Saraswatichandra 23rd January 2014 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 23rd January 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 23rd January 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Saras and Kumud’s engagement ceremony. They smile looking at each other. They exchange rings and everyone throws flower petals on them happily. They clap for the couple. Kumari thinks of something and signs Kusum. Kumari and Kusum make Saras and Kumud fall in each other. Kusum cries with happiness seeing them together. Kumari comes to Kusum and asks are you fine, don’t cry today. Kusum says I m crying with happiness, see what mistake I was making, their souls are connected and I was going to make them apart. What would I have got doing that? Badimaa blesses Kumud and Saras. Kumud hugs Badimaa. Yash says photo time.

Yash says Kalika will take the photos. Kalika smiles and takes the family photo. Its night, Kusum tells Saras you should have not come late. Everyone talk to Saras. Kumud supports Saras for bringing the best gift for her. Saras says my plannign was good, but my car both tyres for punctured. Dada ji asks really. Saras tells how he managed to come home. He says someone gave me lift. Badimaa asks Saras for some money and he gives her his wallet. Kumari asks whats this. Its Kalika’s dupatta piece. Kalika is tensed seeing it and thinks Yash will identify it. Saras says I got this cloth near the tyre.

Kusum asks who dropped you here. Saras says I did not ask his name, but I felt he was not a stranger. Badimaa asks for Saras’s house keys. Saras says I m going home. Vidyachatur says stay here tonight, we will have a talk. Saras says I have to go home as I have something precious and I heard there is a sharp theif who is after that. Kumud smiles and thinks she will steal it no matter you be at home or not. Kusum says I will keep the chunri and diya at home. Kusum talks to Danny and tells him how Saras made the entry today.

Kalika comes after Kusum to Saras’s house. She sees the cloth of her dupatta and says how should I take it back. Kusum goes to bring matchstick and till then Kalika reaches the cloth. She is shocked to see Kusum coming. She hides and picks the cloth and looks on. Kusum lights the diya and leaves from the house locking the door. Kalika sees she is locked inside and says how will I go back home. She sees Kusum’s phone and says she will come back to take her phone. She takes the phone with her and keeps it somewhere away. Kusum goes to take her phone and Kalika runs outside.

Its morning, the sisters are having a laugh. Kumud tells them how Saras became Tony Singh. Dada ji comes to them and asks Kumari to make a list for Sangeet. Kumari says I made the list. Vidyachatur asks for his phone. Kumud says its in your pocket. Kumud tells Badimaa she will give the breakfast to Saras. Badimaa says you will be going there in few days. Kumud says we all will go. Kusum says I have to clean the room too. Kumud says I will help her. Vidyachatur asks where are they going. Badimaa says to do some mischief.

They come to Saras’s house. Saras is happy seeing them. All of them smile. Saras says its great to see you three together. Kumari gives him flowers. Saras asks why flowers. Kumud says I will keep the flowers. Kusum and Kumari stop Saras and talk to him about Danny. They make him busy. Kumud comes in his room and looks our for the pearl. She does not get it anywhere. Kusum tells Saras about Danny. Saras says tell me what happened, what did Danny do. Kusum says Danny daily snores at night. Saras looks on and says snoring. Kumud says I know he has hidden it that I can’t get it easily, but I will find it.

Saras says see Kusum, snoring is a small common problem, even I do. Kusum says I know how big the problem is. Saras hears sound from his room and says whats Kumud doing there. Kusum and Kumari stop Saras from going to his room. Kumari makes the snoring sounds in different styles. Saras says I don’t like this joke. He says I will solve your problem, let me go. Kusum tells another problem, that Danny throws wet towel on the bed and he makes the bed wet. I have decided that I won’t be with him in same room. Kumud gets the pearl under the bed.

Saras tells Kusum such things happen, try to make Danny change. Kumud comes and says its done. They leave. Saras realizes that Kumud has stolen his pearl and rushes to check. He sees Kumud Saras 3 3 written on the mirror. He writes 2. Badimaa asks did they leave, they might have come there to steal the pearl. Saras says yes, they stole the fake one, I have the real one.

Yash tells Kumud that Saras still has the real pearl and this one is fake. He says Saras has kept it close to his heart. Kumud thinks.

