Saath Nibhana Saathiya 31st August 2016 Written Update

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 31st August 2016 Written Update by MA

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 31st August 2016 Written Episode

Gopi escapes from wardboys and hides herself in room where Mansi’s puppet doctor has planned to hang her. Wardboys push door and enter. Mansi calls puppet doctor and oders to kill Gopi right away and not wait for her. Doctor and her wardboys hang Gopi to a sari rope.

Kokila continues crying. Urmila asks her to have something. Kokila says she will not even drink water until Gopi comes back. Urmila says nobody has gone to bring her. Kokila says her Kanhaji will save Gopi now, it is between kanhaji and evils now.

Gopi is hanged on sari rope. Jaggi enters on stretcher holding cock with his friends dancing on song Superman Salman Ka Fan…..He cuts rope with knife and holds her. He keeps her on stretcher and asks his friends to take Gopi out and fights with wardboys. His jokergiri starts. Wardboy tries to inject him and he injects wardboy instead. Security guards attack him next and he pushes them with stretcher and runs out. He asks his friends to go and inform his mom and he will drop Gopi till then.

Vidya confronts Meera that she troubled her a lot and never shared what she felt, she should share her feelings with her. They both hug each other and reconcile.

Jaggi brings Gopi to Modi bhavan. Jai and Veeru ask him to get in style. They play music and start fan. Jaggi enter dancing. Urmila sees her and calls Kokila that Jaggi brought Gopi. Jaggi takes Gopi to room and drops her on bed. Kokila says he did not want to help her, then how did he change his mind. He says he did not want to, but his mom forced him. He reminisces how his mother emotionally blackmailed him by threatening that she will go to old age home if he does not help Kokila. Kokila thanks him.

Precap: Premila comes with Mansi and Krishna to Modi bhavan calling Gopi. Kokila asks how dare they are to come here and asks to get out. Tolu says they will not let them touch Badi maa.

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