Saraswatichandra 19th December 2013 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 19th December 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 19th December 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Kumud asking Danny to try further. Danny says I lost when I came to know she does not love me. Kumud says I also used to think like this, but love means hope, trust, test….. She says no one can understand tangled relations more than me. Danny says how can I hope anything from Kusum, her heart can’t change. Kumud says its called love to love anyone without any hope. She says you don’t have to change her heart but see your love’s effect on her heart. She says Kusum will wear these bangles before evening, and if this happens, you won’t lose hope. Leave all this to the Lord and don’t worry.

Badimaa and everyone are worried about Dada ji. Dada ji says I m fine. Saras sits holding his hand. Jamuna comes and asks everyone to take good care of Dada ji. She scolds Dada ji and asks him to take rest and sleep. The doctor comes and talks to Dada ji. Dada ji says I m taking medicines. The doctor asks him not to walk much as you need more rest and stay away from any tension. He asks him to take care and leaves. Vidyachatur says this happened because of Kusum, don’t think about her, I will talk to her, you just take care.

Dada ji laughs. Danny says sorry to Dada ji. Dada ji asks him to come to him. Danny sits by his side and greets him. Dada ji asks what did you do that Kusum became angry. Guniyal says ask Kusum, she always fights. Kusum comes and everyone looks at her. She says sorry Dada ji, the bangles were light so I did not want to wear them. Dada ji says so you threw them thinking its weight, think about your husband’s love. He asks Danny to make Kusum wear the bangles. Danny does so and everyone looks at them. Vidyachatur and everyone smile. Saras and Kumud look at each other. Dada ji says very good, lets go to the mandir now.

Vidyachatur says you won’t go anywhere, you take rest. Dada ji says its very good for Kusum and Danny, their love will increase after this havan. Kusum talks to Guniyal and says I don’t accept this marriage, so what will I do doing this havan. Guniyal says don’t you value your Dada ji. Kusum says how much should I sacrifice. Guniyal says see Kumud, she was sacrificing everyone for you and you were taking away her love. She asks Kusum to get ready but Kusum refuses. Danny comes there and Kusum gets angry seeing him. Guniyal leaves.

Kumud and Saras have a talk. Kusum asks is Dada ji fine. He says yes. She smiles and says he is always lively, so I don’t want to see him like this. Saras says I should have not given the bangles to Danny. Kumud says why not, Kusum has wear it now, they will be together soon. Saras says what about us, I made many mistake but Danny and Kusum’s marriage…….. She says it happened, no need to think how it happened. Danny asks Kusum to wear the bangles and she says I had wear this for Dada ji’s sake. He says I m saying this for his sake only. Kusum says you might be having fun doing this. She throws the bangles again.

Kumud comes to Badimaa and says don’t worry, Dada ji is fine. Guniyal says Kusum is being adamant. Kumud says give her some time. Guniyal says what about Danny, I can’t see him like this. Kumud says Danny loves Kusum, he knows she is annoyed with him, Saras gave his mum’s bangles to Danny to give it to Kusum. Badimaa says what, it was Saraswati’s bangles which Kusum threw? Kalika comes and talks in between. Badimaa asks her not to interrupt. Yash’s mum supports Kalika and blames Kusum. Kalika says I wish Kusum accepts Danny. She smiles and leaves.

Kalika comes to Kusum and says great, always be like this using your mind. She says I came here to talk to you, why did you throw the bangles, its Saras’s mum’s bangles. Kusum is shocked. Kalika says maybe he kept these bangles whom he loves and wants to marry but what did you do, anyways everyone are waiting for you, come soon. She leaves. Kusum thinks for a while.

The havan starts in the mandir. The pandit asks Kusum to give her hand in Danny’s hand. Everyone looks at her and she does not do so. Danny gives his hand forward. Dada ji looks at her. Guniyal asks Kusum to give her hand. Kusum keeps her hand in Danny’s hand and everyone are relaxed. Saras and Danny smile. The pandit guides them through the puja. Guniyal asks I hope you are not annoyed with Kusum now. Dada j says marriage grows in heart slowly. Saras tells him its good you kept this havan for them, I wish they come close after this. Dada ji says this havan can’t unite their hearts, the relation becomes strong when their is love in the hearts. Saras smiles.

