Saavi Ki Savaari 9th September 2022 Written Update

Saavi Ki Savaari 9th September 2022 Written Update by H Hasan

Saavi Ki Savaari 9th September 2022 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Saavi asking Chattriprasad to go on a full speed and rides it. Just then it gets stopped. Saavi gets down from her auto and sees the girl Shikha’s father standing. Saavi tells the guy that whatever he is doing is illegal. He says now the auto driver will tell me, what is right and right. He asks his goons to hold Vishnu. He slaps his daughter. Shikha says it is not vishnu’s mistake, I asked him to elope with him. He tells Vishnu that he has no job and family and dreaming to marry his daughter. Saavi asks him what is he doing and tells that Vishnu loves his daughter a lot and tells that people yearn to get true love, but they don’t get. The guy says now I am sure that you are provoking them. Saavi is shocked. Shikha’s father asks his goons to burn Chattriprasad. Saavi shouts no and cries. The goons hold her hand, while other goons pour kerosene oil on her Chattriprasad. Saavi cries and asks them not to burn her auto. Sad song plays…..Nityam comes in his car and rings the horn. He gets down and asks Shikha’s father to take his cars to side, and do the drama somewhere else. He sees Saavi crying and says you. He says you are always in trouble. The guy says this is my private matter. He asks his men to move the cars and let him go. Nityam says thank you Uncle.

Saavi cries and says Mr. Dalmiya, please stop for them (Vishnu and Shikha), if not for me and says they will kill them. She says the guy’s mistake is that he loved his daughter being jobless. She says if you want to go then go, I don’t have any hopes from you. Nityam sits in his car. Shikha’s father throws match stick on Chattriprasad. Saavi shouts Chattriprasad. Nityam catches the match stick and sets it off, and throws on the floor. The scene is move backwards. Nityam comes to Shikha’s father and says I know that this girl makes so much noise, talks nonsense and irritates in someone’s work, but today she told one thing right, this is 2022 and they are both adults, have chosen each other then why are you becoming deal breaker. He says let them live and says why are you ruining their lives in your old age. Shikha’s father says you are teaching me, how dare you? He says it seems your death is written in my hands. He calls his men. Nityam goes to Saavi’s Chattriprasad and pushes the goons. Shikha’s father throws the match stick at Chattriprasad. Nityam catches it, set it off and throws it on the ground. He beats the goons.

The goons are about to hit Nityam with hockey sticks, when Vishnu holds the hockey sticks and saves Nityam. Nityam fights with the goons and asks Saavi to tell Uncle about him. Saavi tells Shikha’s father that he is Nityam Dalmia, a big Industrialist. Shikha’s father says if he is rich then it doesn’t matter, father’s name is all that means. He asks Nityam about his achievements. Nityam asks what is your problem that this guy doesn’t have a job and says I will give him a job, and says you will work in Mahu factory as floor manager, your salary will be 50000 per month, and you will get a car from Dalmia group. He tells that he don’t take decisions due to charity or without thinking. Vishnu says but Sir. Nityam says you seems to be understanding, sincere etc, I want such a person to make my workers understands. Shikha’s father leaves Shikha’s hand. The goon leaves Saavi’s hand.

Saavi asks Shikha’s father if he has changed of heart and tells that Vishnu is the right guy for her, and tells that he will have any problem to search the groom for Shikha. Shikha’s father asks Vishnu and Shikha to sit in the car and says rain is about to start. Shikha offers money to Saavi. Saavi takes just the auto rent and says it is enough. Shikha thanks her. Shikha’s father blesses Saavi and goes in the jeep. Saavi looks at Nityam and turns her face. Nityam is going to his car. Saavi says your hand is injured. He says my day is spoiled due to you and asks why did she interfere. Saavi says they were happy. Nityam says if I haven’t come, then they would have married someone else and would be happy. Saavi says let me bandaged your hand, I have first aid box in the Chattriprasad. He says don’t touch me. Saavi insists. He gets his bandaged by her. Nazdeekiyan plays….He goes to sit in his car and leaves. Saavi sits in her auto.

It is late night. Brijesh asks Ananya to bring another lantern and says light can go at anytime. They hear the news that due to heavy rains, the streets are filled by rain. Ratna, Brijesh and Nutan call Saavi from their mobiles. Ananya says food is off. Brijesh worries for Saavi and says I didn’t see such a weather before.

Nityam is stopped in the traffic. The Police asks the people to sit in car. Nityam asks the Police to move their car so that he can go from other way. The Sub-Inspector tells that the water is flooded in the place, and once the way is cleared, he can go. He says I will call and get my helicopter. Just then his phone falls down from his hand and switches off. He gets upset and regrets to waste his time due to Saavi. Saavi comes there and calls him. Nityam says think of the devil and the devil arrives. Saavi says I did what I thought right. He says your sweet talks irritates me. Saavi signs him to come to her umbrella. He turns to go. She asks him to come to his camera as he is getting drenched in rain. Nityam says she could have said this by mouth. She says you have said that you get irritated and that’s why I play dumb charades. Nityam goes to his car and tries to open it, but the doors are stuck. Saavi comes near him and holds the umbrella. He moves away from there, but as the rain increases, he comes under her umbrella. Song plays nazdeekiyan. Nityam comes to Saavi’s auto and sits on the back seat. Saavi opens her hair and splashes water, and it falls on his face. He turns his face.

Precap: Saavi’s family hears the news that business tycoon Nityam Dalmia spent the night in auto rickshaw with a rickshaw wali. The reporter says it is heard that the auto driver is Nityam’s fiancé. Saavi covers him with something as he sleeps. Saavi also sleeps on the front seat. Vedika hears the news. Dimpy laughs. Sonam says I had asked you to stay away from my Nityam.

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