Saraswatichandra 18th September 2013 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 18th September 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 18th September 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Badimaa saying Kumud and Saras that if everyone knows about Saras’s reality, their trust will break. Kalika hears this and is shocked. She says yours and Saras’s relation ended when you got married to Pramad. Badimaa says Saras does not have the right to help you. Saras sees the saree that fell from Kalika’s hands and thinks there was someone who heard us talking. Kalika runs to tell this to Pramad. But Pramad is not in his room. She calls Pramad. She sees Pramad’s phone in the room. Kalika says Kumud’s secret is out that Naveen is Saraswatichandra. Saras is coming to her running. Kalika thinks she has to tell this to Pramad. Badimaa explains Kumud that you are playing with fire. Kumud says I did not stop Saras here. Badimaa says ask him to leave from here. Kumud says there won’t be anything wrong. Badimaa says you can’t do this.

Badimaa asks Kumud to look upto her parents and learn from them. Kumud says now there won’t be any mistake. Badimaa says I will leave now, everything is in your hands. Saras searches for Kalika. Kalika is looking out for Pramad. Kalika comes to Pramad and says I was looking out for you everywhere. He says did anyone die. Kalika says you did not trust me, but what I will be telling you now, you will be shocked and you will trust only me. Saras hears Kalika telling Pramad his reality. Kumud meets her family and hugs them while they start leaving. Saras closes the light. Pramad falls. Kalika says I will be giving you a shocking news. She says I m sure that those earrings and poetry were the right proof against Kumud. She says Kumdu has cheated you. She says Naveen is actually Saraswatichandra. She asks why are you not telling anything.

Saras lights the candle and Kalika turns to see him. Kalika is shocked to see Saras. She says you. She asks where is Pramad. Saras says what do you see in my eyes. Kumud tells the Lord that Saras wants to see my happy, he does not think he have a right on me. He is innocent. Kalika tells Saras I see cheat in your eyes. Saras says you are cheating. Kalika says your lie can not be hidden now. Saras says I will show your true face to everyone. He tells some secrets of Kalika like her account number and the assets she has. He says Pramad gave you so much that you have everything in your bank. He warns her that he will leak out her secret if she tells Pramad about him. Kalika says don’t try to do this else Kumud and you won’t be saved. He says I don’t fear anyone. Kalika says I will go and tell everyone about you. Saras says it will be good, I will take Kumud with me forever and we will live together happily. Kalika says you are a slave here, where will you take Kumud with you. Saras says I can buy 10 people like Pramad, I have so much assets, go and tell everyone. It will be a profitable for me and Kumud.

Kumud talks to the Lord and says Saras won’t go from here till he sees her happy with Pramad. She says how can I agree to Badimaa. Saras is my support and my strength. She says Badimaa and others will not understand. She says only the Lord understands that their hearts are pure. Saras tells Kalika that till I m here, no one can hurt Kumud because she is true and right and you are wrong, you should think about yourself. He says if I tell everyone about your theft, then where will you go. He says maybe you have to go to jail. Kalika says no, not jail, I will keep quiet and you also hide my secret. Saras says ok, I will do a favour because of Kumud, else I would have told everyone about you, you are safe because of Kumud.

Kumud says this is the first time I m going against Badimaa and lying to everyone. She asks Lord that is she doing right. Kumud gets a call from her friend Preeti. Kalika walks out after talking to Saras. Saras says he can’t trust Kalika, if she tells Pramad the reality then what.

Kumud talks to Budhidhan and his wife and says Murakh Das wants to say something. Murakh Das says the groom’s family is coming to see Kalika tomorrow. Kalika is shocked. Pramad hears it and reacts. Murakh Das says you have grown up now, Kumud thought about you, thanks to her that I m doing this duty. Saras smiles. Pramad’s mum wishes Kalika gets a good husband. Murakh Das says Kumud found someone for Kalika. Kumud says my friend Preeti told me about a guy. He is really nice. Pramad says no one is coming to see Kalika, ask the not to come. Pramad’s mum says Kalika has to get married some day. Budhidhan asks Pramad what problem you have with Kalika’s marriage.

