Rangrasiya 21st January 2014 Written Update

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Rangrasiya 21st January 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Rangrasiya 21st January 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Rudra comes back at headquarter and ask is there any gaurd preaent for girl. Soldier doesnt answer. Rudra runs towards her cell. In cell, some soldier gives water to paro, rudra comes and says you? rudra falls on ground unconscious, other soldier goes out, paro is thinking something. soldier comes back with other soldiers to take rudra to hospital and sees paro pointing gun at rudra. He says rudra is not the killer, lower your gun, paro remembers varun’s death and says he is, He killed them all. Soldier says you will not get them back by killing him, paro lowers her gun and points gun at her head. Soldier says its a sin to kill yourself and how you will prove yourself right if you finishes yourself, paro throws gun and bullet fires, she gets afraid and cries. Rudra gets consciousness and soldiers take him away.
In hospital, doctor is checking rudra, rudra catches him but aman says he is doctor, rudra stops and ask where is that girl. Doctor says your injury is severe as you were stabbed by knife, he says you have to take complete bed rest for three days.

Scene 2
Doctor comes to paro and says you have some weakness dont worry you will be alright, rudra here insists to check the girl and says its not save for her to be here. Doctor fills the injection and looks evilly at paro. He gets flashback that how thakur’s man had ask him to kill the girl if she is taken to hospital. Here rudra ask aman to shift that girl to my room, she is important for us. Doctor is about to inject in drip but aman comes, doctor hides the injection, aman says rudra has called you, they go out.

Scene 3
Soldier comes to rudra but rudra turns his face, Soldier says how much time, rudra says 15 years, he says yes how you used to ask me chacha when will i get the mustache. He says i was on holiday when cameback i was posted here. He ask how is your father, rudra fumes, chacha says he will not take my phone, please dial his number i want to talk to him. Rudra shouts that i am your senior and dont you the manners how to talk to senior, one more thing i have seen you giving water to one of my suspect, let me clear you should not be seen around her, sympathizing with her, stay away from her and me too. Chacha leaves the room and sadly looks at rudra.

Scene 4
Doctor sees paro in rudra’s room and comes in. Doctor shouts whats all this, how you can shift her without my permission, its not safe for her. Rudra ask aman did you 2nd work? doctor as what 2nd work? rudra says i have discarded her name from list of patients admitted here. Doctor says its not your battle field its hospital. rudra says its dangerous then that as you dont know from where bullet will come unlike battlefield. He ask doctor to do his work while he will rake control of her safety. He says from today you will tell me 1st waht medicine you will be giving her. Doctor says as you wish, he puts medicines on table and says these are antibiotics for you, take them you will feel better. he comes out and smirks that after these medicine you will sleep peacefully.

Scene 5
Aman leaves the hospital, rudra looks at pro. Paro in her sleep remembers her parents death, she feels uneasy. Rudra feels the pain and is about to take the medicine but suddenly paro shouts nO, dont do that, dont put wood planks on parents, mami please let me go, they will be burnt. Rudra comes to see her, paro is in fit of rage. Rudra puts hand behind her head, he lies on her bed and puts on leg on her to stop her from panicking, paro holds rudra’s rudraksh mala and Rudra says calm down, paro calms down.

Precap- Doctor is about to give injection to paro but rudra catches him, doctor runs away and rudra runs behind.

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  1. ayra
    January 22, 12:36 Reply

    Hey.. everyone..sorry couldnt come have my tests.. soo cant come regularly…

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