Saraswatichandra 3rd June 2014 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 3rd June 2014 Written Update by JD

Saraswatichandra 3rd June 2014 Written Episode

Episode starts with Kumud waiting along with inspection officers for Kabir and Danny.They Arrive and try to avoid going to School while Kumud is confused what Danny and Kabir are upto.Finally they start to School and Kabir drives very slow and Danny tells it is because he want officers to see entire Ratnagiri and waste time by talking while Kumud is left surprised by Danny’s Behaviour.

Danny tells he has to go for Restroom and asks Kabir to come along with him and they go little far while Danny calls Saras asking for Students when he tells them to eat up more time.

Officers are getting late and they tell Kumud when she calls Danny and asks him to come and Kabir decides to wait sometime but Danny tells Kumud will be upset and they leave.

At School Along with Saras all teachers,Anushka and Yash worry for Students and Anushka prays to god so that Students reach before time.Otherside Kabir stops car telling repair and they take more time while Kumud is worried as it is getting late.

Kabir and Danny remove a wire from Car and tells them that it will take some time when The inspection officer gets down and he connects cars wires and it gets started and kumud is happy while Kabir and danny are worried.Danny suggests them to come to their Hosue but they reject and wants to go to school first.Kumud wonders what is wrong with Danny.

They all reach school while danny is worried as saras didn’t reply to message and all are surprised to see students in class and Kumud is Happy.The Inspector checks a students notes and praises him and asks him what he like in school when he replies Kumud and all laugh.While they leave to another rooms to check Kumud is surprised as how students came to school and iasks Danny and he points towards Saras and Kumud is surprised to see Saras there.

Kumud and Saras hold hands and they get emotional and Saras tells he has to take care of everything as Kumud is in delhi.

Kumud asks why saras didn’t go to mumbai and is impressed as saras stayed back and danny asks how parents approved and parents tell they realized after their street role play and Students were also crying to send them to school and they thank saras.

Saras tells it is all efforts of Students who wanted to study while Kumud gets emotional seeing Saras.

Kabir and Anushka are walking with a bad leg in the corridor. He calls her an idiot and she replies him Sadu Both starting to walk in the opposite direction. Kabir collides with Saras. Saras sees both struggling to walk and asks Kabir what’s going on.

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  1. dasum
    June 03, 14:16 Reply

    plzz update d episode as soon as possible….

    can’t able to wait

    • dasum
      June 03, 14:18

      I want amena di back

  2. SaMud4Ever
    June 03, 14:15 Reply

    Thank you JD for the written update!!! πŸ™‚

  3. SaMud4Ever
    June 03, 14:14 Reply

    Hello Rainbow and DaSum!!! πŸ™‚ How are you both? πŸ™‚ Sorry I couldn’t chat as my sister is right here. πŸ™

    • Rainbow
      June 03, 14:18

      m fyn..
      Happy wid todays episode..
      if u see admin plz ask him d reason for amena dis absence..

  4. SaMud4Ever
    June 03, 14:12 Reply

    Yay, finally our Jennifer/Kumud is back!!! πŸ™‚ We should all celebrate not only for that but also because SC completed 350 episodes!!! πŸ™‚ Congratulations to the whole SC team!!! πŸ™‚ We love you SC, JeNam, and SaMud!!! πŸ™‚

  5. dasum
    June 03, 14:11 Reply

    thank god d school problem hav can to an end.

    hope dey will show new plot with my dasum scenes

    precap s nice labor anushka love story started but wer s my dasum scenes

    writers keep it in mind dat dasum s second lead pair in dis SC serial

    • dasum
      June 03, 14:13

      sorry instead of kabir I typed labor

    • SaMud4Ever
      June 03, 14:15

      Yes, we need more DaSum scenes!!! πŸ™‚ I think Shiny is on vacation. πŸ™

    • Rainbow
      June 03, 15:41

      me too missing dasum, kusum doesnt have roles

  6. dasum
    June 03, 14:06 Reply

    Danny…u rockzzz today…. I like ur performance…. u acted like a cute kid….

    kusum was absent today….

    always dey r doing like dis ….no dasum scenes… updates also very late….hate it
    want more dasum scenes……

    dey r irritating me a lot..

    • SaMud4Ever
      June 03, 14:16

      Danny is so cute!!! πŸ™‚

    • Rainbow
      June 03, 14:25

      me too want to see dasum scenes. Missing dem
      btw did any1 watch baawre??

  7. Rainbow
    June 03, 13:57 Reply

    naughty danny…
    DSK rocks..
    Samud scene was d best one n dis episode..

    • SaMud4Ever
      June 03, 14:16

      Can’t wait to watch SaMud scene!!! πŸ™‚

  8. SaMud4Ever
    June 03, 13:56 Reply

    Gautam Rode @gautam_rode

    Gm friends:) Got a book from @SWCFanClub with mess from all my admirers around the world..This gesture has really touched my heart n I feel blessed n honoured:) .. thanks a lot hami khangura from Vancouver, Canada to arrange all these mess together… It really means a lot

    Gautam Rode @gautam_rode

    Thanks hami khangura once again God bless u … u made v happy:)@SWCFanClub

    Gautam Rode @gautam_rode

    Thanks a lot all my friends n admirers for taking out time n sending such genuine n sweet mess.I really value u all thanks for being there

  9. SaMud4Ever
    June 03, 13:54 Reply

    β™› TΡ”ΰΈ„ΠΌGΞ±Ο…Ρ‚Ξ±ΠΌRΟƒβˆ‚Ρ” ☼ @GautamRodeTeam

    3 Winners Have Been Chosen To Feature As Admirer Of The Month~ Sugar Leo Varsha Parmar @Varsha_Devji Chunika Rai CONGRATULATIONS!! -TeamG
    Retweeted by Gautam Rode

  10. SaMud4Ever
    June 03, 13:54 Reply

    Saraswatichandra @GautamsAdmirers

    Two of my favourite people in one pic , @gautam_rode & @TheVikasKhanna when’s the next masterchef?
    Retweeted by Gautam Rode

  11. SaMud4Ever
    June 03, 13:53 Reply

    Gautam Rode
    10 hrs Β·

    June toh aa gaya… baarish kab aayegi… waiting for some rain and hopefully a cooler climate soon…

  12. suba
    June 03, 13:50 Reply


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