Saam Daam Dand Bhed 11th April 2018 Written Update

Saam Daam Dand Bhed 11th April 2018 Written Update by MA

Saam Daam Dand Bhed 11th April 2018 Written Episode

Bulbul feels dizzy and falls. Vasu holds her and asks if she is fine. Gayatri yells she is acting. Sadhna says Bulbul did not eat anything since Vijay was arrested. Vasu requests Bulbul to drink at least water. Bulbul says she will be fine after a bath and asks if she does not want Vijay to be free. Vasu says yes. Bulbul asks to trust her then and walks to her room. Vasu tells Sadhna that if Bulbul is so confident, Vijay is innocent. Sadhna says she will be most happy if Vijay is innocent, but she wants to punish Prabhath’s murderers also.

Mandira thinks how to get proof from Ananth. Ananth walks in with juice. She asks if he is fine. He says yes. She says Bulbul came to seek her help, but she sent her back as Vijay hurt Ananth and she will also not forgive him. She

sees key in Ananth’s neck and thinks what it must be. She drops juice on his clothes and silently takes key and chain in lieu of cleaning. Ananth returns and snatches key. Mandira asks what kind of key is this. He says it is none of her business.
Bulbul in her room reminsces Vijay sugggesting no to trust Mandira at any cost. She gets Bulbul’s message. Vasu walks with rose water and says Bulbul cannot drink water, but can feel its coolness at least. She encourages Bulbul not to lose hope. They reach Keshav’s office. Mandira calls Bulbul and informs her about key in Ananth’s neck. Bulbul asks to get it somehow. Mandira says she will meet her in lieu of going to doctor’s clinic. Ananth says Mandira she cannot go out as he has called doctor here. Bulbul gets worried how to call Mandira out. Keshav laughs. Vasu asks what happened to him. Bulbul says he laughs when he gets an idea. Keshav tells his idea and asks if it is world class.

Ananth guards Bulbul. Smoke emerges in his house. Tejaswini walks in coughing. He takes Mandira and Tejaswini out. Bulbul takes Mandira aside and asks if she got key. She says no as Ananth is guarding it safely and she does not know where the locker is, if she can come tonight at CM house’s party, she can get key from Ananth. Ananth gets suspicious and walks towards Mandira. Bulbul escapes. Tejaswini says looks like someone added loban oodh and created this smoke. Ananth rushes towards door. Bulbul runs with Keshav on road trying to hide from Ananth and she falls down. Keshav stops taxi and takes her near CM house. Bulbul says how will she enter CM house. Keshav gets an idea and laughs. Bulbul says when culprits are busy partying, she will steal key from Ananth.

Precap: Bulbul dances around Ananth during party singing parde me rahne do song and tries to remove his key.

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