Rangrasiya 9th September 2014 Written Update

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Rangrasiya 9th September 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Rangrasiya 9th September 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
mohini and shtabdi comes back home after competition, shtabdi has win the competition, mohini scolds sumer that he gave her wrong recipe, shtabdi says my pickle was good, I knew that you would do something inappriopertiate and sumer will rob recipe for you so I allowed him to steal wrong recipe and you lost the compitition, they listen to the child crying and goes inside, maayra is with dhruv, rohit comes and ask what are you doing? you sleep with this kid, you take care of him, you made Maithili adopt the child, you are involving in personal matters of family, maayra listens mohini shouting and says oh god, kaki has come, we have to talk to her, she goes down stairs while rohit is frustrated. rudra tries to talk with mohini but mohini says I am not blind, I went out of house and this childless lady became mother of child, mohini is fuming seeing the child, she scolds Maithili that I told you that don’t adopt any child, don’t know whose dirt(baby) have you brought in house, samrat says don’t say this, maayra says we know everything about the child, she was found outside mandir and is healthy, mohini says ok, go and throw her back to mandir, don’t know who is her mother, rudra says the one who is mother of this child must be like you who is herself a women but cant accept a baby girl, Maithili ask all to calm down, she says to mohini that look at this baby once, she is so innocent, just give blessing, mohini says I cant touch her, she is not my blood, rudra says enough, mohini says yes enough, she says to Maithili that why don’t you understand that you cant be mother, you know why you cant be mother? because god knows you are not liable to be a good mother, you don’t deserve a child, you cant be a good mother, Maithili says in 12 years, I served you a lot, I served this house day and night, you also know that I am a good daughter in law and a good wife so why cant I be a good mother? samrat will also be a good father, please don’t use such cheap words for my child, sumer says please stop it maasa, look at baby, she is soo cute, shtabdi says look at her, her eyes are like samrat and face like Maithili, please accept her, mohini says no, I cant accept this child, this house is mine and I wont allow this child in my house, rudra says this house is mine too and I.. samrat says to rudra that don’t say anything now, samrat says if you don’t accept our decision then we will leave this house, all are shocked, rudra and maayra are tensed. maayra tries to stop smarat but rohit holds her hand, Maithili and samrat leaves from there, all are sad, mohini says good, the storm has gone, you all saw the drama in free, now go back to your rooms, maayra says 1 minute, how can you do this? didn’t you see the child once? or you don’t have heart? mohini says yes, I don’t have it, she leaves, rudra says I have seen Maithili craving for child for many years and today I saw happiness of being a mother in her eyes, he thankfully looks at maayra, maayra leaves, rohit notices rudra emotionally looking at maayra.

Scene 2
maayra talks to rohit, she says how can be someone so selfish, rohit says I cant believe you are involving in all this, mohini is not your kaki and that Maithili is not your sister and what you have to do with a baby, maayra says its rudra whom I.. she stops and says rudra saved my life, this family gave me love and happiness and I am emotionally attached to them, cant I? rohit says you can, maayra says I have head ache, rohit gives her balm and closes the door.
danveer scolds mohini that you don’t have heart, don’t know how is samrat and my daughter like Maithili, mohini says they must be on some trash with that dirty girl, danveer says stop it, mohini says when they love that dirty more than this house then let them go, danveer says samrat and Maithili have left the house, soon sumer and shtabdi will leave too then you will be left alone in this haveli, there will be no one after your death to pray for your soul, mohini says stop it.
rohit comes to rudra, rudra ask is maayra fine? rohit smiles, he sit with rudra, rohit says maayra thrown me out of room so I came here, rudra says you must have not come here to casually talk to me so whats the point of coming? rohit says oh you can read the eyes too? new talent, rudra says its bsd training, rohit says I don’t know what has happened to maayra, old maayra would not involve herself in pity matters like this, rudra says but as much as I know her, maayra is like this only, always helping others, always caring for others happiness, always smiling and spreading joy around, rohit says you are telling that you know her better in 20days while I know her for 20years, rudra says for knowing someone 20years are not needed, you can know someone closely in 20days too, rohit says this means there is some relation with her, rudra says yes, you are her fiancé, rohit says to rudra that I am talking about you, that you must have some relation with maayra. rudra shockingly looks at him. rudra says I will go and see dhruv, rohit stops him and ask do I have to worry for anything? rudra says you are going to marry that mad girl so there are worries for you, rohit smiles, rohit says I am talking about your worries, I mean are you in love with maayra? rudra says if I were in your place and I would know that someone is in love with my fiancé then I would have killed him, you are calmly asking me all this as you yourself are not sure about your question, rudra comes out of room and is tensed, rohit says this was not answer of my question, rudra recalls rohit’s conversation and his moments with maayra, maayra comes there and bumps with rudra, she says sorry, rudra angrily holds her, rudra says to maayra that cant you see, maayra says I said sorry, rohit sees all this, rudra shouts that I told you to be away from me but you always come closer to me by this or that way, I am telling you to maintain distance, maayra is frustrated and leaves from there while rudra is tensed for hurting her. rohit observes all this.