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  1. leicester11
    January 23, 15:07 Reply

    sure nikky dear even im bored so u fire questions at me n i’ll try n answer them then i’ll ask sum and u answer them yeh n it defo is a great idea

    • Nihara
      January 23, 15:10

      Who is your favorite Actor, Liane…??? 🙂

    • leicester11
      January 23, 15:16

      Hmm in bollywood its girish kumar n on tv its gautam rode 😀 wat about u nikky

    • Nihara
      January 23, 15:19

      My Favorite actor in Bollywood is ‘Hrithik Roshan’… And in Television ‘Kapil Sharma’…

    • leicester11
      January 23, 15:23

      hmMm nikky gud choice even i like them hritik’s body n kapil’s laughter he is so funny

      so wats ur rav actress in bollywood n tv

    • Noor
      January 23, 15:26

      Hey can I join
      Fave actor in bollywood is vidyut jammawal an on tv rivik danjhani

    • Nihara
      January 23, 15:30

      My Favorite Actress in Bollywood is ‘Katrina Kaif’… And, My Favorite Actress in Television is ‘Nia Sharma’… 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Noor
      January 23, 15:33

      Fave bollywood actress is sonam kapoor by far an tv kratika sengar or asha negi

  2. Noor
    January 23, 15:05 Reply

    Its still hailing here an has been for the past half an hour :0

    • leicester11
      January 23, 15:11

      Really :O in leicester it hailed only for like 2mins wish it snowed here

    • Noor
      January 23, 15:19

      Have u lived in leicster all ur life

    • Noor
      January 23, 14:58

      Im good thanks, how are u? Btw I was in leicester the otherday shopping

    • leicester11
      January 23, 15:04

      aah did u enjoy. bcuz I know its always a pleasure to shop in leicester

      btw do u remember me?

    • Noor
      January 23, 15:08

      Yeah I was in loughbourough to see family an we went shoppin as we dnt have any good asian shops in stoke so we go b’ham but as we were close we went there. Yeah liane right?

  3. leicester11
    January 23, 14:48 Reply

    hey nikky im bac u there n yeh I understand hw skool works buh u know for me today was fab esp after school it was hailing n for around 2mins the roads looked pure white wish it could snow

    • Nihara
      January 23, 15:00

      OHO…!!! 😮 Okay!!! Hmmm…, I’m quite bored… So, If you don’t mind, Shall we talk about our interests… It’ll be interesting and amazing… And…, Also, We can know about each other, Even better… Great Idea, na…??? What you’re saying…??? 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Nihara
      January 23, 15:19

      My Favorite actor in Bollywood is ‘Hrithik Roshan’… And in Television ‘Kapil Sharma’… 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. Nihara
    January 23, 14:30 Reply

    Okay… 🙁 🙁 🙁 Bye…!!! Take care!!! See you soon, Dear… 🙁 🙁 🙁

  5. leicester11
    January 23, 14:27 Reply

    nikky mala maf kar I hav to go now buh i’ll b bac in bout 20 mins or sooer bye tc c u later n i’ll talk about my day wen I cum back ok. sweety

    • Nihara
      January 23, 14:30

      Okay… 🙁 🙁 🙁 Bye…!!! See you soon, Dear… 🙁 🙁 🙁

  6. Nihara
    January 23, 14:25 Reply

    But, I’m your Friend na…??? I’m not a Stranger na…??? 🙁 🙁 🙁 But, Its Okay… I can Understand you… But, Avoid it as hard as you can… 🙂

    • leicester11
      January 23, 14:43

      Yeh dear r my friend n will always b my friend n sure i’ll try to avoid it as best as I can ok 🙂

  7. leicester11
    January 23, 14:18 Reply

    hmmmmm…. dear i’ll try cuz its quite hard not to say sorry or thanks

  8. leicester11
    January 23, 14:12 Reply

    yeh nikky im always popping in n out of here n so hws skool going n how was ur day today

    • Nihara
      January 23, 14:21

      Ummm…, School, Hmmm… Not so good… And, My Day, Nothing very big happened to say… On the whole, Days and Times are just going in it’s track… Nothing more, Nothing less… :-/ :-/ :-/

  9. Nihara
    January 23, 14:11 Reply

    And, NO need to say Sorry…!!! You only said that na, “Between Friends, No ‘Sorrys’, And…, No ‘Thanks'”… So…, As, you said, No ‘Sorrys’ And No ‘Thanks’…!!! Okay!!! 😀 😀 😀

