Saraswatichandra 6th September 2013 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 6th September 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 6th September 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Saras telling Pramad that Saraswatichandra is dead. Pramad is shocked. Pramad says he died? He says you brought a good news. He says I don’t know whether Kumud knows this or not. He says she has become a widow now. Pramad laughs and says I will give her this good news that he lover died. Saras says are you not ashamed making fun of other’s feelings. Pramad says you get hurt easily why? Saras says yes, because you don’t deserve her love. Pramad says why, I married a left over woman. He asks Saras where did Saraswatichandra go after leaving the marriage. Saras gets angry but controls himself. Pramad talks ill about Kumud’s character saying she might had many lovers. Saras beats Pramad and thinks of the promise he gave to Kumud. Pramad looks at Saras angrily. Both of them have a fight. (Saras looks so short infront of Pramad!!) Saras says I will tell you about Saraswatichandra. He loved Kumud by his heart and respected her love, and if anyone said against Kumud, he would think of killing them. Saraswatichandra made a mistake of hurting Kumud’d heart so he died.

Saras says Kumud if forgiving you even after seeing your mistakes, so you don’t deserve her love. They have an never ending fight. Saras thinks about Pramad’s words and says the same to Pramad. Pramad gets up and stops him and says tell me if she does not love me, then why does she act infront of me. Saras goes back to Pramad and says foolish, she is trying to love you, she is trying to change you, but you don’t deserve her. Pramad stops him again and……..

Budhidhan asks Kumud about Alak, is she fine. Kumud says Alak is sleeping, she is better now. Budhidhan says she is doing much work for the party. He says she is doing Pramad’s work. He asks Kumud are you able to forget whatever happened yesterday. He says I don’t cover Pramad’s mistakes. Kumud says how much I try, I m unable to understand him. Budhidhan says what to do, I being a father could not understand his problem. He says Pramad is going on becoming bad. Budhidhan says it looks like his blood won over my upbringing. Kumud asks what. Budhidhan makes an excuse and leaves.

Kalika comes to Kusum and returns the box. Kalika apologizes to her and says I won’t do such mistake again. Kusum says don’t speak against me or my sister. Kalika says calm down, I apologized to Kumud and she has forgiven me. Kumud is very nice, and I don’t want that you stay annoyed with Naveen because of me. Kusum says I know, keep the box and leave. Kusum warns Kalika and says my sister forgives only once, so don’t repeat your mistake. Kalika leaves.

Kumud comes to her room and thinks about Budhidhan’s words. Pramad comes to Kumud, and he is unable to stand. He says I came to know everything about your lover. Kumud is shocked. He says your lover got his punishment. He says your Saraswastichandra has died.

Pramad says you won’t believe me, are you unable to bear this, say. Kumud is shocked. She looks at Pramad. He says how are you feeling after hearing he is dead. Kalika comes there and tells Pramad that Budhidhan is calling you. Pramad leaves to meet him. Kumud cries and thinks about Pramad’s words. Badimaa and Guniyal see the heavy rain and think who is that who helped us. Guniyal says the person is sent from the Lord to help us. Someone comes at Vidyachatur’s house. Badimaa is at the gate and looks at him. He says you did not tell me about the problem. Its Danny. Badimaa and Guniyal are shocked to see him. Kumud runs to check on Saras.

She sees Saras is not in his room. Kusum asks her what happened. Kumud does not answer her and runs outside the house. She sees Saras taking out his anger on wood. She runs to him and falls. She says Pramad said Saraswatichandra died, why? Saras says for your happiness, what if I die for you. Kumud says don’t say this, when you broke our relation, I did not think like this. I want you to stay well and happy. Saras says I will leave from here if I feel you are safe and happy here, but not now. They have an eyelock, the song Kuch na Kahe…. plays in the background. (After a very long time, they came closer, really sweet!!) Kumud and Saras look at each other and share their pain. Kumud steps backward and goes back into the house.

