Ruk Jana Nahin 17th July 2012 Written Update

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Ruk Jana Nahin 17th July 2012 Written Update by lashy

The process of vote-count is ongoing
Announcements of each phase are being made by professor Satyajit as the results come in

2nd Phase
Sanchi 100
Indu Singh 160
Indu is elated. He revels in the happiness of hearing his group members chanting his name victoriously. On the other hand, Sanchi is worried – she turns to her father for encouragement, who in turn smiles back warmly in order to calm her nerves.

3rd Phase
Sanchi 180
Indu 300
Munching on his paan, Indu has a look of pride on his face. Darting a confident glimpse in the direction of Sanchi, he watches her squirming at the announcements.

4th Phase
Sanchi 400
Indu 700
Indu closes his eyes – he seemed to love what he was hearing. Taking in the good news, he then flashes Sanchi a smile.
At this point of time, the daring girl gradually begins accepting the fact that her defeat appeared imminent. With the difference in their vote counts being so high, she confides her fears to her father, stating that defeat was certain. On the contrary, an optimistic Tarachand lends his daughter a few wise words of wisdom. Advising her that she shouldn’t concede defeat till the final announcement had actually been made, he reminds her that there were still two more rounds to go.
When the fretting Sanchi turns to Indu to gauge his reactions, he only returns her stares with a haughty grin.

After the 5th and 6th rounds of counting had been done, the declaration of those results are also made
Sanchi 700
Indu 800
Hearing an unexpected comeback in her numbers, Sanchi breaks out into a relieved smile. The mystical Indu appears perplexed by the narrowing differences, but does not depict any reaction beyond a frown. On the other hand, Sadanand becomes bewildered by the latest turn of events and muses on how this result could have come to be despite the switching of with the ballot boxes. Noticing his uncle’s anxiousness, a composed Indu signals towards him, trying to pacify his fears.

Ultimately, Janardhan steps forth with the final announcements. What was startling was that the difference between the person who’d won the post and the person who did not was a measely 13 votes. While both Sanchi and Indu become profoundly tensed by the information, we viewers are forced to watch the unnerving events from the edge of our seats!
Guddu and Mehek mutter a prayer.
Sanchi closes her eyes, Indu winces in anticipation.
The winning candidate is Sanchi Mathur
The girl breaks out into a wide beam! Indu shuts his eyes in defeat.
We get to hear the entire tell-tale RJN tune play as Sanchi jumps in joy and hugs her father, Mehek and all her friends around her. The girls garland the victorious girl and celebrate like there was no tomorrow.

The pained Indu had little choice but to watch his rival being garlanded and worshipped like he would have liked to have been. Standing with his head bowed down he tries taking in the aftermath of the difficult news. Brushing his hand through his hair, the dazed young man grits his teeth in frustration – he did not want his wife to lose, but he wanted to win too!
While the unaware lone man stands in the midst of the commotion, trying to come to terms with reality; Sanchi studies his reactions from a distance.
Temporarily breaking away from her crowd, the garlanded girl walks up to him and taunts him about her conquest ‘You tried a lot of ploys so I shouldn’t win this election…now,
how sorry that you couldn’t stop your defeat…’ while he does not express any resentment at her statements, Sanchi questions him wryly ‘Why…wouldn’t you congratulate me on my victory…’
Hearing her reminder, the gallant young man regroups himself and breaks out into the slightest hint of a diplomatic smile. Bringing out his hand from his pocket, he offers her his hand thoughtfully ‘Congratulations on your victory’
Though offering her hand back for courtesy, by this point, Sanchi had managed to lose her arrogant grin. Not knowing how to respond to the situation, she stares back at him with puzzled frowns. She’d probably expected Indu to spew a few venomous dialogues and instead he’d accepted this beating so graciously. However, before anything else could be made of the situation Sanchi is dragged back by her friends in order to pursue with their gaiety.

Aftermath – the revelry
Sadanand is shocked by the results and approaches Indu for an explanation. The sportive young man only smiles to himself. He recollects what he’d done to help Sanchi win the elections. Indu had managed to retreive one of the dumped boxes from the dustbin. However, he hadn’t been able to locate the other missing box. Hence, to compensate for it, he tries getting rid of a box that had all of his votes in it. However, While doing so, he is caught by Janardhan. It comes as little surprise that the professor initially suspects Indu Singh of foul play. Nevertheless, Indu then calmly explains the entire situation to Janardhan and how he had no intention of winning the elections through deception.
He even opens the ballot box he was about to take out and shows the professor that all votes in that box depicted his symbol.
He reiterates the fact that his only intention was that the game should be played fairly and that he did not want to win the elections unjustly (Indu stop being so good…when you were bad, we had a tough time being on Sanchi’s side and now if you’re going to turn so gentlemanly…there’ll be none left to root for Sanchi!)

