Sasural Simar Ka 29th April 2013 Written Update

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Sasural Simar Ka 29th April 2013 Written Update by .Tanya.

Sasural Simar Ka 29th April 2013 Written Episode

Mataji tells that its true that Simar met Roli.Uma tells that Sid will get happy hearing this news…Mano tells Uma to call Sid from upstair.Mano tells that Simar was confident that Roli will be back and she won today..Mataji tells that Roli is in Kishanganj and Simar is with her.Prem’s father tells that they need to go to bring them back..Sid comes down and starts crying embracing Mataji.Sid tells that Roli promised she will never leave her.Mataji tells how could she believe that Roli is not with them.She tells Sid to forgive her.Sid tells that the situation compelled her to think that and now everything is ok and Roli is bacj.Mataji tells Sid that they will go to bring Roli back.

Khushi tells that thankfully they found Roli before Sid got married to Naina but what will happen to her child.She tells that she is feeling pity for her child.Naina asks Mataji what will happen to her and her child.Mataji tells that they will take care of all the responsibilites.Naina asks how can they leave her marriage preparations now.Mano asks how can she marry Sid when Roli is there.Mataji tells Mano to stop and tells Naina that there won’t be any partiality towards her child but she can’t marry Sid now.Naina asks how can they forget her.Khushi tells Naina to believe her and that there won’t be any injustice towards her or her child.Naina asks how can she believe her.Mataji tells Naina to control her and right now they need to bring Roli back.She tells Sid that they will leave tonight for Kishanganj.

Khushi enters Naina’s room and asks what is she doing?She tells that Bharadwaj family still cares for her.Khushi asks Naina if she wants to spoil their plan.Naina tells she can’t understand how she came back.Khushi asks if Roli was alive where was she all this while?She tells Naina to believe her.She tells Naina to control her anger and act innocent.She tells Naina to go to Kishanganj with them and see what’s the matter.

Veeru tells Roli that Simar came in disguise to kill her and she can go any extent to harm her.He tells Roli that Simar will inform her in-laws and they will bring the goons.He tells that they will have to leave this house as there is threat to their life.Roli tells that she won’t go anywhere.
Roli asks where will they go?She tells that she is fed up of this life and can’t take it anymore.Veeru tells that they are very dangerous and can do anything.Roli tells that she won’t go anywhere.Veeru goes down and calls someone.He tells the person to do as he said.He thinks that she will have to go and Simar won’t be able to take her.
Episode Ends

Precap : Some people starts shouting and throwing stone at their house.He tells that they will have to go from here and they will marry tomorrow.Roli agrees.Next morning Simar comes there and finds the door locked.She understands that Veeru took Roli somewhere.

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