops him and emotionally shedding tears says nothing will happen to him. He holds her hand and says he did a good deed that he got such a good friend in Radha. Radha reminisces Ayan warning not to befriend Krishna. Krishna says Kans’ solderis are waiting for him outside. Outside, Balram and Ayan get ready to fight with Kans’ soldiers. Jatila stops them and asks how can only 2 of them fight with so many soldiers. Balram says why not when Ayan is with him. Nand says Jatila is right, he cannot risk Barsana vasis life for his son. Vrishbhan says he has to confront Kans, else few days ago he destroyed Gokul, now wants Krishna, then in the future will ask for Radha, he will not keep quiet. Jatila cries for Ayan’s safety.

Krishna smiles and thinks mother’s tears are paid with another mother’s tears.
Ayan tells Jatila that their plan backfired, she told Kans will end Vrishbhan and family, but Vrishbhan is still alive and is waging war against Kans to protect Krishna. Jatila says he should not go and hide at home. Ayansays if he does not go, he will be called coward and cannot proclaim Barsana’s throne, he is a warrior and is well versed to fight against Kans’ soldiers. His brother informs him that everyone is waiting for him outside. Ayan walks out while Jatila continues crying.

Ayan joins Balram and Barasana vasis. Krishna asks him to choose his weapon and says Barasa will remember him as great warrior and his sacrifice will not go waste. Jatila continues crying. Vrishbhan picks spearhead and addresses his team that they will fight against Kans’ injustice. Nand with his team joins and says they will also fight against Kans. Krishna continues taunting Jatila. Jatila continues crying. When all men leave, Kirtida says all women and children pray under panditji’s guidance till all men return. They start praying. Krishna loooks Radha repeatedly smiling and leaves. Radha does not find him and thinks where did he go now, if he went to Kans’soldiers.

Krishna gives moral gyaan that in the universe, which is the great living thing, some say human, elephant, etc.., but tree is great as it gives shelter, oxygen, fruit, etc., he wants to address about seed which fights under earth to give a tree its shape; similarly lamp lights and becomes great; if they want to become great, they have to do something first, if they start to walk, they will reach somewhere at least, sitting idle will not take them anywhere, so remember to become great, they have to start.

Precap: Krishna trashes Kans’ soldiers. Radha confesses Krishna that she fooled him and acted as befriending him. Ayan tells Krishna that he will dance with Radha. Krishna says Radha herself will dance with him.

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