Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2nd September 2013 Written Update

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Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2nd September 2013 Written Update by dipsy80

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2nd September 2013 Written Episode

Gohem room
Gopi is seeing her diamond necklace and wondering why Radha thought that tihs necklace was hers. Ahem clears his throat from behind her and asks if she did not like the necklace. Gopi said that the necklace is very good. Ahem agrees but adds that it’s not as beautiful as her and Gopi hugs him.
Radha enters her room happily thinking about Rashi telling her that the necklace is for her from her lover and she blushes.

Urmi thinks of going to the mall and buy sarees and stay away from MB. She worries when she will leave. Rashi calls her and scolds her for starting a stupid kk. She asks from where she will get Radha’s lover. Urmi scolds back saying she started this inspite of her warning and because of her she got saved. She refuses to help her. Rashi apologizes and asks for help. She pleads for help and Urmi agrees. She suggests telling Radha that her lover cannot meet her today. But Rashi says that Radha is determined in love and she will create a scene at home if she does not meet her so called lover. Urmi suggests that she will get a theatre actor to play her lover. Rashi agrees and disconnects. Radha comes to Rashi and asks her for a saree to wear in the evening. Rashi is annoyed and wonders how to get rid of her. She suggests wearing one of the sarees that she had given earlier but Radha says they are not good enough. She wants the best. Rashi unwillingly takes her to her cupboard and Radha starts removing Rashi’s sarees much to her annoyance. She selects a saree but Rashi says that it is new and even she has not worn it. Radha insists on wearing that saree and takes it with her. She gets down the stairs with the saree and Gopi sees her and calls her. She asks her about the saree and Radha says she will wear it. Gopi asks where she is going but Radha says it’s none of her business and walks away. Gopi wonders why Radha is behaving this way.

Rashi is cribbing that she got into a mess with Radha and wonders what to do. She closes the cupboard door and sees Gopi at the door. Gopi asks if she knows where Radha is going today. Rashi says no and Gopi says she saw Radha with her (Rashi’s) saree so she thought Radha might have told her. Rashi says that she was pestering to go to the park and she agreed to take her. Gopi says that it’s raining so they should not go. Rashi leaves giving the excuse that she will get milk for Tolu Molu.

Urmi tells a theatre actor that he will have to act as someone’s lover and they haggle for money. She thinks that she was lucky she stole Dhawal’s money on Raksha Bandhan or she would have had to shell out her own money for Rashi. She reminds the actor what he has to do and gives him the money unwillingly. She tells him the time and reminds him to go with red rose and wear good clothes.
Radha is walking happily and Hetal sees her from the kitchen. She wonders that Radha is very happy and smiles. Radha goes to the temple and prays that she hopes her lover is just like Ahem jijaji. She leaves the temple and sees Ahem coming down the stairs and is happy. She bumps into Koki while walking and Koki tells her to be careful. Koki is shocked seeing her glowing happy face and Radha walks away smiling. Koki wonders what is going on with Radha.

Urmi reaches her chit fund office and is shocked to see the office locked. She asks someone and he replies that they were frauds and ran away with everyone’s money. She is shocked and worries what she will do if this is true and how will she answer people from whom she took money. She imagines people following her to beat her up.

Koki and Hetal are in the kitchen and Hetal asks her what she is thinking. She is about to say but Gopi enters the kitchen. She asks Gopi to keep a watch on Radha and both Gopi and Hetal are shocked. Gopi asks if Radha made any mistake. Koki tells her what happened and she fears her changed attitude. Hetal also recollects what she saw. Koki warns Gopi that Radha is of an age where changes will happen and she needs to find out the reason for this change. She repeats to Gopi to keep a watch on her.

MB calls out to Urmi and wonders where she went without doing the housework. She opens the door and checks. She asks Kinjal where is Urmi but Kinjal says she does not know. MB thinks she has gone without saying again and thinks she knows.

Gopi comes to Radha’s room. Radha is all decked up wearing the saree. Gopi tells her that she does not want her to go to the park. Radha asks how she knows and Gopi repeats her instruction.Radha replies she is not going alone. Gopi says it’s raining and so she should not go. Radha asks her angrily why she is so jealous and keeps stopping her from doing anything and does not let her live her way. She leaves in anger and sees Rashi at the door. She asks if they can leave and Rashi leaves with her after smiling at Gopi. Gopi is worried.
The theatre actor is happy with the money he has got. He decides to buy liquor and thinks his false lover will wait.
Rashi and Radha are waiting at the park and Rashi says they came early so they will wait. The actor is drunk and walking towards the park and comes in front of Ahem’s moving car. Ahem is shocked and stops his car.

Rashi and Radha see guys walking by and wonder. They spot a guy and think if it’s him but Radha says that he is not holding a rose. Radha is getting agitated that it is very late. Rashi points her to a guy but even he is not holding a rose. Rashi worries why the actor is not here yet.
Ahem helps the guy up and asks if he is ok. The guy is drunk and says his heart is hurt. Ahem thinks that it is not safe to leave him like this and asks if he can take him to hospital. The man insists on going to the park with the rose. Ahem agrees and helps him to the car.
Gopi is trying to call up Rashi but the phone is in Rashi’s room. She worries why Rashi is not picking up the phone and why haven’t they reached home.
Rashi is still worried and wonders how to check with Urmi as she forgot her phone at home.

Radha scolds Rashi that she lied to her again and she has no lover. Rashi says she was not lying and she reminds her that she (Radha) spoke to her lover herself. Radha is about to leave angrily but Rashi holds her hand and stops her. Radha scolds Rashi in the park that there is no secret lover and she lied to her again. She threatens that she will complain to her mother and Koki. Ahem arrives there and the guy gets down the car. Ahem tells him to be careful and sees that the man forgot his rose in the car. Ahem gets off the car and is closing the door and locking his car and Rashi spots him from behind. She points him out to Radha. He is holding a rose. He turns and both are shocked to see Ahem holding the rose. Rashi worries how he came there and Radha exclaims in shock that it’s jijaji!

Radha asks Rashi that this is Ahem! But Rashi disagrees and says that he is not Ahem. She says he is Ahem’s twin brother Swayam!!!

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  1. jazly
    September 03, 07:07 Reply


  2. Yellon
    September 03, 07:02 Reply

    I love rashi n her mom.. They r too funny.. Gopi i so bore.. Cnt stand her

  3. ela levent
    September 03, 01:28 Reply

    why does this radha talk very rudely wit gopi

  4. Sam
    September 02, 17:55 Reply

    I think they expand this show too much and I think it is better to end this show happily!

  5. princess
    September 02, 14:56 Reply

    when does this rashi n urmi’s playing on other people’s life stop .its disgusting to see this show .better stop the show n put something interesting

  6. jojo
    September 02, 10:45 Reply

    🙂 🙁 😉 😛 =-O :-* :O B-) :-$ :-! :-[
    O:-) :'( :-X 😀 o_O :-/ x-( 😐 <3 :-V XD :-Q :-@ :-C :-O

  7. jojo
    September 02, 10:41 Reply

    Rashi is really disgusting……. :-\

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