Sasural Simar Ka 14th December 2016 Written Update

Sasural Simar Ka 14th December 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Sasural Simar Ka 14th December 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Kali stops Naina from hitting her head but she doesn’t stop. Pavitra stops her and suddenly everything stops. Devri and Deva are dazed. Deva says to Devri Pavitra did this. Devri says a little girl beat you. I have my powers back.
Doctor dresses Naina’s wound. He says you don’t remember anything. He says after report we will know what is wrong with her. We will start hypnosis therapy. This can be a disorder. Leela says what are you saying.. She needs a baba. Nandu says dadi is right. She needs to be treated by a baba. Kali says don’t listen to them doctor. You keep your treatment on going. Manjiri says we don’t believe in all this. Kali says thanks for supporting manji ma. Manjiri says do you think devri is behind all this? Kali says no. I think
he deserves another chance. Nandu listens and smiles.

Devri says I have my powers back. Deva says we have to increase distance between naina and Kali. I will harm pavitra from naina. then kali will have to choose one of them. devri says she will choose pavitra and then I will teach her black magic.
Kali sings lullaby to Naina and Pavitra. Kali goes out with pavitra. Deva comes there. He says she doesn’t care about you. I feel bad about it. Naina says don’t say that about my mother she loves me. Deva says she was singing that to pavitra. Pavitra is her daughter her blood not you. Do you trust me? Naina nods. Pavitra and Kali come back. Naina throws water on deva and says get out. I don’t want to talk to you. My mama is so good, she loves me. Who are you to speak between me and my mom? Kali hugs nainaa and says are you okay? Naina says mama he is so bad. He speaks ill of you and mama. Kali says ram ji will make everything all right. Come lets sleep. Kali wonders what all this is.

Scene 2
Next morning, Kali is thinking about last night. Devri comes downstairs. Nandu says bhaiya you are well now? Thank God. Bhaiya is all right. Devri says yes. I am fine and thank you all for that. And this is the sign that I should go from here. Nandu says what. What are you saying. Devri says that is what we decided. Nandu says no I won’t let you go. Kali says Nandu if he wants to go what can we do. Nandu says yeah you would say that. You don’t want him to stay here.
Devri says thank you I should leave now. He goes out. Kali says in heart I am sure naina is behaving this way because of this devri. I should act cleverly right now. She says stop. Kali says I request you not to go anywhere and stay here. Nandu says thank you kali. He hugs her.

Devri sees Nandu making a box for naina. He says just for naina? Nandu says yes. Naina and Kali say papa play with us. Devri says I will play too. They all play. Pavitra is about to step on a knife Devri says her. Nandu says thank you brother. Naina holds Pavitra and says I caught you. Pavitra says you cheated. Naina says I didn’t. Nandu says yes she didn’t cheat. Kali says Naina pavitra come in.
Devri says nandu you saw she cheated. Nandu says for her happiness. DEvri says what about pavitra? She is your own daughter. Naina can be taken back by her parents at any time. Focus on your own blood. Nandu picks up the box.

Kali gets Naina and Pavitra ready. Nandu comes in and says guess what I got for my princess. He gives the box to pavitra instead of Naina. Naina says but papa you were making it for me because I asked you to. Pavitra says didi you can take it. NAian says I don’t want it. He gave it to you. Naina goes out. Kali says nandu you were making it for naian then why you gave it to pavitra? Nandu says she is my daughter. Kali says both are our daughter. We won’t differentiate between both. Nandu says in heart Kali says one thing and brother something else.
Pavitra says to naina take this box. She says I wanted this from papa. Pavitra says I will place it in the temple. Pavitra places the box in the temple. deva comes and shoves the candle stand on her. Pavitra is surrounded by fire. Pavitra runs out of it. Naina holds her hand. She comes towards fire. Pavitra says where are you taking me didi there is fire there.
Kali comes and sees them she is dazed. Kali says Naina.. She runs towards them. Kali saves them both her dupatta catches fire. Naina brings water and pours on it. Yug and nandu pour water on the fire. Kali hugs Naina and Pavitra. she says nothing happened. Leela says what happened here? Kali says niana why were you taking pavitra towards fire? Naina says I don’t know mama. NAndu says you should have taken care of pavitra naian you are old. Kali say its not her mistake. she could get burned too. Naina says sorry mama. Kali hugs naina and says its okay. You didn’t do it on purpose.

Precap-Kali says to baba cab I throw this sindur on someone invisible so I can see him? He says yes. Kali says now I will know who is talking to my daughter.

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1 Comment

  1. Rita
    December 15, 05:46 Reply

    What!!! Its kala teeka serials written update!!!

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