Sasural Simar Ka 19th October 2017 Written Update

Sasural Simar Ka 19th October 2017 Written Update by H Hasan

Sasural Simar Ka 19th October 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Mata ji telling that the ring was given to Simar by Prem for their anniversary and asks where did you find it. Roshni says this question is troubling us since a lot of time and tells that they found it at other place. Piyush tells about Roshni’s dream and tells that they found the ring in the skeleton’s finger. Mata ji asks what you are saying? Piyush says they thought to ask Maa, but when she went to her room to talk to her, she didn’t see the ring in her hand and haven’t talked to her. Sanjana asks what does it mean? Mata ji says we will find out about these questions right now and calls Simar. Simar comes. Mata ji asks Simar to give the ring which Prem gave to her on last anniversary.

Prem asks what you are thinking, just give ring to Mata ji. Mata ji
asks what happened to you, since you returned, I feel strange seeing your behavior, but I ignored it and whatever happened with Baba can’t be done by my Simar. Simar thinks I can’t lie to her, I know that the ring is in her hand. Bhairavi thinks her work is done by Piyush and Roshni and says I will tell you. Shera comes and says here is the ring. Simar smiles. Shera says yesterday he found it in the temple area and since then he wants to give it to her. Simar says I was worried about it and that’s why haven’t told you. Mata ji shows the ring which Roshni and Piyush got. Roshni and Piyush apologizes. Simar says if she has any questions and says there might be many more similar rings. Prem says it must be co incidence. Simar asks everyone to come for dhanteras shopping. Shera says even I will come. Mata ji asks him to come.

Simar brings the laddoos for Shera and makes him eat it. She thanks him for the help. Shera asks why didn’t she make same ring appear in 2 mins. Simar compares him with hanuman and asks him to come.

Tantrik tells Bhairavi that this is the skeleton which Roshni was talking about. He draws white lines around it and puts some red color near there. He says tomorrow is Diwali and he will kill Simar’s soul. He tells that Simar is a soul and she will refuse to sit in the puja and asks her to make all Bharadhway family have poison. Bhairavi smiles.
Roshni tells Piyush that they all enjoyed shopping. She says Shera was guarding Simar like her own son. Piyush gets upset and tells her that Shera was possessive about Simar, but he is the son who doubted on his mum. Roshni says it was not their mistake and tells that Simar is with them and have forgiven them. She asks them to cheer up and asks for the Diwali gift. Piyush says I have special gift for you and lifts her in his arms. Roshni laughs.

Mata ji and others are sitting in hall. Simar gives silver coins to Mata ji. Mata ji asks why you are giving to me and says she will not sit for puja this time. Mata ji says you are Lakshmi of the house. Simar says she has decided to make Roshni or Sanjana sit in the puja. Mata ji says suggestion is good. Sameer thinks how can anyone be so cunning. Bhairavi says Simar and Prem have suffered a lot and that’s why she thinks Simar shall do puja with Prem and says Sanjana and Roshni can do puja next time. Mata ji says I agree. Sanjana says even we. Roshni asks Simar to do puja. Prem says yes Simar and asks her to agree. Sameer asks her to agree.

Simar says but….Prem says Simar if…..Prem touches her and he feels current as she brushes off his hand. Prem is shocked and then says Simar will do the puja. Mata ji asks everyone to get ready for puja. Pari asks Bhairavi what she is going to do? Bhairavi says she will show and not tell. She thinks when everyone is going to die, what you will do by living alone. Shera asks Simar why she don’t want to do puja. Simar says today is Amavasya, and if she does puja then her truth will come out infront of everyone.

Mata ji asks Simar to do puja. Simar appears in Mata Rani’s avatar. Everyone smiles.

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