Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 20th March 2013 Written Update

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Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 20th March 2013 Written Update by vibz88

Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 20th March 2013 Written Episode

Dholu cheers Gunjan and asks about the mental ability round tomorrow. She says it can be anything quiz, treasure hunt. Dholu prays that it should be a treasure hunt.

Gunjan borrows Rachna s encyclopedia which Mayank had gifted his sister. Charu switches off the fuse . Gunjan finishes reading and leaces the book on the bed and leaves. Surprisinglt the lights return and Rachna goes to the room screams for everyone. The book is on the floor burning. Rachna accuses Gunjan and Gunjan tells her why she does not trust her and to get moving ,focus on the competition as she will give her tough competition.

Next morning Charu helps Shayl in the kitchen and Charu gives two glasses of almond milk to gunjan. gunjan does not want it but Shayl tells her to drink. Shayl is hesitant that Charu is up to something when she Is so happy. She sees Rachna s bangle in the kitchen and goes to return it.

A figure in red dressed like Gunjan picks some medicines Prabhu sees her ,she mixes it in Rachna s milk and Shayl sees this. Mayank wishes her all the best and she nods. The figure is Charu who is very happy.

Rachna drinks the tampered milk, Charu is happy and breaks into a jig. Shayl sees Charu dancing and she makes an excuse that her body is paining.

Shayl sees Gunjan on the terrace dressed she questions her but Gunjan says she Is here from a long time. Shayl thinks Gunjan is super fast.

Chaya wants to tell Rachna about Mr sharma. Charu interrupts. Everyone wish the girls luck. Rachna is feeling weird because of the medicine. Charu says she and Mayank will come to see the competition

PRECAP: Mr Sharma trying to get intimate with Chaya who is scared. the door is closed Gunjan Rajeev are running up the stairs and open a door they look shocked

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  1. ammara
    March 21, 10:40 Reply

    when everyone was wishing rachna and tellin her she would win and blatantly ignoring gunjan she was sad but not bitter rachna on the other hand is selfish and greedy she wants all the attention for herself

    gunjan should have let vihaan dump her she deserves it

  2. Realy bad rachna doesnt even think befor shouting at gunjan i realy hate u rachna coz just 2 show tat u ar nt simple u ar trying 2 compete with gunjan

  3. Anonymous
    March 21, 05:09 Reply

    The transition from teens to adulthood is a tough one. There’s peer pressure, the desire to recognized, independence, falling in love, etc. There are those that can cope very well (like Gungun) and those that struggle a bit (like Rachna). Gungun is confident in herself so she doesn’t let others influence her that much. Rachna lacks that confidence so she allows what others say and do to affect her in a big way.

    Charu on the other hand is a psycho. She needs to be institutionalized in a maximum security mental asylum. She is a menace to society.

  4. MK
    March 20, 18:58 Reply

    Hi all, MU, Deep, Ammara, Anshara, I’ve read all your comments and had a good laugh
    MU, she will definitely fly to Australia on her BROOM, hahaha

    Deep, I agree with MU rolling on the ground laughing yaar

    I think Shail will be the one to find out about Charu’s cheap tricks and tell Dayal about it.
    Hope she gets BUSTED big time and Mayank should plant a good Jhapar (tight slap on her head) and across her conniving devious face. Charu put a damn bucket over your head, no one wants to see you.

    SSLP has lost it’s audience and has lost its popularity because of the rift caused by the sisters and they now portray Rachna to be a complete Duffer and competitive freak against her one and only sister. This is not right. If they continue with this track and don’t sort out the differences ASAP there will be not one looking at this serial anymore.

  5. bindhi
    March 20, 17:41 Reply

    god i dont know how far charu can go again!!!!….

    • MK
      March 20, 18:58

      She’s the wicked witch of the West.

  6. bindhi
    March 20, 17:35 Reply

    but i do think they did reach on time becuz they didnt seem so shocked

  7. bindhi
    March 20, 17:34 Reply

    i hope rajeev and gunjan reaches on time before that mr sharma does anything to chaya she does not deserve this!

  8. Sonya
    March 20, 17:30 Reply

    I love the serial and it will stay in high rankings. Audience you should be open to ups and downs more downs I should say otherwise the interest will go off somewhere else.

  9. arshi
    March 20, 15:28 Reply

    it has become another saathiya like charu-raashi and playing cheap tricks on rachna-gopi
    hate charu n rachna as she dont believe her once loved sister

  10. Anshara
    March 20, 13:48 Reply

    this show was the number 1 hindi show few days back.but now for these problems it is not in it’s position.please do something about this.and bring it back to number 1 place by removing all kinds of rifts between the two sisters.even mahima makwana (rachna) said that the plus point of this show is the sisterly bonding between rachna and it’s a most important thing so that this show gets very much popularity.

    • ammara
      March 20, 16:59

      totally agree with u mu

  11. Anshara
    March 20, 13:27 Reply

    oh no hope shail don’t misunderstand gunjan.witch charu you should go to problem sometime the truth will come out.then the witch charu won’t be able to see her face to anyone.eagerly waiting for that golden moment.

  12. deep
    March 20, 13:26 Reply

    Hi all,miss kris,ammara,MU,please when will the writers get rid of that fly(charu’s)schemes,so we can all watch some interesting plot again,am just sick and tired of charu’s monkey,baboon,chimps jungle behaviour of jumping from one tree to the next for some cheap exictement,the only thing missing in charu’s character is a pink/red bottom or pink/red bald head….i have just had enough…

    • ammara
      March 20, 14:05

      haha so funny great description of charu lol
      im disappointed in how they have rachnas character its losing substance

      i find myself getting angry when i look at the show tahts y i read the updates first

    • Miss Unbelievable
      March 20, 16:53

      dwl Deep

      (rolls on the floor laughing)

      im tired of Charu when will she get caught? Manyak needs to slap the taste out of her mouth along with Shail and Seema. Ive never seen one human who have gone to teh extreme of destroying one’s life. Even if Rachna and Gunjan bond is broken for a moment Gunjan will tsill have a happy life. She has Shail Dayal Manyak and her dad’s support.

      Even if Gunjan disappears to Australia Charu will never be happy. Manyak will treat her like crap and Gunjan’s name will forever be on his lips. If Manyak keeps saying Gunjan while she is in Australia what is this stupid bitch going to do? Call and fly to Australia to torture Gunjan? Give me a break

      CVs restore our sister bond please.

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