Badimaa asks Danny why he came here. Danny says to make everything right. Badimaa says leave from here you family knows only to hurt. Danny stops Badimaa and says I know Saras made a mistake, but we need a chance to correct it. Guniyal asks him to leave. Danny says listen to me. They shut the door. Kusum comes to Saras and says you still love Kumud, right? Saras says I lost that right now. He says I broke Kumud’s promise but what could I do. I could not bear Pramad. Kusum says Kumud moved ahead, you also move on. Saras says till I m alive, I cannot forget Kumud. He says when I am sure that Pramad changed and they are happy together, I will never show my face to Kumud.

Pramad gets closer to Kumud and asks her to consummate the marriage. Saras thinks maybe Pramad will get angry on Kumud because of him. Kumud runs away from Pramad as he gets closer to her.


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  1. Hoor
    September 06, 11:54 Reply

    @arti di Saw a Emotional samud scene very Happy 😀 than i beared saras kusum scene happily 😀

    • arti
      September 06, 11:54

      aww. i cant wait to see it!

    • Hoor
      September 06, 11:57

      Must watch

    • arti
      September 06, 11:56

      awesome! tfs

    • Hoor
      September 06, 11:57

      🙂 pleasure

  2. arti
    September 06, 11:51 Reply

    very happy to see danny back! i wish sunny would come too.
    sunny + kusum
    Danny + kumari

    • Hoor
      September 06, 11:52

      yes missing sunny

    • Apple
      September 06, 12:10

      Yahoooo danny is back. Awesome epi

  3. arti
    September 06, 11:50 Reply

    zaara wont be here today..maybe later. shes busy with school

    • Hoor
      September 06, 11:51


  4. jojo
    September 06, 11:50 Reply

    hope danny unite samud 🙂 🙂

    • arti
      September 06, 11:57

      yep! i hope his and kumari’s story starts. shes missing a lot lately

  5. arti
    September 06, 11:50 Reply

    i wish kusum would stop telling saras to leave.

  6. suraj
    September 06, 11:49 Reply

    r u sure bcz?????? @anal

  7. arti
    September 06, 11:49 Reply

    fantastic epi.
    everyone had a good role today. i cant wiat to see pramad get his trashing. he so deserves it.

    why do i get the feeling he was adopted?? today budhidhan said- his blood won over his upbringing- definitely something behind this

    • Hoor
      September 06, 11:50

      yes yesterday alakh said Ussey Jail mein hee rehne deti”

    • arti
      September 06, 11:51

      yep. i remember that.

  8. arti
    September 06, 11:47 Reply

    precap- dont worry..i feel confident she wont let him have his way.

    • Hoor
      September 06, 11:49

      yes 🙂 if i will find spoilers will post i am sure saras will be there to save her

    • arti
      September 06, 11:50


  9. arti
    September 06, 11:47 Reply

    oh my! my prediction was so right!
    i thought it had to be danny/sunny or LN who paid the workers!

  10. Aanal
    September 06, 11:46 Reply

    In novel it is also there that kumud and saras will unite at the end so happy

    • Hoor
      September 06, 11:47

      🙂 really 😀

  11. arti
    September 06, 11:46 Reply

    awesome! thanks for sharing!

  12. suraj
    September 06, 11:46 Reply

    cool…. thanks simran..

  13. arti
    September 06, 11:46 Reply

    hi all!!!

    others..sorry if i forgot your name 🙂

    • Hoor
      September 06, 11:47

      Hello 🙂 waited 4 u Finally u here

    • arti
      September 06, 11:47

      heyyyy i didnt see you yesterday!

    • Hoor
      September 06, 11:48

      yes i was out of town 😀

    • sanjana
      September 07, 11:27

      hi arti di todays epi was great

  14. Lucky
    September 06, 11:30 Reply

    Precap is very sad. But I hope that before pramad will do some bad thing with kumud saras will safe hera on time.

    • Hoor
      September 06, 11:32

      yes thats what the twist is !! hope saras realizes pramad will never change

    • Lucky
      September 06, 11:35

      But what a intersting twist in the precap?

