Saath Nibhana Saathiya 18th April 2016 Written Update

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Saath Nibhana Saathiya 18th April 2016 Written Update by MA

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 18th April 2016 Written Episode

After doc informs that they brought dog’s bones instead of human, Kokila tells Gopi and Vidya that Gaura did such a big drama and hid her son. Gopi asks how will they find where Dharam is. Kokila says after falling from terrace, he must have lost a lot of blood and that is why Gaura gave him blood many times. Gopi says they should inform Ahem and others. Kokila says yes. Vidya asks them to go and she will come late.

Vidya calls Shravan and asks him to meet her. He meets her and asks why did she call him here. She says Meera.. He shouts this is too much, she is taking her papa’s murderer’s side again. Kokila and Gopi inform Meera that Dharam is alive. Meera gets happy and asks them to find Dharam soon as she wants to apologize him for hurting him emotionally, thanks god that he is alive, else she would have died in guilt. Gopi shuts her mouth and asks not to think of dying. Meera apologizes her and asks to forgive her. Vidya says she did not call him to talk about Meera. He asks what she wants to talk then. She says truth. He asks what truth. She says papaji is alive. He shockingly asks what.. She shows him dog’s bone and says she got it from papaji’s asthi kalash and she got it checked at a lab, Gaura has planned all this. Shravan shouts to prove Meera innocent, she is alleging Gaura. She gives him bone and asks him to get it tested himself. He shouts her whole family is mad and leaves shouting he does not want to talk to her. Vidya stands sadly.

Constable tells Gopi and Kokila that visiting hours are over. Kokila requests 5 min. Constable says okay and leaves. Kokila asks Meera not to inform anyone about their plan, especially Gaura. Meera says she is relieved that Dharam is alive and asks Gopi to give her bangles and Kokila to give her bindi. They both give bangles and bindi. Meera wears it. Gopi asks if she loves Dharam so much, but.. Meera says she knows Durga is Dharam’s official wife, but she has considered Dharam her husband by heart and soul. She was feeling as if she was dying when Dharam fell from terrace, not to worry now as Dharam is alive, she will do whatever a suhaagan does for her husban’s long life. Gopi nods yes and says she can understand what she feels, but the truth is she does not have any relationship with Dharam. Meera asks what about Radha and Krishna’s relationship. Gopi says just like her and Dharam’s relationship. Kokila says hey krishna bhagwaan..

Doc gives injection to Pari and says she has a lot of weakness and asks if she is dieting. Pari says no. Doc tells Tolu/Molu that she is not eating food on time and asks them to take care of her well. Molu takes doc out. Tolu asks why did not she have food. Pari says Sona did not give her breakfast or lunch and when she ordered food from outside, she spoilt even that. Kinjal says Sona added spices in pizza. Tolu says he cannot belive Sona can do this. Pari says she knew he will not believe her.

Shravan sits on sofa sadly reminiscing Dharam’s love for him. Gaura comes and starts her fake concern that Dharam left them alone to suffer. Shravan shows dog bone and says Vidya told she stole it from Dharam’s asthi kalash and it is dog’s bone and not Dharam. Gaura says let them tell watever they think, he should not bother. He leaves. She throws bone, washes hands and thinks Gopi and Kokila want to prove Dharam is alive, but they cannot as she is mastermind of this game and it will end only with Meera’s death and will sacrifice 2-3 lives more if need be.

Sona comes from shopping. Tolu calls her. She asks if he is so restless to meet her. He asks if she did not give breakfast to mom, Sona says yes but..He asksif she did not give lunch and even spoilt outside food. Sona says yes..but… He says enough.. Hetal asks what happened. Tolu says mom fell unconscious due to weakness and doc told she is very weak. Hetal asks why is she shouting on Sona for simple thing. Tolu says it is not simple thing, he loves his mom a lot and will not tolerate Sona misbehaving with mom. Kokila and Gopi enter and ask what happened. Sona thinks Gopi is already tensed and she should not make her more tensed. She says nothing. Kokila asks why is she crying, if someone scolded her, pointing at Pari. Sona says no..Kokila thinks she is hiding something. Gaura enters just then with dogs and everyone jump on sofa. Kokila asks what rubbish is this.

Precap: Kokila accepts that Dharam is alive and asks Kokila to do whatever she can, nobody can stop Meera from being hanged.

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