Sasural Simar Ka 12th September 2016 Written Update

Sasural Simar Ka 12th September 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Sasural Simar Ka 12th September 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Prem says I got your mission simar. I have court orders against you. I can get you arrested. Piyush comes in and says enough Mr. Prem you can’t talk like this to my mom. Simar says Piyush I asked you not to come here. Piyush says I can’t see my mom getting insulted. Prem says your mom? Piyush says yes I am her son. Prem says Piyush. Pari you are the same guy who brought ambulance for Mataji. Prem he said he works in your office. Simar says what is all this? You have been here before? Prem recalls Piyush’s behavior. Piyush says yes mom.. Prem says you told me some other story. This means you did a fraud with me and got a job in my company? Simar says is that truth? Prem says why are you dazed? Anjali did a mistake you are blaming me. See this is your upbringing.
Piyush says don’t drag maa in this. Prem says Anajli does something that’s my fault. You fool people but that’s not Simar’s fault. Like mom like son. Piyush says you know what maa did for Anjali. Khushi enough with your drama. Prem this is all Simar’s game. She is using her son and sent him in your office. So she can enter this house again. Rohan says this is not truth. I am not part of your family but the one you are accusing is like a devi for me. and Piyush is more than a brother. His intentions.. Prem says enough. I don’t wanna know who he is and what he did. He fooled me and got a job. That is enough for me to know.
Prem says get out of here. Piyush says lets go maa. Simar doesn’t let him touch her. Simar says I am leaving but if fate took my to my daughter there must be a reason behind it and this time I won’t repeat my mistake. I will never leave my daughter’s hand. Prem says you better care about your son. I am here for Anjali and I don’t need you for that. Simar says if that’s so I won’t have found Anajli where I did. Prem says what you wanna say? After knowing the truth you might wanna know how much Anjali needs me. Prem says what you wanna say? Simar says Anjali bharadwaj our daughter, I found her dancing in a dance bar in Mumbai. Everyone is startled. Simar says for a mother to see her daughter that way was so difficult. I won’t let my daughter go back in that hell. I will do whatever I can. This is my promise to myself and my daughter. Simar leaves Piyush and Rohan follow her.
Prem says Anjali was in dance bar?

Scene 2
Simar comes home. Piyush tries to talk to her. Simar says promise to God is this what I taught you? To lie and fraud? Then why you fooled and lied to Prem? Roshni says choti maa.. Simar says Piyush knows why we are separate from family because I wanted to bring you up. No one thought that you would become a good human if you are brought up right, I stood against everyone. I said I will make you a good human but you proved me wrong today. You shattered my pride.
Roshni says choti maa please, no one is questioning your up bringing. Rohan says there was a reason behind piyush doing all this. Simar says wait a minute this means you two were part of this as well? Rohan says yes but.. Simar says enough.
Simar recalls what Prem said. Simar says this is all my fault. I couldn’t bring you up right. Piyush says don’t say that ma. I am really sorry. I am sorry that I concealed. My intention as only to reunite you. Simar says whatever you intention was, your way was wrong. You saw how much he loves me? We can never be one. Hatred doesn’t make relationships. Piyush says yes there is hatred in his eyes but there is no one in his heart but you. I lost but your relationship can never lose. They can stay away from each other but he has not forgotten you and nor have you. I believe you and papa will be one someday. Simar says I have no such hope. The building of our relationship has been eaten by insects. I have no hope from this relationship. All i want is Anjali to be on right path. I took one decision 15 years ago and one I will take. I will bring my daughter back on the path.

Scene 3
Anajli says that woman ruined everything. What is she in my life. Khushi comes in and says Anju how are you? How this all happened? How simar got there? Anajli says I don’t know. It was a good opportunity. She ruined everything. Khushi says simar is like that. She can do anything to prove herself right. Prem comes in and says so is simar lying? Isn’t it truth that you were in a dance bar? Anjali says it was an audition. She is so dumb. prem says she is not dumb you are. There are no auditions in a dance bar. Anjali says they wanted to take audition at a real place. Prem says give me number of the guy who called you there? Anjali says sure why not? Anjali dials savant’s number. Khushi says in heart if Prem talks to savant i will ruined. Prem says he is not picking up. Khushi says Prem why go in this matter now. Anjali won’t lie. Prem says she has always been lying and you are responsible for it. If she ever leaves this house you will be responsible for it and that would be your last day in this house as well. Anjali says this is no fairr. He leaves.

Scene 4
Lawyer says to Simar you want custody of your 22 years old daughter? Simar says I want to be her legal guardian? He says but she is an adult. She can decide for her life so this is not even a case. simr says if she is taking wrong decisions again and again don’t I have right to stop her? He says you can who is stopping you?Simar says her dad. He has restraining orders against me. I can’t go near their house. Lawyer says your daughter can live with you if she wants. Simar says she doesn’t want to live with me. Lawyer says but we can’t do anything then. Court will judge against us. Sumit comes in and says Mr. Ahuja we should take this case to court at least. File the case at least. Simar smiles.

Precap-Khushi says everyone come. Our beloved Simar has sent a legal notice. We have not brought Anjali up right. Simar will have Anjali’s custody. Prem takes the notice from her.

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