Rishton Ka Manjha 29th December 2021 Written Update

Rishton Ka Manjha 29th December 2021 Written Update by Atiba

Rishton Ka Manjha 29th December 2021 Written Episode

Scene 1
Arjun keeps drinking. Kush says stop it please. Arjun says this is the only way. Arjun says two days ago you couldn’t tolerate her Mr Agarwal and now you’re defending her. Now you will keep getting big business deals. Madhuri says let’s talk tomorrow. You’re drunk. He says I can see everything. She betrayed me. She removed all the hurdles from his way. One cheater would support another of course. He says see everyone is happy with you. Madhuri says it’s a match what if she lost? Kush says sit and talk to her. Arjun says I know I can’t walk and I am drunk. But I can see clearly. This is nothing. When I saw her playing the match I couldn’t feel land beneath my feet. The girl I stood for, she betrayed me. She said she will play for me and herself. She will take revenge of injustice happened to me. You said you will get me out of the drug case. What did you get? What do you want? Money? You sold yourself for all of this.

Pihu says that’s not the truth. Arjun says shut up. Kush says she lost, it was not her day. Why are you blaming her. Dadi says she played. Arjun says the one who plays and loses is bigger than the one who wins. He’s a fighter. But this girl is neither a player or fighter. She’s a drama. There’s green behind this innocent face. I couldn’t trust either but she did a deal to lose this match. Pihu says in heart what is he going to do to me? Depika says what do you mean? Arjun says she made a deal she will take me away from badminton by losing. Why did you say you will fight with Arjun? Pihu says I tried. Why would I lie? Arjun shouts don’t lie.

Madhuri says she’s your wife. Amitabh says he knows no limits. Take him to his room Kush. Arjun says I am in senses who is mine and who’s not I can read the faces in this house. I am ethics and I am honest unlike your DIL. She’s poisonous. SHe’s a snake.

Scene 2
Tina calls Niharika and says Diya must have won right? Niharika syas no she lost. Arjun is doing big drama. Arjun says you all must be thinking why am I saying all this about dadi and maa’s favorite DIL? You know what am I going to talk about maa. Niharika video calls Tina. She shows her. Arjun plays the video. Arjun says you did this deal maa? She said she tried my foot. She got sold. She tried but just to be a good DIL. For this girl, I fought everyone in the house. Lets end this badminton topic. I got married for badminton. I thought like me you live for badminton. You’re fighting for your parents and your passion. But you are extremely selfish. See your DIL has left badminton. Happy maa? Make her your DIL. Give her money, gold and everything. I’ve no relation with her anymore. Mahduri says Arjun.. Arjun says our relation was based on badminton and it’s over now. You can leave or stay here. You are the DIL fo this house. We are nothing now. Pihu says don’t say this Arjun. Pihu says listen please.

Arjun breaks the rackets. He burns it. Everyone tries to calm him down. Pihu says what if he burns me as well. Arjun says you took 7 rounds and said I am your sky but this sky will be all dark now. I am taking all my promises back. He holds her hand adn takes rounds in reverse. Madhuri says stop it Arjun. He says it’s over.

Episode ends

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