Saath Nibhana Saathiya 24th May 2016 Written Update

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Saath Nibhana Saathiya 24th May 2016 Written Update by MA

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 24th May 2016 Written Episode

Gopi trying to suicide in bathtub reminisces her and Ahem’s romance. She gets out of her imagination and immerses herself into bathtub. Kokila who is much older now (must be 100 chronologically) rushes holding walking stick and tries to get Gopi out of bathtub, but cannot. She then rushes out calling Jigar, Pari.. Gopi immerses herself back into bathtub.

Kokila rushes to Pari’s room and opens door. Pari and grown up Rashi busy doing yoga and Rashi falls down. Pari scolds Kokila for pushing Rashi. Kokila says Gopi bahu gopi bahu. Pari scolds she is awalys bothered about Gopi and asks her to get out from her room and let them do yoga.

Kokila then runs to Jigar’s study room and he angrily asks what happened. She says Gopi bahu. He angrily calls Pari. She comes and asks what is it Jigs. He shouts they are not kids now and asks why don’t she hire nurse for Gopi. She says many nurses left. He calls doc. Kokila rushes back to Gopi’s room and sees her immersed in water. Her doc comes and picks her up and drops on bed. After a lengthy song his face is introduced repeatedly. Gopi is shown in coma but with open eyes.

Jigar reaches chawl in his car and 2 kids bang his car. He comeso ut and scolds if their father did not teach them manners. They say no. He shouts where is their father. Tolu comes out and asks what happened. Jigar says Modi industries needs him. Tolu says he is not interested. Their argument starts. Jigar shouts he dismisses him from Modi family’s assets.

Doc treats Gopi and asks Kokila to bring towel. She brings towels and he wraps Gopi and dries her.

Precap: Doctor promises Kokila that he will reflourish Gopi’s life.

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