Saath Nibhana Saathiya 7th April 2017 Written Update

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 7th April 2017 Written Update by MA

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 7th April 2017 Written Episode

Gopi locks kitchen door and stops Ricky from eating anything. She says he has to fast and do parikrama, until then he cannot eat anything else. Seeta says they can give him fruits and milk. Jaggi asks her to keep silent. Ricky yells if they don’t give food, he will go out and have it. He walks out on streets and tries to buy banana, but does not find money. Seller does not give him bananas and shoos him away. He then sees pani puri stall and gets tempted, then sees dirty plates and gets demotivated. Kokila with family travels in car toward temple and asks what is he doing here. Everyone look at him angrily and leave in cars. Ricky then sees sandwich stall and tries to take a boy’s sandwich. He complains his mother. People gather and trying to catch him thinking as thief. He runs.

Bhavani imagines Dharam massaging her shoulders and gets shy. He asks if he should not. She gets more shy, but then gets out of imagination when her husband asks if her shoulders are paining and if he should make herbal paste for her. She yells at him and sends out.

Ricky reaches temple running away from mob and yells he had to come helplessly. Kokila and family gets happy seeing him. Gopi says he has to do parikrama and repent for his sin. He agrees after a bit of drama. Jaggi shows him how to do parikrama and says he has to kneel down and walk around temple 50 times. Ricky starts parikrama.

Gaura buys jewelry for Divya/Imli and asks Vidya how are they, Divya will look very nice in them. Vidya meets Divya. Divya asks why did she get her in this house. She tells to tackle evil Gaura and Bhavani. Divya says wait and watch what she can do.

Ricky continues doing parikrama and walking around temple on his knees. Gopi gets concerned. Ricky collapses. Family takes him home. Gopi walks to his room at night and seeing him asleep pampers him. A song..plays in the background.

Precap: Gopi tells Ricky that he did a big mistake by breaking a ritual. Ricky laughs. Kokila shouts next that he did a big sin and she will not forgive him for that.

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