Sasural Simar Ka 18th August 2016 Written Update

Sasural Simar Ka 18th August 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Sasural Simar Ka 18th August 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Piyush asks kaka has maa done the pooja? He says she is not out of her room yet. This is the first time she is asleep till so late. Can you check her? Piyush says yes let me check. Piyush asks Simar what happened maa? Simar says I couldn’t sleep at night. Let me make you breakfast. Piyush says no no I will eat from canteen. Simar says I have to make it for Roshni and Rohan anyway. Piyush says they have left. Simar says that is so wrong. Piyush says its okay. SImar says I will make you breakfast. Piyush says you are the best mom in the world. You do so much for me. I feel so lucky. SImar says in heart I am not a good mom for my anjali.
Simar is working in the kitchen. she recalls what Anjali said.
Piyush says maa please hurry up. Simr says yeah I am almost done.
She sees that she forgot to fire the stove. Simr looks for matchstick. Piyush smells gas. He runs towards kitchen and stops Simar from lighting the stove. He says the gas is leaking. Simar says how can I be so careless. I could be so dangerous. Piyush says its okay. Sit here. Are you okay? Simar says i am fine. Piyush says I have never seen you this worried? Is this because of what happened yesterday? Simar says no no I trust you all. Piyush says you wont’ tell me? You always say I and you are a team. We can fight anything when we are together. You always helped me fighting my troubles. Its my turn now. Piyush says why are you breathing so fast? I am bringing water for you. You will tell me what is. Simar says you can’t understand this. I don’t want that at this time.. she sees the newspaper. Anjali’s picture is there. Simar reads the famous business man Prem’s daughter Anjali Bharadwaj embarrassed his dad in front of whole world. Simar says I never thought I would hear something like this about my Anjali. Never thought I would see her this way. Piyush is right, I have to face it. I can run away from my troubles. Its about time that I fix my mistake.

Scene 2
Anjali says to Khushi my name is in the paper. This would defame me. Khushi says you know when you are an actress this kind of publicity always helps you. That is how glamour industry works. Anjali says its only you who has kept my dreams alive. Khushi says I want you to become a superstar. I will tell everyone then, that you are my doll.
Anjali says why is there so much silence in the house. Khushi says why do you care. Go to your room, I will bring you breakfast there. Anjali sits on sofa and screams.She says my muscle is pulled. Khushi says this is your childhood problem.
Khushi says let me bring bam. Simar is on the door she looks in. Simar recalls Anjali’s childhood. Simar enters the house. she recalls her old moments spent in the house. Simar massages Anjali’s foot. Anjali says thank you. She looks at Simar and is dazed. Anjali says who are you? Simar says I.. I am your.. Khushi comes and shoves Simar hand away. Simar says Khushi.. Khushi says don’t dare touching Anjali. SImar says how are you talking? Khushi says how dare you come here? No shame? Simar says I am her mom. My relation with this house can break. I have right to hug my daughter and no one can take that from me. Simar says to Anjali I am your mom. Wont you hug your maa? Anjali shoves her and says stay away from me. My mom died the day she left me. Simar says don’t say that. I hate you. Anjali says KB ask this woman to leave right now. Simar says Anajli don’t say that. All these years there wasn’t a single day when.. Anjali says if you cared you won’t have left me.

Mataji wakes up.
Simar says listen to me once please. Simar says you don’t know in what circumstances I made that decision. Anjali says I know. When you had to decide between daughter and son, you chose him. SImar says no your mom is not that mean. Anjali says you are not my mom. Khushi is my everything. Mataji comes out and says Simar. Mataji says you came? Stay happy. She caresses her face. Mataji says simar came back to her home? I knew you would come back to your family. Mataji hugs her. Mataji says Anjali will come back from school. She keeps asking for you. I tried a lot but she has become stubborn. She will come from school. We have to do pooja. Did you meet Sujata? Simar says no. Mataji laughs. Simar says she would dance when she sees you. Mataji says Sujata i am bringing her you suit here. Simar says what happened to Mataji? Khushi says the old woman is mad and because of you.

Precap-Simar says on base of this one photo you wanna prove that you are my mom? She tears the photo apart. There is no relation between us and I am not your daughter. Simar says anger.. Anjali says I hate this word maa. She throws Simar out and says don’t dare coming back here..

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