Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 9th June 2014 Written Update

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Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 9th June 2014 Written Update by Sona

Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 9th June 2014 Written Episode

Gunjan calls Mayank and is frustrated because he isn’t picking up the call. Rachna comes inside and asks Shayl what this all is. Seema comes and snatched Gunjan’s phone telling her to come downstairs and complete the pooja. Shayl tells everything to Rachna. Seema asks Gunjan that the time is running, but she says she is doing this all to protect her and Mayank. She says I am sorry mumy ji but I wont be a part of this pooja. Seema says she understands this is the bad image that is making her doing this all. Gunjan meets Rachna in corridor and says she will do something now and there is only one man who can make her leave this false belief.
KT comes to Rajiv and says its time for him to leave, his driver will drop him anywhere he wants to go. Rajiv says you are getting insecure that he will win Rachna’s heart. He says he believes some employers are quite possessive about their staff and Rachna is a special employee. KT says Rachna doesn’t love you and this theory of love doesn’t apple on Miss Garg. Rajiv says he can make impossible possible. Rajiv says why not he tolerates him for one more week at his home, he will prove him wrong in a week and Rachna will confess her love to Rajiv. And if this doesn’t happen, I will be gone. He forwards his hand for the bet. He takes his hand.
Gunjan comes to Guru ji at the ashram. She asks why ashram close is today, the guard says Guru ji is busy today. She goes forward to take the auto. The man informs Guru ji everyone is gone, Guru ji says they must be here anytime. Gunjan sees the magician coming to ashram in a car. She thinks why he is here. She sees the trucks filled with colour powders unloading at the ashram. Gunjan hides in them with the flowers. She hidingly goes to the jungle and sees the magic training of Guru ji. The magician make the girl vanish. He tells him the trick. Gunjan thinks he is a fraud, she thinks so that night this magician was there showing him the tricks.
KT sees Rajiv seeing Rachna’s photo in his room. He was writing a letter to Rachna. He leaves while KT goes inside to see Rachna’s photo and smiles.
She hidingly goes to the jungle and sees the magic training of Guru ji. The magician make the girl vanish. He tells him the trick. Gunjan thinks he is a fraud, she thinks so that night this magician was there showing him the tricks.
KT sees Rajiv seeing Rachna’s photo in his room. He was writing a letter to Rachna. He leaves while KT goes inside to see Rachna’s photo and smiles.
KT also sees the letter that says Rachna dear, sorry I am replying to your love letter late. Rajiv comes there and says these are bad manners to read someone’s love letter. KT says he wasn’t reading, just putting Mis Garg’s photo that fall down. Rajiv says I aint creative like you, so give me some ideas. KT asks did she write a letter to you? Rajiv says you have any doubt. KT says she never mentioned your name. Rajiv says you never know, what is going in a girl’s mind, and says he will see her love for him as soon as this letter gets to her.
Rajiv says thanks to KT for misbehaving with Rachna and tells them his love for her awakened just after he scolded her. KT leaves while Rajiv smiles.
The men were at their house, Mayank gives Gunjan’s photo to them. Gunjan comes there and stops them.

PRECAP: KT sees Rajiv coming to Rachna in the workshop and gives her the letter. She reads it, smiles and put it in her bag.

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    June 10, 03:18 Reply

    Gungan will soon charge in on her white horse and save her “damsel” in distress, Mayank. This time she will save the damsels mother too.
    In trying to show Gungan has a supersleuth, the writers make Mayank out to be a real Dumbo. Not sure if this is a good thing from a male perspective. 😉

    Rajiv is trying to make KT jealous. KT, the poor guy, handsome, brawny and brainy but no courage to confess his love. 🙂

    • angel
      June 10, 07:41

      haha nice one nirvana….you described the true personality of Mayank

    • rekha
      June 10, 09:04

      Mayank is such a weakling. wish they would stop focussing so much on Gumjan and bring a new storyline in or end the stupid series

  2. angel
    June 09, 19:53 Reply

    waiting for the climax of this battle between rajeev and kt….it’s going to be so kool

  3. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 09, 12:24 Reply

    Game on between Rajeev and KT 😀 . .
    But , they are both idiots 😀 .
    Rachana isn’t a horse in a race , to just bet on 🙄 .
    But , I guess it’s a man thing to compete 😀 . .
    It seems the sensible thing for KT to do would be to just be brave and confront Rachana ; but never will such scenes be seen in serial world 😆 .
    I’m really hopeful , like some fans here , that Rajeev is only trying to get KT to be brave and declare his feelings .
    I won’t be able to handle another clichéd love triangle 😐 . .

    • Valar
      June 09, 12:57

      yes yes i agree with u pleeeese no more love triangle pleeese

    • Rajna
      June 09, 17:57

      Rajeev is provoking KT to confess his love for Rachna..

      I think it’s jst a drama played by Dadi and Rajeev..

    • Kris
      June 09, 18:04

      Suni I have a feeling Rajeev knows KT loves Rachna and Rachna loves KT and he is playing a game to force KT to confess his love to Rachna.
      They did say Rajeev will help in doing that, maybe this is his way.

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 09, 18:10

      I hope so too 🙂 . .
      But you never know with these writers 😐 . .
      So , I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the best and one eye opened for the worst 😀 . ..

    • SashaT
      June 09, 22:48

      Well ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ, I think so too… Because if we wait for KT to confess it will take forever, Kt will dream away his life. Rajiv and Grandma have cooked up this drama to make KT and Rachana admit their love for each other.
      But poor KT with the mystery behind his distrust (hate, maybe , I dont know) he is really afraid to admit it

    • devya
      June 10, 01:24

      Lol,Phoenix,too much love triangle my dear,no genuine n smooth LOVE story. Neither kt nor rajiv want to be defeated. However my opinion is rajiv doing all those things to make kt jealous n confess about his LOVE for rachna..
      Let’s hope so before kt looses his cool n get dome fist fight with rajiv lol.

    • devya
      June 10, 01:28

      Kris,that’s my opinion too THST rajiv is doing all those things to make KT confess ABOUT HIS LOVE for rachna.

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 10, 07:28

      SashaT I agree 🙂 . . Rajeev is probably repaying KT for his kindness . .
      I just loved the way KT told Rajeev to get out of his house 😀 , he’s such a no nonsense kind of guy , but so insecure in love . , it’s sweet I think 🙂 . .

      LOL Devya , every time I see KT’s eyes burning with anger , I get worried for Rajeev 😀 . ..
      I’m really enjoying this track , it’s a change of pace from the way the others are going at present . .

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