Sasural Simar Ka 26th September 2016 Written Update

Sasural Simar Ka 26th September 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Sasural Simar Ka 26th September 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Pari says to Raju go to Mataji’s room. He says I am sorting these clothes. Khushi says I asked for a milkshake. Uma says where is sattu’s shoes? Raju says I am sick of this.I can’t work here anymore. Khushi says I will double your pay. Raju says I don’t even want payment. I am leaving. He leaves. Khushi says what will we do now.
Anjali comes to table and says Raju bring the breakfast. Khushi says no one will get breakfast. Uma says Raju left the job. Amar says but why? And who will handle house chores? Simar says that’s the issue but right now someone has to make the breakfast. Khushi says I am having headache. Pari says my feet are really hurting. Uma says my stomach hurts as well. Sattu says we will do breakfast in office. Simar says I will
make something. Rajhinder says according to law you can’t go in kitchen. Simar says any law is not above my family’s hunger for me. Simar enters the kitchen. She recalls all the old times there. Simar cooks breakfast for everyone. Pari says to Khushi see she is there to rule once again. Khushi says servants work there too. She is not less than a servant.
Rajhinder says after so many years we smell Simar’s food. We have missed this smell for so long.
Simar serves everyone the food. Mataji gives her some money and says this is your gift. You cooked after so long. Simar says but Mataji.. Mataji says you will say no to me? Simar says can I say no to you? She takes it. Sankalp says wow bhabhi the food is so good. SImar says amar where is prem? Amar says he left early he has a meeting. Simr says Anjali please eat. This parathy I made them for you. They are your favorite. Anjali shoves her hand and says I better eat poison then eating food made by you. I likes them before not now.
simar feeds Mataji with her hands.

Scene 2
Piyush calls Raju and says did you do exactly like I said? Raju says yes. Piyush says well done. Your new job is my responsibility.
Prem gets lunch in office. He says everything is of my choice today? He eats it and says where did you order it from? He says this is from your house. Simar says madam sent it. Prem says take it from here I am full. He says but sir you didn’t eat. Prem says take it from here. He says Simar you can never get your place back in my life.

Anjali says to Khushi she thinks she can have a place in my life by doing all this? Khushu says you have a chance to kick her out. She couldn’t enter the kitchen but she did. Anajli says I forgot that. Khushi says you have to tell this to judge. Anjali says I won’t let this chance go away.

Prem comes home. He says stop this drama simar. What are you trying to prove? Simar says what are you talking about? Prem says I am talking about the lunch you sent. don’t dare sending it again. Don’t try to daughter in law or my wife in this house. Simar says you massaged my head last night so I thought.. He says what did you think? Simar says I thought I should return your favor. Prem calls everyone. Khushi says what happened? Prem says why Simar cooked today? Khushi says Raju left the job. Prem says couldn’t you cook? Why did you let an outsider in the kitchen? If the cook doesn’t come by tonight then you three will cook.

Scene 3
Piyush disguises as the cook. Rohan and Roshni say you look so perfect. Piyush says I look like a joker.
Khushi says I tried everywhere. Pari says we will have to work. Uma says I cant. doorbell rings. Khushi opens the door. Its Piyush disguised as cook. Piyush says I heard you wanted a cook. Khushi says you are at the right place. Come inside. Uma says thank God. Pari says how did you know? He says this is twitter and facebook’s time. Ouur network is really strong. He says I should sit. Uma says sit on the sofa. Uma says I hope he doesn’t run. Khushi says yes sit on the sofa. Piyush says I am fine here.
Anjali says I have seen you somewhere before. He says yes a lot of people tell me that. My face and smile looks like hero in Mumbai, Govinda. Piyush says what a nice house. Simar recognizes him. He places his bag near Simar and touches her feet. He whispers I will tell you everything.
Khushi says do you know how to do chores? He says yes. Uma says food? Everyone likes different stuff here. He says I can make anything here. Rajhinder says can you make indian food? He says why can’t I dadu jee? This is my land. If there is anything left I will ask my mom. I mean I will call her.
Khushi says you have to give everyone tea by 7 and then send press clothes of everyone to rooms at 7:30. Khushi says you have to take care of Mataji. Her meds and food should be in her room. He touches Mataji’s feet. Khushi says what re you doing? He says my told me we should always touch elder’s feet. She looks like my great grandmom. Mataji says you promised me you will bring simar? She is here why didn’t you come? Piyush says who simar? We are meeting first time. Uma takes Mataji to her room. Khushi says she is ill that is why she talks like that. Start your work by today. Do the dishes and prepares dinner. We will decide pay later. Piyush says where is kitchen? Khushi tells him.

Precap-Khushi says this government lawyer panday ji. Panday ji says I heard that Simr broke the rule and went to kitchen. Simar says the circumstances were that way. Anjali says order her to get out of this house.

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