Having updated his uncle and friends on what he’d done, Sadanand is irate. The lawyer questions Indu as to why he’d committed such a deed that would cause his own downfall. Letting out a slight dauntless smile, the chivalrous Indu explains ‘I thought that it would better if dishonesty didn’t win and if truthfulness prevailed’ he pauses somberly ‘I only wanted there to be no favouring in these elections..after all it is ‘elections’ – one has to lose one has to win..’ Indu nods his head, as though concurring with his own thoughts.
‘When the time for one’s downfall comes, the mind indeed acts strangely…and this is what is happening to you…’ Sadanand scolds Indu ‘Sanchi will keep rebuking you…she’ll keep abusing your soul…now pay for it…’
Though knowing it was the truth, Indu does not heed any of his uncle’s words. His lips are sealed, but his face mirrors the turmoil going on inside him. Instead of considering this his loss, he chose to see it as Sanchi’s win. He knew he would get nothing out of it, and yet he did it for her!

‘You should not have done this…’ his friends whine, shaking him out of his reverie ‘You should have at least let us know’
staring at their leader, the friends look downcast and disappointed, as they wait for an explanation. However, the whelmed young man does not face his friends. Tears clouding his hazel eyes, Indu stares into oblivion – almost as though he was unable to explain why he’d done what he had done!
(This is the ‘let go’ redemption track we were talking about girls)

Indulging in the fireworks, cries of victory, flowery garlands and joyous celebrations Sanchi’s face glows like never before – she cannot contain her excitement at the fact that she’d won the elections. Sanchi takes the blessings of her father.
Standing a few feet away, a quiet Indu takes in the sights around him – sights of his enemy’s conquest – the sights of his collapse. His silhouette becomes increasingly blurred by the smoke of the rampant fireworks, before the group of boys decide to exit the university grounds.

Enjoying the fanfare and merry-making, Sanchi leads the procession that makes the way from her university to her home.
Witnessing the girls’ parading through their streets, Sadanand, Radha, Veena, Sushil, the ladies of the mohalla – none of the audience are happy – apart from Anita, of course!
‘The first girl who you’d fine danching at the defeat of her husband!’ states a miffed lady.

Sadanand’s blood boils at watching how his staunch enemy Sanchi was now a victor. Unable to contain his rage any more, the men grab two large poles and rush out to avenge what they thought was an insult to them. Disrupting the celebrations, Sadanand orders all the party members to disperse and to stop the clamour instantly. However, both Tarachand and Sanchi put up stiff resistance.
While tarachand orders the drummers to continue their beats, Sanchi retorts back ‘Why? Can’t bear the thought of your nephew’s collapse? When you used to enjoy at the expense of our devastation, we never retaliated!’ Veena tries sushing Sanchi down, but the defiant girl continues nevertheless
An enraged Sadanand warns her publicly – even going to the extent of threatening to murder her!
Hearing his words, Tarachand becomes furious and endeavours to intimidate the lawyer in return. However, Sadanad admonishes the man, passing snide comments about the father’s disability. Veena fears the repercussions of the escalating brawl and tries dragging her family away but is only able to get her hands on Sanchi.
Watching the clash of egos, a few boys from the university try defending their president’s honour and start picking up a fight with Sadanand and Sushil. Soon after, we find the entire street turn into a battleground. People are mercilessly hitting one another and strangely enough, the lean Sadanand does put up quite tough resistance for a while.
However, the lawyer is eventually no match for a few rough college students and caves under the pressure.
Its then that Indu and his group come traipsing into the colony. Shocked to discover his uncle being forcefully restrained by the university students, Indu mutters aloud ‘Now, Why is mamaji being tortured?’ (I had to laugh at this comment lol)
Wasting no time, the boys jump to Sadanand’s rescue and the war becomes more evenly balanced on both sides now.

Taking advantage of the fact that he now had his nephew by his side, Sadanand grabs the pole and runs forth to attack Tarachand. However, Indu catches his uncle in the act and leaps to Sanchi’s father’s defence just in time. Pushing Tarachand away to shield him, Indu brings his arm forward and stops the lawyer’s attack in an instant.
Unfortunately for Indu, due to the forceful manner with which he’d attempted to protect Tarachand, the old man ends up banging his head against an electric meter. Bleeding and hurt, the father falls down unconscious.
Instantly twisting the situation in his favour, Sadanand puts up an act that makes it appear like Indu had come to Sadanand’s aid and helped thwart Tarachand. The young rogue who’d meant well was now cornered for yet another crime committed by his uncle.
Like all others present there, Sanchi misunderstands the situation too – thinking it was Indu who’d actually attacked her father, when in reality all he was doing was trying to save him.
Walking up to him the indignant girl raises her hand and gives the helpless ruffian a hard slap – for everyone to see. Indu becomes enraged by her reaction.

Precap: Tarachand tells his daughter that Indu Singh is a chameleon and that he could change his colours whenever he wanted to.
‘He will keep trying to treat you like this and take you for granted till you legally remain a wife to him… we need to get this done with and the only way possible is through a divorce’
Sanchi looks on worried!

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