Raman-Ishita to DIE in Star Plus’ Yeh Hai Mohabbatein?

This is the most shocking and dramatic update that we could ever bring for all you Yeh Hai Mohabbatein fans!

The Balaji Telefilms’ daily on Star Plus has been keeping you all curious and anticipated with its plot.

If at all the ‘ghost drama’ was not enough, gear up to see a murder track seizing all your attention from now on.

As seen in the last episodes, Ashok (Sangram Singh) threatened Ishita (Divyanka Tripathi) to kill Raman (Karan Patel), or else he will reveal Shagun’s (Anita Hassanandani) secret to the world and also kill their entire family.

So wondering what will Ishita do? Well let us share with you the shocking developments in YHM.

Shared a source, “Ishita would take Raman on a mountain cliff and tell her the truth about her and Shagun’s plans. And having no other option, but to kill Raman, Ishita too would jump off the cliff with him, marking an end to their existence.”

Whaaaaaaat??? Do you exclaim!

Well, there is lot more coming in the show soon, but you will have to wait for our next update to know it (wink wink)!

Till then share with us what you think will happen next in the show.

We tried speaking to the actors, but they preferred to stay mum on this thrilling track.

Previous Ravi and Devika to separate in Life OK's Kalash
Next 'Donkey drama' in SAB TV's Chidiya Ghar

1 Comment

  1. Hema
    December 08, 03:01 Reply

    No.Its all ishitas plan they wont die

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