Sadda Haq 25th March 2014 Written Update

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Sadda Haq 25th March 2014 Written Update by Nishi

Sadda Haq 25th March 2014 Written Episode

Randhir tells the cop that he can’t behave like this with Parth. The cop pushes him and asks who are you? Are you a leader? Randhir stares at him and he asks him to stop staring. Sanyu interrupts and tells the cop he can’t talk like that to them. The cop asks her if he will have to explain it to her now. Parth interrupts and says he’s doing his duty, let him do the enquiry. Police leave with Parth.

The students come to Vardhan. Sanyu says it’s unethical and illegal too, but Vardhan himself thinks Parth is innocent. They ask him for IP address. Vardhan says it is indeed unethical and leaves the reports there. Sanyu smiles as Vardhan left internal investigation reports there. Randhir takes them away from her.

In lock up, the cop asks Parth what he did this time. Parth is quiet. He starts beating him up. Other hand, Randhir tells the team that IP is of no use if laptop is turned off. And if no laptop, then they won’t be able to prove Parth innocent. Sanyu tells him, enough now. They see laptop is on and try to find it by using the device. They find it from trash. Sanyu says they searched all over and it was in trash. Randhir asks who the hell asked you to get involved in this. Sanyu asks him to check when last transaction happened. He says, if you’re so restless to save Parth, then do it yourself. She tells him not to take revenge with Parth in this matter and asks him to check. Randhir says last transaction was done very late in night. Randhir says he saw Parth that night. YoYo says he was outside girls’ hostel. Sanyu asks him what he was doing outside girls’ hostel that late. She then says anyways, we can save Parth as Jiggy didn’t see Parth using laptop, it must be done by someone else. They all come to Vardhan and tell him everything.

Vardhan comes to the Dean and asks him to call Inspector Rana and withdraw the case. Dean is not agreeing. Vardhan says FITE’s reputation is also on stake. He convinces Dean. Dean calls Rana and asks him to release Parth as he’s withdrawing the case. Rana says what is this? File case when you want and then withdraw. Dean says they have found a proof and asks to release him. Rana doesn’t like it. He tells Parth he got saved this time too, he is very lucky.

Next morning, Rana and his team drop (more like throw) Parth at FITE. Parth can barely walk. All students gossip about him. Vardhan comes and asks everyone to leave. Police arrested him that doesn’t mean he’s a criminal. He helps Parth. Vidushi is watching them from a distance. She cries. She says what did I do? Whom I loved so much, I did this with him. In flashback, it’s shown Vidushi hiding Parth’s laptop and access code to have some fun with him. But after he rejected her, she misused his laptop and threw it in trash. Back to present, she feels she will have to apologize to him, but wonders how she will face him. She cries and says, I am so sorry Parth.

Vardhan shows his trust in Parth and encourages him to lead the team again. He also tells him he doesn’t need to justify himself, he will get the respect that he deserves. They come to Dean and they think how to transfer funds from CITE back to FITE. Vardhan says there is only one way, they have to inform bank and write an official letter to CITE. Dean says CITE’s Dean won’t agree especially after FITE beat them in the village. Vardhan says this is the only way. Dean says he will start working on official papers. He shows regrets for what he did with Parth, but says, he had to do for college and initial doubts were on him. Parth says it’s absolutely okay. Dean says he will get his dignity back and he will put a notice on noticeboard that Parth is innocent.

All students and Jiggy read the noticeboard. Jiggy informs Randhir and asks him to go and meet Parth. Randhir doesn’t move. Now Sanyu comes and says Parth. Randhir says, Randhir, not Parth. She says, I know.. I am saying Parth is back. He says, you must be very happy, right? She says, yes, aren’t you happy? Are you jealous? Jiggy gestures Sanyu to cut it off. Randhir stares at her. Sanyu says, anyway, and leaves. Randhir follows her.

Sanyu comes to Parth and feels bad seeing his condition. Parth says, I am fine. Sanyu asks, from what angle you think you’re fine? and how someone can do this? Parth says, it’s their normal procedure. Sanyu asks how he has so much information. She says she doesn’t want to force him, but he can share his past with her. They are friends in end. Parth says he doesn’t want to talk about this. Sanyu says people are talking about you, and they will only get shut if you give clarification. He says he doesn’t want to give any clarification. He doesn’t care what they think. She says she thought they were friends. Parth says they are still friends. He didn’t come to answer her questions, but to thank her. He then asks her to let him stay alone for some time. He leaves. Sanyu wonders if she said anything wrong and what Parth is hiding that too from her?

Precap: Parth is frustrated and bangs his hands on the floor. Sanyu comes running to him and says it’s okay. He cries and says, it’s not okay. No matter how much you try, you past doesn’t stop chasing you. He keeps his head on Sanyu’s shoulder and cries. Randhir sees it.
Randhir is talking with his dad. His dad says first time he heard something good about a girl from him. Randhir tells him he’s drunk. He says, I am always drunk, but why are you fumbling with the words today?
Sanyu and Randhir convo where Sanyu asks Randhir how did he even think that him and her… Randhir cuts her off and says, he has never seen a self-obsessed, self-centered, and a foolish girl like her. Sanyu says, even if you’re this world’s, this galaxy’s last guy, I would still prefer to stay single.

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  1. Loveydobey
    March 25, 23:49 Reply

    Where r the episodes I can’t watch them????

  2. tania
    March 25, 12:35 Reply

    So nice epi…
    Precap is so nice…
    Randhir…. wow…
    Nice yar…
    Propose sanyu…… ummmmmmmah

  3. Shrutika
    March 25, 12:15 Reply

    Sum1 plz plz plz explain me d last part of d precap..plz..did randhir propose to sanyu?

    • varshu
      March 25, 12:21

      Yes pls …….

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