Saath Nibhana Saathiya 7th February 2016 Written Update

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Saath Nibhana Saathiya 7th February 2016 Written Update by MA

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 7th February 2016 Written Episode

Gopi tells Meera that she knows that she divorced Dharam for family sake, but truth is she loves Dharam and has accepted him as her husband. Meera stands in a shock. Gopi says she is not in a condition to take decision, so she is taking it on her behalf. From today, she has to stay in her sasural and not remember her maika. Meera cries. Gopi says her sasural is her real house from today and says she is better with Dharam. Gaura says she will not take Meera to her home. Gopi holds Meera’s hand and gives it in Gaura’s hand. Vidya and Urmila are shocked to see that. Gopi then requests Gaura to take her bahu home. Meera pleads not to do this. Gopi takes her hand again and gives it in Gaura’s hand and leaves. She then hides behind pillar and cries vigorously.

Gaura reminisces SMSing Premlatha to send Meera home at any cost and thinks what Premlatha must have done. Gopi cries thinking why did she push her daughter in hell and pleads god for forgiveness.

Gaura calls Premlatha and asks what did she tell chatanki that she left Meera here. Premlatha asks her to have fruit and not count seeds. Gaura says she will give her reward. Premlatha says she will take it anyways and asks to inform if she has any other work.

Gopi comes back home. Hetal asks where is Meera. Gopi says Meera went to her sasural. Ahem asks what did she say. Gopi says Meera loves Dharam, so she suggested her to go back to her sasural. Premlatha asks when she wanted to send Meera, she made her realized that she is wrong, then how can she make mistake now. Ahem asks her to reply. Gopi says Meera’s happiness is with Dharam. Ahem asks how can she push her daughterin hell, what is wrong with her. Gopi reminisces Premlatha’s warning to shut her mouth, else she will lose her maaji and then warning her to send Meera to her sasural permanently. Ahem asks if she has gone mad. Gopi shouts yes she is mad and breaks things and creates drama. Kokila holds her and asks what is this drama. Gopi pushes her and she falls down.

Ahem shouts how dare she is to push mom, what if she would have injured. Gopi falls unconscious. Premlatha shows fake concern and asks Ahem to take Gopi to his room. Jigar calls doc and Ahem takes her to room. Premlatha thinks she got a plan with Gopi’s drama and now she will make whole family dance on her tune.

Gaura with family brings Dharam home and asks him to go and rest in guest room while she gets his room ready. She sends Shravan to bring medicines. Vidya asks Meera to come in. Gaura stops her and says this is her second graha pravesh, she is thinking of slapping with slippers. Vidya shouts baaji. Gaura shouts her mom insulted her son and sent her to jail without a reason. She continues her taunts and says Meera’s family has never accepted her and she is like a rotten fruit to them. Vidya says Meera is Modi family’s pride. Urmila says she is Gopi’s everything. Gaura says Meera’s abshagun for Gopi and so she dumped her, but she has a place for her in this house. She drags Meera towards a room.

Ahem asks Gopi to wake up. Premlatha shows fake concern and asks when will doc come. Ahem asks Gopi again to open her eyes. Premlatha thinks nobody can save Gopi now.

Gaura drags Meera to a suhagraat room decorated with flowers and says she is Dharam’s second wife and this is her real value. Girls who run behind married man deserve insult.

Precap: Ahem gives water to Dharam. She throws it and bites Ahem’s hand.

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