Sarojini 3rd September 2015 Written Update

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Sarojini 3rd September 2015 Written Update by H_Hasan

Sarojini 3rd September 2015 Written Episode

The episode starts with maami pouring kerosene on her body and warning Sarojini to accept marrying Mayank, else she will burn herself. Soumendra says she cannot kill herself as she does not love Sarojini. He picks knife and says he loves sarojini and she should marry only him, else he will cut his wrist. Maami lights match sticks. Soumendra cuts his wrist. Maami falls unconscious seeing blood. Sarojini sees Soumendra’s blood on floor and tries to tie her dupatta on his wrist, but he stops her and leaves saying he will die if she does not accept him. Sarojini then tries to wake up maami.

Dushyanth waits for Soumendra near his hostel. Soumendra enters on his bullet, parks it, and walks towards his room with blood dropping on floor. Dushyanth sees that and thinks definitely that girl would have done something.

Mayank badmouths about Soumendra in front of Maami and maama and says he could not pass 12th std and wants to marry Sarojini. He thinks he can marry her by cutting his wrist. Dushyanth enters and tells Sarojini that because of her, his son does not want to apply medicine on his wrist. He wants her to accompany him and convince Soumendra. Maama says she will not go with him like that. Dushyanth warns him that he does not know what he can do. Sarojini says she will accompany him. Maami starts yelling. Maama asks what is she doing. She asks if he trusts her. He nods yes. She says she wants to clear some issues, so she wants to meet Soumendra. Mama says he will accompany her. Dushyanth says he just wants his son to be treated and takes them both. They reach Soumendra’s hostel and Dushyanth warns Sarojini not to tell Soumendra that he sent her here and convince him marry a girl of his father’s choice.

Dushyanth drinks alcohol sadly. His friend asks him to apply medicine, but he says he wants to die in love. Sarojini enters and his friend gives her medicine. Inebriated soumendra says his friend he can see Sarojini in him. She says she is Sarojini. He says he can even hear Sarojini’s voice in him and hugs her. Sarojini asks why is he troubling himself. He realizes she has really come and says he does not want medicine. She makes him sit, applies medicine and says she likes him as a friend and nothing else. He asks if she came to apply medicine or scratch his wound. She asks him to let her live her life and marry Mayank. He ask if she is telling this by heart. She says yes and says she cannot oppose her mama/mami. He says she can go and marry Mayank, but he has one condition. She asks what. He says he wants to attend her marriage and just like her mama will send her off from hsi house, he wants to send her off from his heart. Sarojini says no.

Sarojini travels back in Dushyanth’s car and reminisces Soumendra telling he will apply medicine on his wound only if she agrees. She says he is just her friend. She cries in car while Soumendra cries in his home. Chan se jo tute koi sapna….song…plays in the background..They both reminisce the events happened before, him proposing her, etc.

Precap: Soumendra attends Sarojini’s permarriage rituals and looks at her with eager eyes. She sadly looks at her.

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  1. anna
    September 07, 09:43 Reply

    excellent epi soumendra acting is very good and i hate dushyanth

  2. […] came to apply medicine or scratch his wound. She asks him to let her live her life and marry Mayank. He ask if she is telling this by heart. She says yes and says she cannot oppose her mama/mami. He […]

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