Chandrika wakes up Kumari and realizes Kumari has high fever. She thinks what to do as no one is at home. Pramad says did anyone ask Kalika what does she wants. He says I know Kalika very well, she does not want to marry. Kumud says I know you are close to Kalika and Kalika loves this family, but we should think about her. Pramad says I told you, thats final. Budhidhan says did anyone ask you about this. Saras says I think we should ask Kalika what she wants.

Budhidhan asks Kalika what does she wants, is she against the marriage. Pramad looks at Kalika. Kalika says no. The power comes. Kalika is scared of Pramad. Budhidhans ays so its decided, Kalika is ready for marriage and tomorrow the groom’s family will come to see Kalika. Kumud says I will go and do the arrangements. Murakh Das stops her and asks Kalika to touch Kumud’s feet as this is happening because of Kumud. He asks her to take Kumud’s blessings. Kalika comes to Kumud and bends. Kumud says its ok. Pramad gets angry. Kumud says I have to think about you, the guy is good and will keep you happy. She says if you don’t like the guy, we won’t force you to say yes. Pramad looks at Kalika and leaves in anger. Saras and Kumud smile.

Saras says Pramad is very angry, you should not go to him now. Kumud says he is my husband, I have to go to him. Saras says today was his first defeat. Kumud says yes, and our first victory.


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  1. ANU pintu
    September 19, 06:34 Reply

    xia what happened 2 u r eyes………

    • jasmine
      September 19, 06:35

      ya salma hw r u??

  2. salma (malsha)...
    September 19, 06:31 Reply

    hi anu…hw r u

    xia u told it truly o only me to b happy..i do love u my sis..

    • ANU pintu
      September 19, 06:35

      f9………..i hope u 22222222222

  3. Xia
    September 19, 06:28 Reply

    Ok so happy na?

  4. Xia
    September 19, 06:27 Reply

    Yes i love my family the most n u

  5. salma (malsha)...
    September 19, 06:27 Reply

    no dear i finished my lunch n wanted to talk to ul n saw ul in dat page ..when i was cumn ul said alvida …so kept quit n saw u in mp joined u

  6. Xia
    September 19, 06:24 Reply

    Di u were present there in that page na

  7. ANU pintu
    September 19, 05:07 Reply

    maths exam…….ab tho result b aagaya……………ya long time back……… f9 ……h ru

  8. ANU pintu
    September 19, 05:06 Reply

    me 2 f9 xia……….aaj ka sbs\sbb dekha tumne…………….

  9. Xia
    September 19, 05:02 Reply

    Ok no one is here cn u go offline

  10. pinku
    September 19, 04:57 Reply

    hey dove, with time every thing has been changed now here only scian so can’t force any one, only i can request so sorry i can’t help you(last respond to you)

  11. Xia
    September 19, 04:55 Reply

    Im fine anu aap batao

  12. ANU pintu
    September 19, 04:54 Reply

    hi,,,,,,,,salma,xia,n pinku…………..hru all

    • pinku
      September 19, 04:59

      hi after a long time, hope you are fine wait how was your math exam

  13. Xia
    September 19, 04:53 Reply

    Bt pinku ur bf is nt talking to me

  14. pinku
    September 19, 04:52 Reply

    yes friend talk with dove she is here and in this page we don’t talk too much with each other so plz..

  15. Xia
    September 19, 04:50 Reply

    Di he is in hostel n dnt hv laptop

  16. Xia
    September 19, 04:48 Reply

    Di u r hurting me im also present here talk to me too

  17. salma (malsha)...
    September 19, 04:45 Reply

    y can’t he mail me….i wanted to share my personal thoughts with hint..dat y..its k..i l have my lunch n cum back

  18. salma (malsha)...
    September 19, 04:42 Reply

    pinku my frnd pls listen to me..u r nt my pinku ..u just finish talking to me in 3 4 gettin hurt by dis if i stay here anymo it will b worse me when u will b back to normal then il cum happily …

    i wish i could die soon life z a big hell one knws wt im going through..i can’t share it here ..
    i come here to reduce my pain …..can’t b hurt anymore

    • pinku
      September 19, 04:45

      just take rest and forget everything…

  19. Xia
    September 19, 04:42 Reply

    Di plz stay otherwise pinku ll get angry

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