PRECAP- Maithili and samrat with their child comes to house, maayra says to mohini that this house is solely of rudra pratap ranawat now and he will decide that whether this family(samrat’s) will live here or not. she gives content smile to mohini, mohini fumes..

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  1. dil
    September 09, 14:08 Reply

    i am also every day wach dr,

  2. karkuzhali
    September 09, 14:07 Reply

    Aama priya…. Hindi la pathuttu tamil pakka konjam sappu nu iruku…..

    • priya
      September 09, 14:06

      me to dear

    • aliyah
      September 09, 14:08

      i also like ipkknd becuz of the dialogs,but r they also good in tamil??

  3. karkuzhali
    September 09, 14:04 Reply

    Ya priya dubbing s bad…. They should ve done dubbing in some better way…

    • priya
      September 09, 14:05

      me to feel that dear especially arnav character

    • dil
      September 09, 14:06

      ya voice bad dr, hindi awsome

  4. dil
    September 09, 14:02 Reply

    karkuz u wach idthu kadhala dr

  5. karkuzhali
    September 09, 14:02 Reply

    “rudra recalls rohit’s conversation and his moments with maayra”
    Ashish’s reactions at this situation was awesome 🙂

    • dil
      September 09, 14:04

      u tell right dr, awsome dr, look like dr

    • priya
      September 09, 14:04

      s dear expression king


  7. karkuzhali
    September 09, 14:00 Reply

    dil even i feel very very very bad its gonna end 🙁

  8. dil
    September 09, 13:58 Reply

    thanks anu dr

  9. karkuzhali
    September 09, 13:58 Reply

    Oh wow thats great:) I m watching IPKKND in tamil now & i m loving it 🙂

    • priya
      September 09, 14:01

      but difference is more & more between hindi & tamil (IPKKND)

    • aliyah
      September 09, 14:06

      good,but i dont understand tamil only hindi.is it the same?

    • dil
      September 09, 14:17

      i am no unterstend hindi dr

  10. dil
    September 09, 13:57 Reply

    aliyah hai dr

    • aliyah
      September 09, 14:01

      hi dil,how r u??

  11. dil
    September 09, 13:56 Reply

    rr day by day episode simply super but going to end rr, i am feeling bad dr

  12. karkuzhali
    September 09, 13:55 Reply

    Thank u Anu….. But i cnt clearly understand what u r saying….

  13. karkuzhali
    September 09, 13:54 Reply

    Priya inji thinna korangu 😀 😀 😀 Wow super super that s how her reaction vil be 😀 😉 😛

  14. dil
    September 09, 13:51 Reply

    i am fine priya dr, how r u dr, today 8o clock why u not come dr

    • priya
      September 09, 13:54

      sorry dil really don’t dear

  15. karkuzhali
    September 09, 13:51 Reply

    Ya aliyah i m from India. Tamil nadu….. My fav shows r Rangrasiya, Iss pyar ko kya naam doon?, ek hazaaron mein meri behna hai….

    • aliyah
      September 09, 13:55

      ooh nice! i love the same shows
      i love arnav khushi very very very much
      every day i watch them.

  16. $ Anu $
    September 09, 13:50 Reply

    hiii all…. i am here only bcos i am sad bcos fans of rangrasiya is really feeling bad…

    bt guys …..
    i have to tell u all….
    pls dont expect anything with this…..

    i am ready to do whatever i can just for u…. even if i dont like this show

    • priya
      September 09, 13:53

      thank u

  17. dil
    September 09, 13:49 Reply

    to day episode simply super dr

  18. dil
    September 09, 13:47 Reply

    how r u friends

    • priya
      September 09, 13:49

      hi dil fine dear h r u?

  19. dil
    September 09, 13:46 Reply

    i am come dr karukuz

  20. karkuzhali
    September 09, 13:45 Reply

    S Priya…. Want to see kaki’s face reaction 🙂 Its gonna be superb 🙂

    • priya
      September 09, 13:48

      s kar remember that iingi thina korangu

  21. dil
    September 09, 13:44 Reply

    hai priya jass maythili karukuz dharshin niveti

  22. karkuzhali
    September 09, 13:40 Reply

    Nive where have u gone? Where s dil & Sharaum?

    • priya
      September 09, 13:43

      where r u guys?

    • aliyah
      September 09, 13:44

      r u in india karkuzhali??
      and witch r ur fav. shows??

  23. priya
    September 09, 13:39 Reply

    eagerly waiting for tomorrow epi because rudra & myrah(paro) cut kaki’s nose hahahahaha

  24. priya
    September 09, 13:34 Reply

    s kar sumer changed a lot because of Shatabti & koyal
    now itself mohini can’t change her devil character

  25. karkuzhali
    September 09, 13:30 Reply

    I felt very happy seeing Sumer & Shatabti on Maithili’s side…. This kaki s sure a devil…..

    • aliyah
      September 09, 13:34

      hi friends, hi karkuzhali im sorry i didnt saw ur message.
      im aliyah from suriname,south america.how r u guys??

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