Sasural Simar Ka 21st October 2013 Written Update

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Sasural Simar Ka 21st October 2013 Written Update by Atiba

Sasural Simar Ka 21st October 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1
Simar gives water to janvi. She remembers how meghna said that she can’t punished her brother. And how shaureya bragged about all this. Roli says what they think of themselves we have to teach them now that they are not God. Simar says that we have be very careful. We have to do something that gives janvi justice. mausi ji comes in and asks whats wrong? Simar says nothing we were just talking. Roli says like big boss. Mausi ji says that our big boss has called you on dinner. I mean ji ji has. Roli says that he should be punished for what her has done to janvi. Simar says but we have to be careful.

Scene 2
Everyone is talking happily about the event. Mausi ji thinks that thre is something wrong. She says i have to know. Mata ji asks how is achna and has she talked in her family? Pari says that she is not fine and i have not talked to them. Mata ji says bring food from here to her. Pari says that she is having pain in her tummy. Mausi ji syas there are two reasons either she has ate something bad or eaten too much. Pari says no its like that she ate few fruits after a long time that caused the problem.

Scene 3
Simar is parying to God to bless her with triumph because its the fight of all the women. Roli thinks that we have to tell you shaureya that woman is not a puopet. We will teach you what your sister should have. Sid comes in and sits besides her. He places his head on her shoulder and asks whats wrong? Roli says no there is nothing. Sid says then why is sid not felling roli sid? Just sid sid. i mean i am feeling alone. He says i was just joking. Its just you i can be funny with. I love you roli. HE opens his arms and says someone is waiting for you, she hugs him and says i love you too. She wishes all the men were like him. she thinks that i am breaking your trust by concealing this from you but what should i tell you.

Scene 4
Simar asks janvi to eat something. she starts but is in tears. Roli comes in and says that i can’t figure out what can we do. Simar says its not that easy we should do something that will serve janvi with justice and without harming our family name. Roli says you are right but how can we do this? Simar says that we have to teach meghna and shaureya. Mausi ji syas that i can help you if you want this kills them. she says that your mausi has four eyes i came to know that there is some problem now tell me from the beginning whats the problem. Simar says you are wrong there is nothing like that. Mausi ji says that lying is and art and you are flop in it. Consider me a friend not your mausi. I have solution of all men you can test me. Roli says that mausi ji you are super hit. She says yes i know that too then tell me your secret. Simar starts telling her from the day shayreya was in there home and what happened in the temple to janvi and how he took her to the hotel room. Mausi ji is taken aback. And how meghna said she won’t give them justice. The lady doing press conference was a public figure And the lady they are talking to is a siter. And how shaureya said that janvi deserves what he did to her. Janvi says please forgive me mausi ji i made a blunder i loved him i never thought he would do this to me. I broke trust of all family. I am so repatnat. Please forgive me mausi ji hugs and says that you made mistake but shaureya decieted you mistake can be forgiven but not deciet. They have to pay what he has caused you go throgh. He will have to pay. I will flop him. roli asks how will this be possible they are so rich and powerful? Simar says is there anything in your mind? Mausi ji says that we will do the same what he did to us.

Precap- mausi ji is doing make over of roli. Meghna goes to a party where the servant asks her to come in she says you don’y know what you are saying. The servant says there are already ladies of big families present in. When she goes in she finds roli in a whole new dress up.

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1 Comment

  1. Sonya
    October 21, 18:17 Reply

    A very nice episode. Can’t wait to watch the plan to flop Shaureya. Superb acting by Roli / Simar / Janvi and Mausi ji.
    Shaureya is a very talented actor.

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