Sanjog 11th October 2022 Written Update

Sanjog 11th October 2022 Written Update by Atiba

Sanjog 11th October 2022 Written Episode

Scene 1
Maasa asks Amrita how dare she give their family name to Chandini? Amrita says Tara won’t go to school with Chandini so I had to do it. Tara comes there so Rajini tells her that you are brave, you don’t need anyone to support her in school. Tara says yes I am brave, I will go to school alone. Chanda cries hearing that. Amrita thinks if Tara goes alone then Chanda won’t be able to go to school ever. Tara is ready to leave but Amrita stops her, she makes her read the ‘danger’ word but Chanda can’t read it. Tara asks what’s this? Amrita says if you and Chandini are alone and if you get in trouble then Chandini won’t be able to read the signs so she won’t be able to help you. Tara says yes, she needs to study so she can read the signs and help me in danger. Chanda says yay, I will go to school. Tara sits in the back of the car but Rajini asks Chanda to sit in the front as you are not an owner. Gopal hides and smiles seeing Chanda going to school. They leave. Amrita smiles.

Gauri makes food and brings it to Maasa. Maasa asks what happened? Gauri says I feel sad for you, I have made food for you, can you please taste it? Maasa tries it and says it’s good. Gauri massages her feet and says you should allow me to massage as it’s needed. Maasa says I don’t know anyone who can massage my feet. Gauri says I know someone who is good at massaging. Alok arrives there so Gauri covers her face. Alok greets Maasa. He is going to meet Amrita but he finds Lakshita there. She gets scared seeing him. Alok leaves from there.

Alok graba Rajeev and says I told you that you will stay away from Lakshita, why is she here? Rajeev says I didn’t want her to stay here but Amrita made Lakshita stay here against my will. You can ask her. He tells Alok that you were silent about my affair with Lakshita for years because of Amrita so I hope you will continue to do the same. Alok leaves. Lakshita smirks.

Alok asks Amrita why did you allow Lakshita to stay here? Amrita says she had to bear a lot, she is my best friend. Alok says you have already allowed Minakshi (Gauri) and Chandini in the house. You should think about your life first. Just ask Lakshita, Minakshi and Chandini to leave. Amrita says I have to go to school, I will talk to you later on.

Amrita and Alok come outside the house. Gauri is there, she greets Alok and looks away. Alok asks why are you scared? Have you done any crime? Gauri says I am not scared of anyone but usually policeman asks for money but I don’t have it. Amrita says my brother is an honest policeman. Alok asks who asked for money from you? Amrita says we are getting late so let’s just go. Amrita sits in the car. Gauri sits in the front with her. She thanks her for giving her saree. Amrita thinks I can’t tell Alok that Minakshi is part of a thieves gang, I can’t lose my Chandini, I will tell him when the time is right.

Tara and Chandini arrive at the school. Tara helps her in doing schoold work.

Amrita and Gauri are in the car. Gauri keeps looking around the car. Gauri imagines herself rich and driving a big car, she imagines having her family in the car. Gauri asks Amrita if she can drive the car? Amrita asks why? Gauri says if there is no driver then I can take the kids to school. Amrita says I will ask my driver Yadav to teach you to drive. Gauri thinks I want to learn driving so I can steal gold and run away.

In the school, the principal talks to them. She says we will do an activity together. She says they have to make a drawing with their moms. All moms arrive there. Gauri sits with Chanda and Tara sits with Amrita. Chandini can’t understand how to paint so Amrita asks her to do what she wants to. Chandini takes a pencil and starts making a drawing. Gauri looks around and thinks I can’t steal small things, I have to focus on the big target.

Outside the school, Amrita’s driver Yadav is standing. Gopal brings some sweets and says my kid got admitted in the school. He gives him a laddo who eats it.

Chandini makes sketch nicely. Tara sees that and tries to tear it but Amrita stops her. The prinicpal says time is over. Chandini writes Tara and her name on the sheet and gives it to the principal. The principal and judges check their drawings. The judge says one girl had the best drawing. She shows Chandini’s drawing. Tara thinks Chandini won.

Precap: Tara and Chandani are in car. Gopal stops the car. Tara says to her parents, uncle standing outside brought us here. Gopal walks in.

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