Saraswatichandra 29th April 2014 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 29th April 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 29th April 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Kabir giving a bouquet to Ghuman. He says no one knows I m in Ratnagiri. She takes the flowers and he asks what happened, is there any tension. She says Danny is avoiding me, stays out and does not take my call, is it that Vidyachatur and his daughter are controlling him. He says no, they don’t have any hope in Danny, don’t worry. They will leave the house soon and from Danny’s heart. She smiles and says you are going UK, it should not be that your plan flops. He asks her to trust him, forget it now. She asks you too? I won’t be able to forget you ever. He says I should leave before anyone sees me here. He leaves. Kumud is shocked seeing them. Ghuman throws the bouquet and leaves.

Kumud comes and tells Saras that Kabir is in Ratnagiri. Saras is shocked. Kumud says why is he lying to us. She says I think we should meet him. Saras says no, its his plan he will be alert, only Menka can tell us. Kumud says Danny should not have any doubt. Saras says Danny ignored Ghuman’s call, what will he feel when he knows his mum’s truth. Kumud says we are there for him. She asks where is he. Saras says I will call him and ask. He calls Danny and asks where are you. Danny says at home, I came here to take a file, Menka is at home. Saras says fine, stop her till we come there, we have to talk something important. Danny asks what happened. Saras ends the call and leaves.

Ghuman is on the way and says I paid Sunanda but she could not separate Kumud and Saras,m Danny is also behaving strange, my every plan is flopping, just one last plan, then everything will be fine. Saras and Kumud come home and asks Danny where is Menka. Danny says she is in her room. They go to see her and knock the door. Saras calls out Menka Maasi. They open the door and see Menka is not on the room. Saras says no one is here. He calls Danny and says where were you, I told you to see her, she left. Danny says she was packing her bag. He says her flight is of tomorrow. Danny asks what happened, tell me.

Ghuman comes home. Danny says mum came. Saras says we will leave now and talk later. Ghuman is shocked to see Kumud and Saras with Danny. She says no one told me you both came back. She starts acting. She asks how are you both. Saras and Kumud think about Sunanda and what she has faced there. Saras and Kumud leave without answering her. Danny turns. Ghuman says they can live here, but not anyone from Desai family. Danny leaves. Ghuman says few days more, then I will leave from here.

Danny comes to Saras and Kumud at the Desai house and asks them to tell him whats the matter. Danny asks where was Kumud all these days and why did Saras need so much money. He says I think you have not forgiven me, else you would have not hidden anything from me. Kumud says its not like that, trust us. Saras says do you think I don;t trust you, but the truth is I trust you more than myself. He says yes, we are hiding something, but it has a reason, we will tell you on the right time. he says you have to take care of this house and business till then. Danny agrees. Saras hugs him. Kumud smiles.

Kalika comes to meet Ghuman and asks her to give her money else Dinesh will come home. Ghuman says why should I help you, you did not do any of my work. Kalika says I tried, I will do anything, but help me please, your enemies are mine, I will give you all the secrets of Desai house. Ghuman says I will come. Kalika thinks will Ghuman agree or not.

Saras and Kumud tell Badimaa that Menka is avoiding them and she is leaving for Dubai tomorrow. Badimaa says keep trying, I think I will also know from the hospital. Saras says only Menka can tell us about Ghuman’s secret. I think I should find her. Badimaa says then go, I m leaving for hospital now. Ghuman comes and gives money to Kalika. Kalika is very happy seeing the notes. She says I will help you always. Ghuman says enough. I m not donating, come whenever I call you. Kalika says yes, I will come, I m yours now, you bought me. Ghuman says good, you can go. Kalika leaves and comes home.

She bumps into Saras and Kumud and the money falls. Saras and Kumud are shocked to see many bundles cash. Kalika gets tensed. Kalika thinks what to do now. She picks the money and says I m sorry, I bumped by mistake. Kumud stops her and asks whose money is this and where are you taking it. Kalika says its mine, I brought it from bank to invest. She says I want to buy gold bangles. Kalika leaves saying I have cook food. Saras says come Kumud. They leave.

Badimaa comes to the hospital and enquires about the baby. She says 9 may 1993. The girl says I joined 2 years ago, why did you need such an old info, we don’t have old records. Badimaa says there might be some solution. The girl says I m sorry, I can’t help you. Badimaa says its very important. She says we don’t have the documents now. She asks Badimaa to talk to an old nurse and she has some old documents, maybe she can help you. Badimaa goes to meet the nurse. Danny talks to Kusum and asks did you find anything. He says fine if everyone don’t know. He thinks how can Menka be linked to us. He says I can ask Badimaa, but no, Saras will know then, what to do now. He says mum? He calls Ghuman and she becomes happy. He asks her about Menka. Ghuman says I don’t know where she is. He ends the call and she gets annoyed. She says why is Danny asking about Menka.

Badimaa asks the nurse Sarla about the baby and says his mum died, only you can tell me now.

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  1. Rainbow
    April 30, 06:17 Reply

    Bye.. Going to hav nap..
    If U can come @ nyt,,

    • rose
      April 30, 06:24

      ok di seee u soon ……….

      have a good nap

  2. rose
    April 30, 05:41 Reply

    wheres smiley di…..

    its been long i chatted with her i thot she ll be here 🙁

    • Rainbow
      April 30, 05:53

      Sorry for late reply..
      U came @ good tym tat I was alone here.. Wen U came, My frnd cld me. So went to attnd d call..

      Smiley ka phn uske dad ke saath hei.
      For a change I tried to speak n Hindi n It became flop

    • rose
      April 30, 05:56

      nope di its fine comin frm a person who doesnt speak hindi 🙂
      trust me mine is unbearable 😉

      so di u had lunch

    • rose
      April 30, 05:57

      oh smiley if u see this
      miss u n seee u soon ………. inshallah

    • Rainbow
      April 30, 05:58

      Had.. U??
      Bt cnt be bad as mine

    • rose
      April 30, 06:06

      nope di
      just came frm school
      actuallly nones at home im callin da nw

      so wt r u doin di

  3. Rainbow
    April 30, 05:36 Reply

    Eagerly waiting for friday..
    2 more days to go…

    • rose
      April 30, 05:39

      why di anythin special

      n abt someone makin ur hindi ri8 ……. i thik i came at the wrong time coz my hindi is worser 😉

    • Rainbow
      April 30, 05:39

      Hi dea 🙂
      Hwz classes?? Still lots to study??

    • rose
      April 30, 05:40

      yup nxt week our midterm 🙁

      i just came frm school ……… nt sleepin 2day

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