Saath Nibhana Saathiya 1st July 2016 Written Update

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 1st July 2016 Written Update by MA

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 1st July 2016 Written Episode

Gopi’s craftswoman dye clothes for patola sari samples and take a break after fixing cooler t o dry them. Kokila goes behind them. Pari with Monica bring dirt and add it in cooler. Dirt sprinkles on drying clothes. Monica sees Gopi and team coming back and hides in cooler. Gopi and team are shocked to see dirt on clothes and get worry how to clean them now. Kokila says let them dry first, then they can clean. Pari calls Monica and asks where is she. She says in cooler.

Gopi sees cooler off and walks to switch it on. Pari rushes and stops her and says they should check if there is dirt in cooler. Gopi goes to bring something. Pari silently gets Monica out. Kokila sees them and says she knew they are up to something, so she showed her fake concern for Gopi’s
work. She asks Monica what was she doing in cooler. She says she bent to check if there is dirt and got stuck in it. Kokila scolds her that she is not the type to get dirt on her body and warns Paria and her to stay away from Gopi hereon. They both walk out angrily.

Dr. Krishna sees whole incident. He goes to kitchen and calls Kokila to come to kitchen silentl. She goes in. He gives her vinegar and salt and says if she rubs them on stains, they will vanish. Kokila thanks him and says he would have come and given himself to Gopi. He says she knows Gopi does not like him and would not have accepted his idea. Kokila goes out and gives vinegar and salt to Gopi and team. Gopi thanks her for this idea. Kokila says she should thank Krishna instead.

Monica cleans herself and says yuck shecould not withstand dirt smell. Pari scolds her and Monica says if she had planned it alone, it would not have failed. Pari says she will not let Gopi succeed.

Vidya waits for Priyal to come from school. Priyal comes and asks what would she like to have. Meera brings cakes and milkshakes. Priyal asks if it is for her maasi. Meera says maa. Priyal yes maa. Meera says yes. Vidya gets sad.

Gopi’s team then prepare patola sari samples. Gopi prays god to help her succeed in her business.

Precap: Gopi wakes up at 4 a.m. to get back to work and sees all her craftswomen sleeping, sees juice glasses and tablet strip nearby, realizes someone mixes sleeping pills in their juice.

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