Rishton Ka Manjha 28th December 2021 Written Update

Rishton Ka Manjha 28th December 2021 Written Update by Atiba

Rishton Ka Manjha 28th December 2021 Written Episode

Scene 1
Diya screams for help. she says who are you all? Tina comes and says no one will come to save you here. No one can hear you. Diya is shocked. Diya says you got me kidnapped. You stooped so low. we thought you changed and you repent what you did. It was all a drama. You stooped so long. The match must have started let me go. Tina says relax, don’t should. She says bring water for madam. Tina says I will take care of you in Arjun’s absence. See it’s so peaceful here. Have water, I will answer all your questions. Diya throws it and says le tme go. Tina shoves her. Tina says don’t do all this. You can’t go anywhere. There are so many people here to serve you. Diya says you are disgusting. tina says they tied your hands but I told them not to. You have to workout. Diya says why are you doing all this? For Arjun? She says so you and badminton get out of Arjun’s life. Diya says before he comes here, let me go. I won’t tell anyone. Everyone must be waiting for me. It’s my match.

Tina says no one is waiting for you. You’ve lost the match already. Diya says it was a no show. I can replay it. Please let me go. Arjun will be really hurt. Please let me go. Tina says you played the match. Let me show you. She shows her Pihu’s video. Diya is shocked. She says this isn’t me? Who is this? I am here. Tina says it’s you. Diya says who is she? Tina says my trump card.

Scene 2
Pihu comes in the house and says what a big house. I got a lottery. She acts like Diya. Tina says she is a good actress like you. She will be DIya now. No one missed you. They all saw you losing. When you lost Arjun felt you did it intentionally. Arjun was so hurt. He said a lot of things to diya but he didn’t know it was Diya.

Pihu says maa I lost trophy and Arjun’s trust. He is really mad at me. Depika says but you played like you never practiced. I have seen you playing with Arjun. You were so good. What happened today? Madhuri says it’s part of the game. She was tired in the camp. It’s done. Dadi says she tried. Arjun says she didn’t even try. He’s drunk. Everyone is shocked to see Arjun like that Arjun. Arjun says she’s a liar. She didn’t even try. She knew she will lose. Pihu says in he looks like an angry man. I hope he doesn’t kill me.

Tina says Arjun saw Diya breaking his dream. He will go back on his old road. He will get drunk and have my shoulder. Diya shouts Tina.. Tina says you snatched my happiness by taking Arjun from me. Stay here for 7 days. Pihu will do everything you won’t. She will steal things, make everyone hate Diya. Diya is shocked. Tina says Arjun will think you fooled him. Lied to him. Betrayed him.

Scene 3
Arjun comes towards Pihu. Amitabh says it’s just a game. Talk to her when you are in your senses. You didn’t lose? It’s just a game. It happens. Arjun laughs. Pihu says is he crazy?

Tina says you can’t prove it wasn’t you. No one will trust you. At least Arjun. Diya says I will talk to Arjun. He will trust me. Please stop all this and let me go. Arjun will destroy everything. Arjun dances around the house and sings how a girl wanted to be queen of the castles. Amitabh says the one who never considered Diya member of this family now considers him DIL. You won his heart, what a DIL. I felt so bad when you used to say hurtful things to her. I thought it must hurt her self respect but now I realize Diya never had self respect. You thought why play this match and all. You are part of this big house. DIL. Everyone liked you drama so you thought you should change that drama in a reality. Then you shattered my dreams and crushed them under your feet.

Tina says you still think Arjun would trust you? He left everything for you including me. He hates you now. Day by day I will make sure he hates you more. Bye. Diya cries. She says Arjun that’s not your Diya. Your diya didn’t lose. Please help me God.

Episode ends

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