Everyone come back home. Dada ji is happy and asks Kalika to bring tea for everyone as they are tired. Saras and Kumud are happy seeing Kusum wearing the bangles. Kusum says Dada ji, now I know the value of these bangles, I will always keep them with me. Danny gets happy. Kusum eyes Saras and smiles. Saras sees that she is staring at her and feels odd.

Saras comes to Kumud and she asks him what happened. He says I don’t know, the relations are tangled, I don’t know how to talk to Kusum, I want her to know how much Danny loves her. Kusum is talking to the peacock feather and is happy that Saras gave his mum’s bangles to her. She sees the bangles and smiles. She says I got your mum’s blessings. She says I want to meet you and say thanks. Kumud says everything will be fine soon. Kumud feels cold and Saras makes her wear his blazer. Mora. piya…………. plays……….. He says give me your hand. She says you want to make smiley? He smiles and holds her hand. He makes her hand warm by rubbing it. Kusum sees this and is hurt and angry.

Kusum sees Saras and Kumud getting closer and cries. She says I can’t remove these bangles and can’t stop loving you.


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  1. Arika
    December 20, 00:48 Reply

    I hate kusum a lot,she doesn’t deserve danny,if I was at kumud’s place,I would have given her a tight slap,and married saras.kusum hasn’t any right to saras,how can she think of having her so loving sister kumud’s hubby?stupid girl.she should remember that,before her,kumud got saras’s mother blessings by her anklet,huh.:->:-/;->

  2. smiley
    December 20, 00:21 Reply

    @z i know all people who was here but they dont know me becaus i am here from yesterday good night and sweet dreams we talk later i am going to college now

    • ZzZz
      December 20, 00:23

      oh so sad dn
      but its good tht we tlked 2day na
      ok bye
      me also nw relly goin to sleep
      is 12:23am
      oh noooooooooooooo

      hve nice day ahed

  3. smiley
    December 20, 00:02 Reply

    @z hey it not just not like that and i know u all arti di, samud4ever,pinku,sanjana, honey,noor,hoor, sadia,vivek,xia and all people who was on this page by and good night and u also take care

    • ZzZz
      December 20, 00:04

      n funny is tht
      i dnt knw u
      nice to knw tht
      u knw here lots of ppl
      πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  4. sia
    December 19, 23:50 Reply

    gud nyt cc sweet drmz tc

    • ZzZz
      December 20, 00:05

      good mornig di
      tk cre

  5. smiley
    December 19, 23:20 Reply

    sorry zara i cannot reply u at that time i know becaus i always silent reader here

    • ZzZz
      December 19, 23:45

      ok as u think
      me also going nw
      its late nite for me
      see u next time
      but me curious
      hw do u knw me
      bye n tk cre

    • ZzZz
      December 19, 22:38

      yes i am
      wow hw u knw me

  6. smiley
    December 19, 22:21 Reply

    hi and good morning to all

    • ZzZz
      December 19, 22:29

      good mornig

  7. sia
    December 19, 21:47 Reply

    hi guys?
    Cc u here?

  8. vivek
    December 19, 21:26 Reply

    now a days kalika aur kusum like a friend

  9. SaMud4Ever
    December 19, 17:08 Reply

    Hey my lovely SC family!!! Thank you Smiley, Arti Di, and Sadia for wondering where I am and appreciating my comments!!! You guys are so nice!!! I feel so loved!!! πŸ™‚ Sorry, I am really busy right now, but don’t worry I have read all your comments and the written updates!!! Yayyyy!!! There are so many adorable SaMud scenes this week!!! I can’t to watch all the episodes!!! Thanks again for loving me!!! πŸ™‚ I love my SC family too! πŸ™‚ Also, I am very happy Arti Di is back!!!

  10. arti
    December 19, 16:23 Reply

    does anyone know what happened to ayo? don’t see her comments anymore.

  11. Shali
    December 19, 14:33 Reply

    I hate kusum. Hw can she b so shameless. She z married nw, she knew samud luv each other bt stil she z adamant 2 get saras. Kusum wants kumud 2 forget saras and marry her, bt it didn happen. Kumud was ready 2 giv saras 4 kusum’s sake, bt kusum cant 4get saras 4 kumud’s sake. She z such a stupid.

    • arti
      December 19, 16:22

      she will change soon. just give it time. I just don’t like they will make kumari the jealous one.

