Saath Nibhana Saathiya 4th March 2015 Written Update

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Saath Nibhana Saathiya 4th March 2015 Written Update by MA

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 4th March 2015 Written Episode

Gopi asks Kinjal to go back to her home and take care of her family, says it is her family and she knows how to handle it. She sees her wearing Kokila’s jewelry and says if she thinks she can take Kokila’s place, she is wrong. Kinjal asks how dare she is to say that. Gopi asks her not to shout and says when she cannot hear her son Pappu’s cries, how will she understand anyone’s emotions. She says because of her irresponsibility, Kokila is paying for it and staying in her home instead. She takes oaths that she will bring back Ahem, Meera/Vidya home and get Kokila’s graha pravesh here. She says Ahem had a diary in which he had all his friend and client’s details and asks if it is here. Jigar says it is in Ahem’s room. She leaves towards Ahem’s room.

Gopi goes to her room and thinks everything has changed. Jigar comes in and says nothing has changed, whatever Ahem and she has left is intact and shows photoframe. Gopi says his mistakes cannot be hidden behind photoframe and asks him to go out as she wants to feel Ahem and Meera/Vidya’s presence. Jigar sadly leaves. She sadly hugs Vidya’s sweater, reminisces Meera giving her sweater to Vidya and thinks she is sure Meera would be taking care of Vidya even now. Vidya is seen wrapping veil over Meera instead.

Whole family gather outside Ahem/Gopi’s room and see her hugging photoframe and crying. She says they 3 are reason for her living, she will convince them and bring back home.

Gopi calls all Ahem’s contacts, but does not get any info. She calls Meera/Vidya’s shool, but does not get info even from there. She tries to walk out alone. Hetal asks where is she going. She says she is going to search Ahem, Meera, Vidya. Jigar says he will accompany her. She says she does not need anyone’s help, says it is her challenge and she will complete it alone.

She goes to police station in auto. Jigar follows her. She tells inspector that she wants to file missing complaint of her husband and children. He asks when did she see them last time. She says 10 years and shows their picture. He asks if she has gone insane to search people who went 10 years ago. She says her husband left home after fighting with family. Another officer says that means her husband kidnapped her children. She says her husband loves her children a lot. He says they cannot help her. She says she just wants them to find out their whereabouts, she will get them back. Officer says he can understand her feelings, but legally he cannot help her. Officers discuss when her husband did not come in 10 years why will he come now. Jigar silently hears their conversation hiding. Gopi walks out sadly and goes to Urmila’s chawl, thinking how to find Ahem.

Rashi tries to feed Kokila, but she does not agree. She says if she does not, Urmila will come. Kokila asks if she is trying to frighten her. Rashi says her gopi bahu has come, so she must be not afraid of anyone and if she does not eat, she will complain Gopi/maa. Gopi enters. Rashi asks why did she take such a long time. Jigar also enters. Rashi asks what did she bring for her. He gives her choc. Rashi says he is world’s best kaka. Gopi taunts looking at Jigar that he is really world’s best kaka.

Precap: Jigar informs Gopi that Ahem’s bank account is still active and they can get his address. Gopi tells Kokila that she will bring back her son home.

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