Saath Nibhana Saathiya 6th April 2017 Written Update

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 6th April 2017 Written Update by MA

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 6th April 2017 Written Episode

Modi family gets heavily inebriated after Ricky serves them bhang mixed prasad. Gopi gets tensed. Ricky boasts that he mixed bhang in prasad. Modi family continues their drama and Ricky enjoys. Kokila regrets why Ricky did not get her in his childhood. Sona and Sahir’s romance continues on the other side. Seeta starts cleaning. Urmila says she will drop her in dustbin. Jaggi says she will clean even dustbin then.

Jaggi catches Ricky and says he is a joker and his life is messed up, he should not insult his mother repeatedly, she is fighting with whole world for him. Ricky asks if he loves Gopi so much, then why don’t he express his love. Gopi stands shocked. Ricky then starts taunting Gopi that he slapped her with love. He walks towards his room. Seeta stops her and holds umbrella on him and says it is raining heavily. Family drama continues.

Bhavani gets tensed thinking of upcoming elections and scolds her goons. She imagines Dharam and asks when did he come. Goons laugh. She scolds why are they laugh and realizes Dharam is not present.

In the morning, Gopi wakes up Jaggi and informs what Ricky did yesterday. Seeta goes to home temple and thinks why she is feeling lightheaded. Ricky comes and plays her video. Gopi goes to Kokila’s room and informs her what Ricky did. Ricky enters and says he did a mistake and changes situation in his favor. Kokila thinks she knows Ricky did wrong, but she cannot punish him. She prays god to make Ricky as Ram of this house. Gopi says as a repention, Ricky will go to temple with them fasting and do parikrama. Whole family gets ready for temple . Ricky walks towards kitchen. Gopi locks kitchen door and takes him to temple with whole family.

Precap: Ricky gets tired climbing temple stairs. Gopi telsl he has to do temple’s parikrama. Jaggi shows that he has to walk on his knees around the temple 50 times.

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