  15. suraj
    September 06, 11:21 Reply

    hello guyz.. pls tell me one thing that is this serial is based on saraswatichandra novel…

    • Lucky
      September 06, 11:32


    • suraj
      September 06, 11:35

      then it will be sad bcz accdg to that novel…! saras and kumud will never re unite and pramad is died ..! kumud force saras to marry with kusum….! 🙁

  16. Vidhu
    September 06, 10:45 Reply

    Wooowww!!!danny s bac…pls danny mak evrythin alrite n bring samud 2gthr

    • Hoor
      September 06, 10:47

      yes Hope he does !!

  17. Hoor
    September 06, 10:42 Reply

    Loved samud scne so after it i beared Saras kusum scene ,…
    How much saras loves kumud …

  18. crstina
    September 06, 10:41 Reply

    tnkyu amena di 4 update 🙂
    lv u al sc fanz, keep supportng dis show 🙂

  19. Hoor
    September 06, 10:40 Reply

    Dany enters 🙂 happy Happy 😀 start danny and Kumari romance 😀

  20. Neethu
    September 06, 10:38 Reply

    I love the show very much.

  21. poor Danny….

    Danny is the real hero

    Danny should demand Kusum’s hand in marriage to unite both families

    Instead of being grateful they were spiteful to Danny

    those beeps* should return Danny his money and sell their jewelery and let the man go free

    • Miss Unbelievable the Detective
      September 06, 10:42

      all i can say is that Pramad is a married man and he has the right to demand suhaga raat from kumud who is his wife

      all i can say is that if Kumud denies him even Buddihan and his wife cant blame him. They would defend him and Kumud will be more under pressure

      they wanted a wife for him and now he’s demanding to fullfill her role as wife and thats in his bed. No matter how wrong his intentions are right now but to me he’s reassured by Saras that Kumud is trying to love him and in his mind since this true he wants to start afresh with her it starts with them becoming one together

      or danny & kumari

    • Hoor
      September 06, 10:45

      he can demand 🙂 but the way he is demanding in not right !! otherwise he is taking revenge and kumud cannot do this because she loves saras that’s y they r showing this …
      hope kumud realizes it

    • Miss Unbelievable the Detective
      September 06, 11:20

      saras cant save kumud in this

      she has to save herself

      too much interference from saras will set that house on fire

      its already hot in there and it will be ablazed in there

      what can kumud do? both families trust her. she made her bed and should lay in it

      call me cold but she needs to realise the consequences for each reaction of pramad herself saras and kusum.

    • shashank
      September 07, 05:48

      Pramad can demand consummation,but if kumud(wife) does not want it,the husband cant force..forcefully doing these things even with your wife is a crime…the law and the family members can do everything…

    • sanjana
      September 07, 11:30

      I agree with u miss unbelievable kumud wanted to win pramds luv and now hes willing tomake luv himself so she should give in then shell be assured forever afterall on the first day of their marriage when he idnt allow her to sleep with him she felt bad then why hesitate now

  22. sanjana
    September 06, 10:37 Reply

    kumud now u hv to prove to saras that u also cannot forget him u too luv him and u too cannot stay without him
    danny is back! yippee I was missing him

    • Hoor
      September 06, 10:41

      she proved today to us <3 loved jenni today ,,,love SAMUD

  23. Hoor
    September 06, 10:35 Reply

    So pramad is taking revenge 🙂 i thought exactly the same Hope Saras saves KUMUD ..but PRAMAD u so Cheap

    • sanjana
      September 06, 10:38

      certainly first kalika and nw he wants kumud

  24. Hoor
    September 06, 10:32 Reply

    AWESOME EPI <3 Samud scene was so goood

    • sanjana
      September 06, 10:36

      after bearing al that kusum and saras drama we finally saw the samud scene danny is back isn’t it surprising

  25. sanjana
    September 06, 10:30 Reply

    hi everyone wasn’t todays episode worth watching

    • Hoor
      September 06, 10:33

      yes 🙂

  26. sarah
    September 06, 10:24 Reply

    thanks for the update

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