Saraswatichandra 26th April 2013 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 26th April 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 26th April 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Badimaa calling out Kumud. Kusum comes, Badimaa asks her what is Kumud doing. She says Kumud is making tea in the kitchen. Badimaa comes in the kitchen and asks Kumud that why Saras did not come for breakfast today. Kumud offers her tea. Kumud asks Badimaa do you Saras a lot. And there is one more reason why you care for him so much. Badimaa says we cannot hide anything from each other.

Badimaa says Saraswati and I were best friends. Badimaa says she was responsible for taking care of Saras. Kumud asks why she was annoyed when Saras come. Badimaa tells her the old story how Ghuman took Saras away from her. Saras was shouting Maai…

Badimaa says she thought Saras will never come back. Ghuman will make him like herself. But now she feels Ghuman did not win yet. Saras feelings are suppressed by Ghuman, and we have to revive them. Kumud says she rememberes the promise which she made to her. Badimaa smiles. Saras and Sunny are going somewhere. Sunny greets Kumud. Vidyachatur enters the home. Kumud and Saras are happy to see him. Vidyachatur meets Sunny. Sunny asks Kumud was with him and she told what Saras did since he came here, and he enjoyed listening to it.

Kumud’s mother comes there and tells she will make tea for him. Vidyachatur asks Saras whether he liked the land. Saras says one minute, and goes to Sunny to ask what did Kumud tell about him. Sunny says nothing serious. Sunny jokes. Saras looks at Kumud. Saras leaves.

Sunny says Kumud not to leave hope and courage. Kumud says someone has trusted me. Kumud sees Badimaa taking something, and she gets an idea. Kumud says Sunny plan number 2. Sunny smiles.

Scene shifts to Kumari:

Kumari is with a sub-inspector. She says him why do you do like this. If Kusum had seen us yesterday, everyone would have come to know about us. He tells her that you yourself go and tell everyone. He says some shayari. Kumari laughs. He says sorry to her for coming that way to meet her as he feels restless without seeing her. She says the same to him. He feels happy. He says he will make her his wife. Kumari shows some bhau to him. He tells her some advantages of marrying to a sub-inspector.

Scene shifts to Kumud’s house:

Her mother asks her whether she is coming to Mandir. She says no, I have much work of school.
Sunny wishes to see the village. Vidyachatur asks him to go with Gyaan as he has some work. Sunny says he will help him, but he should come with him. Vidyachatur agrees and says to take Saras with them. Sunny takes he is busy. They leave to see the factory. Kumud shows Sunny a thumps up sign. Kumud wishes that today her work shoud be done so that she can make everyone happy.

Kumud goes to Saras, he is working on his laptop. He has a tray of Mirchi in her tray and she is upto something.

Kumud taunts Saras on his sneezing. She says this mirch burns in heat and dries. She says indirectly to him. She pretends as if mirchi went in her eyes. She says she doess not care whether someone maintains the distance or not. Saras takes water for her and gives her. She cannot see. She says she will go blind. She acts. He says to keep her hand in front. She says she cannot do anything, and he should help her. He puts water on her eyes. He wipes them. Kuch na kahe… plays. Kumud opens her eyes.

Kumud looks at him. He asks her whether she is fine. She says if you are good, then why do you try to become bad. She says I told you to maintain some distance from me, now I am telling you there is no such need. I have hurted you, so sorry. Song.. plays. Saras says I have forgiven you. He says there will be no distance between us, Kumud smiles. He says but he hopes there will be distance of feelings from her side. Kumud is shocked to hear this. Saras leaves.

Scene shifts to Kumari:

Kumud’s mother, Badimaa and others are going to the Mandir. Kumari is there itself. They do not see Kumari, but Kumari sees them.

Scene shifts to Kumud:

Sunny comes back home. Kumud asks him whether he liked the village. Sunny says he liked everything about the village. Sunny if he had the proposal of a girl like Kumud, he would have settled with her. He says Saras does not know how to express himself. Sunny asks what happened. Kumud says he made another distance with her.

Scene shifts to Saras:

Saras thinks about Kumud, and her words. . Saras tells maybe Kumud got hurt, but this is necessary as he don’t want to feel anything. Sunny comes there saying he liked the village a lot. Saras is hearing the bhajan. Sunny says now he understood why he came here after the video conference with Kumud. She loves herself and her family. Sunny asks him to laugh. Saras is irritated by Sunny and laughs. Kumud thinks it is a hard task to make Saras smile and laugh by heart.

No Precap


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  1. varsha-v-t-s
    April 15, 12:08 Reply

    awhh…our drama queenn..
    superb acting !! tezzdhar ♥♥ 😀

    • varsha-v-t-s
      April 15, 12:08

      tht BG music srsly kills me .. XD XD..
      tht feeellss 🙄

    • varsha-v-t-s
      April 15, 12:09

      her sorryy..awwww……
      th way she lukd at him…n the concern he showed …..
      mind blowing ♥♥♥

  2. varsha-v-t-s
    April 15, 11:53 Reply

    hw sunny insisted 😀 😀 😆
    touched his pride itself 😉
    flatterer number 1 😛

  3. varsha-v-t-s
    April 15, 11:32 Reply

    tht divine love ..pure love tht badimaa has 4 saras..
    its really heart warming ♥♥♥

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