Saam Daam Dand Bhed 16th February 2018 Written Update

Saam Daam Dand Bhed 16th February 2018 Written Update by MA

Saam Daam Dand Bhed 16th February 2018 Written Episode

Bulbul continues confronting Mandira and says nothing happening without god’s permission, whatever Mandira tries, she cannot get back Vijay. Mandira says she has stooped Bulbul so low in Vijay and his family’s eyes that she cannot get up again in life. Bulbul says Mandira is Vijay’s past and she is Vijay’s present, she will protect her husband from Mandira and gain back his trust. Mandira walks out fuming.

Sadhna searches Vasu and finds her, sees her clothes wet and asks hat happened. Vasu says nothing important. They both join maha aarti. Mandira goes and stands next to Vijay for maha aarti. Ananth comes and stands next to her. Vijay holds aarti fire. Panditji asks him to call his wife for aarti. Bulbul says she is here and joins Vijay, says she got
distracted by someone for sometime, looking at Mandira, but she is back to her place. She performs aarti with Vijay. Everyone enjoy maha aarti. After aarti finishes, Bulbul thinks of informing Vijay about Mandira’s heinous act and stops him, but party workers tell Vijay they have to go to party office right now. Vijay leaves with them.

Bulbul then walks to family, but Gayatri stops her and yells who is she. Bulbul says she will explain them everything at home. Gayatri yells do not try to come back home. Bulbul says she made many mistakes, but she can explain and tries to walk towards Sadhna, but Gayatri stops her and takes whole family in car. Bulbul stands crying. Mandira comes and taunts her that family will never accept her and she should go back right now. Bulbul says she will not reply her now.

Vijay returns home and misses Bulbul. Bulbul calls him at night, but he looks at her number and does not pick call. Chadariya jeeli re jeeli…song..plays in the background. Next morning, Vijay gets ready for party meeting and misses Bulbul. Sadhna asks him what happened. Vijay says he is going to party office and asks Angad to bring whole family before press meet. Angad says even he is excited to know party candidates’ list. Bulbul waits for Vijay at temple. Vijay reaches temple for pooja.

Precap: Vijay says Bulbul that he hurt her feeling unknowingly, but she hurt his family purposefully, he will never forgive her for that. He leaves while she stands crying.

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