Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan 4th December 2015 Written Update

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Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan 4th December 2015 Written Update by Pooja

Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan 4th December 2015 Written Episode

Mritikasur attacks Hanuman. Hanuman stands holding Vajra in his hands. He hits the energies back towards Mritikasur using the Vajra. Mritikasur continues to attack on Hanuman. Hanuman kills Mritikasur using the Vajra. Everyone is pleased including Anjana. Tridev also look down happily.

Matang Rishi chants the mantra to start the process of Lokantaran. Hanuman’s friends are worried thinking about the worse. They are still hopeful about their friend’s return.

Ravan laughs. Kesari’s Lokantaran will mean Hanuman’s defeat. He will become weak without his father. Narayan’s Nar avatar will die by my hands only. He asks Pushpak to increase the speed. Take us to Tung Rajya.

Hanuman returns Vajra to Devraj Indra. Anjana looks on proudly. Sapta Rishi’s thank him. There is an announcement. Hanuman saved Indra Loka using the Vajra. He too deserves it now, along with the victory flag. Devraj says you will also have a Vajra now. He gives a Vajra and the victory flag in Hanuman’s hands. You will hold this always. From today onwards, you too will be called Vajradhari. Hanuman holds one thing in each of his hands. Om is written on the flag.

Nani looks at the sun. I wonder what God is up to. Hanuman, please come back soon. Matang Rishi asks Kesari to take one step forward. Nani shouts at him not to do so. Please come back. She faints. Everyone rushes to her side.

Ravan reaches Tung Rajya along with Kalnemi. All of his Asuras are lying dead on the ground. Kalnemi had informed about one Asura’s death. Ravan asks Kalnemi about that special fighter. I want to see his dead body. Get it for me. Till I see him dead, I wont believe it that we have got info regarding Narayan’s Nar Avatar

Anjana spreads her arms and calls out for Hanuman. Hanuman rushes to give her a hug. Devguru Brihaspati appears there. Everyone greets him. He asks Hanuman to leave for Sumeru right away. Everyone must be waiting for you. Hanuman nods. He, Anjana and Devraj Indra leave.

Kalnemi identifies the head of that special fighter lying amidst all the dead bodies. Ravan looks on shocked. Kalnemi says he died so we could know where that Narayan in his Nar Avatar is. Ravan remarks that this hints that Narayan’s Nar Avatar is here only. You made me happy. I would have given you a prize if you were alive! But if that would have been the case, then how would we have found out about Narayan’s Nar Avatar. Kalnemi is shocked to see that fighter’s head joining his body once again. The Asura wakes up and greets both of them. He shares that he dint fight with Narayan’s Nar Avatar but some other person. My head got entangled in other bodies so it could not join. Ravan gets angry. This means that you dint meet Narayan’s Nar Avatar yet.

Hanuman is excited to meet his father, Nani, family and citizens. They all would be waiting for me. I will meet all of them today. He turns to his mother. He notices the dullness of the vermilion in her forehead. Anjana gets worried. Is this a bad sign? Hanuman asks her why she got worried. She shares that she is worried for Kesari. Would he be fine? He assures her about it. we will reach there soon. He asks the charioteer to drive faster. The guy replies that the chariot cannot fly as fast as him. Devraj Indra gives reassurance to Anjana.

Ravan’s messenger tells Ravan that Hanuman has killed their Asura. Now he is on his way to Sumeru. Ravan is not happy with the news. Kalnemi points out that Kesari is unaware of this fact. He has vowed to do Lokantaran if Hanuman is not back by sunset. Ravan looks at the sun. It is only half set as of now. Ravan tells Kalnemi to get his mayavi clouds. I want you to create an illusion by using these clouds. The sun should hide behind them. Kesari will do Lokantaran then. Hanuman got his mother but I wont let him get his father. Kalnemi agrees. Ravan tells his messenger to create havoc / panic amongst people. Ravan leaves in Pushpak Vimaan.

Kalnemi summons all the mayavi clouds.

Hanuman notices the change in sky’s colours. He observes the signs intently.

The citizens plead to Kesari not to leave them. Matang Rishi looks at the sun. Nani is still unconscious. Matang Rishi is confused to see the changes in sky.

Hanuman remarks that he has never seen these much black clouds together. Devraj warns him that they are mayavi clouds. Someone is plotting something wrong. Hanuman is in thoughts.

Precap: Devraj tells Hanuman that someone has intentionally got these clouds so it gets dark. Hanuman uses his powers to remove the clouds. Kesari takes a dip in water. Hanuman looks at his mother. The vermilion in your forehead has lost all colours. Anjana gets worried for Kesari. Hurry up, Hanuman!

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