  10. Nihara
    January 23, 13:46 Reply

    Everybody left…!!!??? 🙁 🙁 🙁

    • leicester11
      January 23, 14:02

      hi nikky im fyn missed u a lot dear hw r u sorry in advanance nets kinda slow im jus chatting with u right now so wat r u doing n wat tym is it there

    • Nihara
      January 23, 14:07

      Hey, Liane… You came back…!!! 😀 I’m fine, Dear… And, I too missed you a lot, you know…??? 🙁 And, I’m also chatting with you now… LOL! 😀 And…, Yeah, Here its 12:37 am

  11. Nihara
    January 23, 13:34 Reply

    Hi, Sana… I’m fine, Dear… How’re you…???

    • Sana
      January 23, 13:47

      Fine dear den are you Tamilian right oz i am also from Tamilnadu

    • Nihara
      January 23, 13:52

      Really…??? 😀 I’m so HAPPY…!!! 😀 😀 😀 Finally I gotta get a Thamizh Friend… I’m jumping in excitement…!!! 😀 😀 😀

  12. Nihara
    January 23, 13:32 Reply

    I’m fine, Liane, Sweetheart… How’re you,Sweetie…??? And, Of course, I remember you, Dear… How can I ever forget such a lovely Friend like you, Baby…??? 🙂 🙂 🙂 And I’m really sooo Sorry for late reply, Dear… As Its, As usual, Power cut… As, So…, I Can’t able to reply you soon… SORRY…!!! 🙁 By the way, I Really, Really missed you so much, You know…??? 🙁 🙁 🙁 Hmmm….. So, What’re you doing now…??? 🙂

  13. Nihara
    January 23, 12:57 Reply

    Hi, Guys… Anyone there…? Please…, talk to me na…!!! I’m feeling so bored and very lonely… 🙁 🙁 🙁

    • Sana
      January 23, 13:00

      Hi nihara how are you

    • leicester11
      January 23, 13:02

      hi nikky im here hw r u

      hope u remember me naa

  14. Pooja
    January 23, 12:28 Reply

    Guys, I don’t think it’s Pramad after plastic surgery cos his voice was different too…..
    But I want that ripped dupatta surely expose Kalika may be by Kusum????soooooooooo wish like that

    • leicester11
      January 23, 12:24

      sorry di im herenets not loading quick that’s y n tithi I hate horror dream even sumthing funny can make me svared

      sorry for the late replies di once again

  15. Tithi
    January 23, 12:08 Reply

    Smiley too see tday n8 horror drmz,ok?final bye.

    • smiley
      January 23, 12:11

      wow i love horror movies!!!

  16. smiley
    January 23, 12:07 Reply

    im here liane my net is to much slow dnt know why!! ok bye tithi gud ni8 sweet dreams

  17. Tithi
    January 23, 12:06 Reply

    Yes liane.bye bt wish u many horror drmz.haha.

  18. leicester11
    January 23, 11:54 Reply

    hello tithi missing u too yaar haven’t talked to u since ages hope we can talk tmoz bye luv u tc c u tmoz gud night sweet dream sleep tight miss u

  19. Tithi
    January 23, 11:49 Reply

    No thanks and no sorry ok.nw hv to n8.miss u and lv u [email protected] @liane,hw r u?talking to u aftr a lng tme,bt ll surely tlk tmorrow dear.missed u a lot and always do.bye n8.

  20. leicester11
    January 23, 11:45 Reply

    omg di. u now wat I was soooooooooooo happy today after skool cuz u c there was a bit of rain then hailstones omg di. it was sooo excited I wish it could snow 😀 :D. 😀 😀

    so di hws skool going for u

    • smiley
      January 23, 11:56

      wow thats nice u enjoy ur days na im so happy for u my skul is good as always

    • smiley
      January 23, 11:47

      really srry tithi im so hapyyy hahahaha!!!!!

  21. Tithi
    January 23, 11:42 Reply

    Look smiley i hv used ur name and it wrked.u cn use it nw n8.

    • smiley
      January 23, 11:45

      oops sorry thankyou so much yaar love u

  22. leicester11
    January 23, 11:42 Reply

    sorry for late replies guyz nets been slow since sorry

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