Saath Nibhana Saathiya 11th December 2013 Written Update

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Saath Nibhana Saathiya 11th December 2013 Written Update by NazimKiDewani

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 11th December 2013 Written Episode



Dhawal tried to pacify Kinjal who got mad with him… Kinjal said why he ask her to appologised with Urmi when she was completely right and Urmi stole her nighty why he not asked Urmi appologise with her aswell.. Dhawal said How could he said this to Urmi she is like are mother we wont ask her for that… Kinjal pissed off and sleeps.


Radha wearing Mangalsutra and adoring herself in to mirror, she driven just thought abt Umang gifted her.. then Umang enter in room he caries Radha face and hugged her screctly he steal her Mangalsutra and put it in his pocket… Radha didnt realise it… Umang phone rings Tripti called him but he cut the call.. Radha ask hows calls is?? He said was just wrong number.. then Tripti send SMS!! ( If immediatedly he wond come down then she will reveal his plan to Radha ) Umang excused with Radha that today is very special night for her so he want to give hera gift, so went out for buying her gift Radha said at this time so he replied yes plz he love to give her gift on such special day and go downstairs.

Umang walking down on stairs mainwhile Koki also comeout frm her room.. and go to in Kitchen.. Tripti waiting Umang in Verandha..Umang gives her Mangalsutra and warn her kept it save… Tripti insist him if he brought it so he himself wear her too.. Umang get pissed off and said She will deffinatly catching them today…


Gopi also come and both Gopi Koki discussing abt Tripti Umang relationship.. later they over hear Tripti voice outta window.. she insist Umsng abt to wearing Mangalsutra to her… both watching them frm Kitchen window… Umang wore Mangalsutra to Tripti.. she hugged him and says she is his real wife not that Radha gawar… she never tolerate this gawar Radha along him either… Gopi & Koki both super shocked to seeing them… Gopi abt to catch them but Koki stopped her by holding frm shoulder…

otherside Radha searching her Mangalsutra in entire room.. she cried for her it.. Radha comes downstairs and yelling for her losted Mangalsutra… Everybody coming out frm their rooms.. Gopi ask her wht happened why she crying??? Radha replied that her Umang gifted Mangalsutra has been lost some where… Umang Trpiti watching her .. Umang said to Tripti gave her Mangalsutra back to Radha before another drama will created here but Tripti completely refused it… Umang comes and asked her why she crying?? she told him too.. Everybody got worried for her Mangalsutra..Koki and Gopi observed both Umang and Tripti face expressions.. Umang comes forward n wiped her tears and loving said forget abt that he dont want such thing who comes wet his wife eyes… Koki sai no but was u gifted to her and also that not good sign if married woman Mangalsutra will go lost… she said we all searching her Mangalsutra till whom not get.. Rashi pissed off and said that she feel very sleepy.. but Koki said her also for searching… everybody start finding her Mangalsutar while Umang asking Tripti give it to Radha but she not agree Koki and Gopi both watching them…then after insist Tripti throw Mangalsutra on floor & Umang pick it up announce he get the Mangsutra… Radha get happy.. she ask him wear it to her by his own hands… Tripti pissing off… and Gopi fumming watching all drama.. Umang abt to wear her but Gopi comes and grab his hand.. she stopped him n said No once this already lost so ge will wear her on any good occasion ( Subha Mahurat ) Radha get mad on Gopi that she never saw her happiness always she comes n ruins them… Radha take Mangalsutra frm Umang n leaves in to has room… everybody also goes in their rooms…

Gopi says to Koki why she stopped her when she going to reveal Umang truth to Radha… Koki replied her.. try to unserstand if she tried to say anything to Radha so she never believe on her… now they tried something like Tripti herself reveal their plan… Gopi understood but she dont want that Radha stay with Umang in one room. Koki again tell her that have patience and do ur work with carefully…


Radha Umang sitted on bed. Radha tell him that she is so happy her Mangalsuter found.. Umang also smiles.. at moment somebody knocked on door. Radha open the door so Gopi standing outside.. she comes inside.. Gopi tell them today Ahem is out of city so she thought if we both sisters are sleep together so that would be awesome.. Radha didnt like the idea so Umang simle slightly… Gopi observed Umang.

Tripti says to Umang that now she getting highly Irriate doing this would be better if he over it soon.. Umang says her once we take over Modi’s property then our game will be over… Tripti get Shocked seeing Koki stand behind Umang..

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