Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan 19th October 2015 Written Update

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Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan 19th October 2015 Written Update by Pooja

Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan 19th October 2015 Written Episode

Hanuman says that avatar of Ma is very scary but one should look at the hearts of people. That is the real form of any person.

Narad ji talks about Maha Gauri to Hanuman now. She did tough tapasya to get Shiv ji. Shiv ji appears there and agrees to marry her. She request Shiv ji to accept her as his wife only when her father gets her married following all the rituals. Maha Gauri has got all dark due to sitting in any kind of weather due to her tapasya. Shiv ji sprinkles water from his Jata on her. Ma is surprised to see that she has grown really white in complexion because of Ganga’s water. This is how she got the name Maha Gauri.

Hanuman says if our intentions are true then they can be fulfilled. Please tell me about the next form of Ma. Narad ji says the ninth form of Ma is Siddhidatri. In this form Durga removes ignorance. These are the 9 forms of Ma Parvati. Hanuman is very excited. I have understood that adharmi, criminals can trouble people as much as they want to but they lose in the end. Good always wins over evil. I too will worship Ma. Narad ji is thrilled. You should certainly do it. Hanuman too decides to keep fast for Ma from tomorrow onwards. Narad ji tells Kesari to help Hanuman in the same. He leaves. Marjarika is tensed. She vows to ruin his plans as the powers gained from the puja can become a problem for Dashanan.

Atibal asks Marjarika how she will do it. If you say it as Anjana then people will realise that you are fake. Marjarika insists that she will create problems in the puja or do something to stop Hanuman from keeping fasts. Kesari comes there. He tells Anjana about Narad ji coming here. Anjana fakes that she missed it. Kesari wants to make preps for Nav Durga Puja. Anjana says Hanuman is so young. Hanuman reasons that he is doing for their state. I have grown up now. She repeats that he wont keep fasts. Kesari asks her to let him do it. He has made up his mind. Nani too talks in Hanuman’s favour. Hanuman assures Anjana that he will keep the fast diligently. Anjana has no option but to agree.

Anjana prays to Mahadev and Ma. You have looked after the world always. Please bless my son. Give my husband the strength to bear this separation. She does puja.

Hanuman gets ready. I have to hurry up as I have to rush to temple. Father is already there. Anjana brings laddoos for him. Hanuman gets tempted for a second but realises that he is keeping a fast from today onwards. Anjana tells him that everything is allowed to kids. They can eat it. Hanuman is about to eat it when Nani stops him. It is your fast. She is confused over Anjana’s behaviour. You always keep fasts. Why do you want to break his fast? Let him keep fast. All the preps are done. Come to temple soon. Hanuman leaves with his Nani. Marjarika returns to her original form. She still refuses to give up. I will create problems in the puja.

Hanuman does Nav Durga puja along with his family members. Marjarika looks on from a distance.

Marjarika tries to mix the remaining water from her glass in the kheer that is being prepared for the puja. Surprisingly, not even a drop of water falls from the glass. I left water in it. Where did it go? Nani calls out for her. What are you doing Anjana? Anjana hides her glass. She lies that she was only looking after the preps. She burns her finger by mistake. Nani sends her out. Marjarika is dejected. Why am I not able to create any problem for Hanuman?

Hanuman distributes clothes amongst the people of Sumeru. He announces that he will not let anyone leave from here empty handed. You can ask me something in particular if you need it. I will fulfil everyone’s wish. A middle aged couple step in. Hanuman gives gold to her. She tells him that he wont be able to donate her. What is yours in it? It all belongs to your father. They turn to go but Hanuman stops them. Tell me what you want. I can even give myself in donation to you. The lady agrees. You will become my slave for life then. Kesari is taken aback. Hanuman reasons that they will have to give them what they want or the puja will be incomplete. I will give myself to them. Tell me Ma ji, what I have to do? That lady asks him to leave his parents and Sumeru. You wont be able to return to Sumeru then. You should always be ready to serve us.

Precap: Marjarika shares with Ravan that even the Devi’s gave boon to Hanuman. Give me death. Ravan instead tells him to engage that vanar kid in such a way that he forgets everyone else except you in the form of his mother.

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  1. Naidoo
    October 20, 07:41 Reply

    No subtitles again on last nite episode, come on Sony, all these episodes are so interesting, we need sub titles on all episodes.

  2. Naidoo
    October 20, 01:47 Reply

    Hanuman will soon know that Marjarika is not is mother, hope it is soon…she is so annoying to watch

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