  12. Priyanka misro
    December 19, 13:10 Reply

    Is dis true f love triangle betn kusum,dany n kumari.. I thought saras-kumud, danny-kusum n sunny-kumari aftr knwng d fact dat danny loves kusum.bfore i thought danny wid kumari n sunny wid dis true f dis love triangle, arti

    • arti
      December 19, 16:20

      yes..this is coming up. I also thought kusum-suni but he left the show. they made a better match. now kumari will become the jealous sister.

    • arti
      December 19, 16:21

      sorry I left..good night and sweet dreams πŸ™‚

    • arti
      December 19, 11:42

      im sure she will come later. I also enjoy reading her comments.

  13. smiley
    December 19, 11:37 Reply

    sorry sc is on 9th position

    • arti
      December 19, 11:44

      its at #6 position on starplus.

      Star Plus:

      1. Diya Aur Bati Hum 5.7
      2. Saath Nibhana Saathiya 4.3
      3. Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 3.9
      4. Mahabharat 3.6
      5. Pyaar Ka Dard 3.3
      6. Saraswatichandra 3.0

      overall- have to check its position

  14. smiley
    December 19, 11:15 Reply

    hi arti di i am big fan of your comments

    • arti
      December 19, 11:41

      thank you πŸ™‚

  15. arti
    December 19, 11:12 Reply

    TAM Ratings: Week 50

    Ratings of Channels:

    Star Plus 282

    Star Plus:

    at #6 position- Saraswatichandra 3.0

    • arti
      December 19, 11:12


  16. smiley
    December 19, 10:58 Reply

    good news sc-3.0 its tvt of week 50 may b its on 8th position congo to all SCians

    • arti
      December 19, 10:59

      fantastic news! tfs

  17. arti
    December 19, 10:48 Reply

    Saraswatichandra: Kalika creates rift amid sisters Kusum, Kumud

    Saraswatichandra: Saras dreams of marrying Kumud again

    Saraswatichandra on Star Plus is showing some turbulent times ahead for Kumud (Jennifer Winget) and Saras (Gautam Rode).

    Kalika sees that Kusum is mighty upset about her wedding to Danny as she (Kusum) still loves Saras.

    Kalika will use this oppurtunity and try to create rift and misunderstandings amid the two loving sisters Kumud and Kusum.

    Kalika make Kusum feel that Kumud took advantage of her trust and fooled her into believing that she will marry Saras.

    Meanwhile after Pramad has left Kumud for his treatment, Saras has some rekindled hopes again that Kumud will be his bride soon.

    While Saras dreams of becoming one with Kumud as soon as possible, lets see if more hurdles come their way through Kalika, Kusum or Pramad

  18. arti
    December 19, 10:47 Reply

    I think from watching the epi I can see kusum falling in love with danny. as of now shes still infatuated with saras but that will change. kusum and danny are fighting like old married couples. be patient samudians!

  19. arti
    December 19, 10:43 Reply

    a must watch scene for sure!

    Saras makes her wear his blazer. Mora. piya…………. plays……….. He says give me your hand. She says you want to make smiley? He smiles and holds her hand. He makes her hand warm by rubbing it. Kusum sees this and is hurt and angry.

    • arti
      December 19, 10:44

      nope! kusum is married to danny! big change! loving it.
      but there will be another love triangle which I don’t like!

      kusum danny <- kumari

    • kriti
      December 19, 10:55

      I guess..This love triangle is only to make Kusum realize the mistake which she did with Samud.

    • aniya raasyi
      December 19, 12:27

      u know wat from the start i wanted
      kusum with sunny
      danny with kumari
      and saras with kumud and now its all messed up and pls kumari shouldnt fall for danny or else it will get worse

  20. arti
    December 19, 10:41 Reply

    seriously?? omg

    Kusum eyes Saras and smiles.

  21. Shaluu( miss evry1 :( :( )
    December 19, 10:41 Reply

    hi… di..
    nice to see u after a long time….
    i’m fine di…
    i’m back after my training… three days holidays…
    after tht back to work again… πŸ™

    • arti
      December 19, 10:42

      its good to see you bk too. I know I have been missing for a while but I have been busy. im hoping to be bk to normal but there will be days when I wont be able to come as usual. enjoy your holidays!

    • arti
      December 19, 10:44

      <3 u too!

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