Razia Sultan 13th April 2015 Written Update

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Razia Sultan 13th April 2015 Written Update by H_Hasan

Razia Sultan 13th April 2015 Written Episode

The episode starts with Uzma asking Khwacha why did not he send soldiers to Delhi to bring back Raziya. He says he has very few soldiers and cannot send them out. Razia is a very brave girl and knows to protect herself. Razia is seen getting afraid of a beggar.

Prostitute Turkan enjoys fruits and scolds servants for not serving her well in her usual ugly style. A messenger of Khawcha comes and requests to meet sultan Altamash. Turkan speaks to him. He gives Qutub’s message of Razia missing and heading towards Delhi.

Razia escapes from beggar’s clutch and starts searching horses again with Chanda.

Prostitute tells messenger that she does not want him to be killed. He asks what does she mean. She says sultan Khwacha killed raja Markand, so altamash will not spare him. Messenger gets afraid and says he has to submit the message at any cost to altamash. She says altamash is sharpening his sword at this time and he can meet him. He gets afraid, gives letter to her and leaves. She changes message.

Altamash is busy sharpening his sword. Ruknuddin tells he can go to war while he takes care of kingdom, says he has already stopped giving groceries to people. Altamash gets irked and says, grocery is peopl’s right and he cannot stop it. Turkan says he has given silver coins to them and they will buy grocery from market.

He warns him to take care of his kingdom people well though. Turkan says her one son ruknuddin is busy in taking care of his sultanat and his another son has sent a message. Altamash gets happy and asks her to read it. She says she does not want to intefere between father and son, so he himself should read it. Sultan reads it and gets angry seeing a hatred message (which prostitute has changed). He says he will wage war on Nasir soon and will kill him for traiting the country.

Razia and Chanda see their horses with some troupe. They think they are theieves, so before they notice they should take their horses and leave fast. They free their horses and are about to leave when they see some imprisoned children in cage. Razia thinks she should free these children instead of letting them die. Chanda says they should leave, else they will be caught. Razia goes and frees children, but is trapped by thieves. She asks if it is sin to free innocent children. Boss says it is and he will punish her for it and starts laughing. Razia and chanda get afraid seeing men moving towards them.

Precap: Ruknuddin asks turkan why is she sending a short man to kill Razia. A girl requests Altamash to rescue her savior. He tosses coin and says if he gets heads he will save savior, else he will move ahead. Razia is about beheaded when Althunia rescues her..

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