Sasural Simar Ka 2nd June 2017 Written Update

Sasural Simar Ka 2nd June 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Sasural Simar Ka 2nd June 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Pari comes to Aarav and says I asked your wife for a small amount and she said no. I fought everyone to get her keys. And she did this to me. Ananiya comes in. Arav says you said not to giving her money? Pari says ma wanted to buy carpets. We already have carpets. We need to think before spending. Arav says mama think about the situation. We can’t buy carpets in this situation. I think ananiya did right. Pari says so you will take her side now. Now your mom is wrong. There is no respect for mom. She leaves. Ananiya says I am sorry. I didn’t want to hurt her. Arav says don’t worry. i will talk to her. You did right.

A letter comes for roshni. it is from Radha’s school. Pari opens it. She is shocked at the amount of admission fees. She says you see
what I do now.

Scene 2
Saroj says no Vikram I won’t let you do this Vikram. We can’t do everything simar suggests. We can’t name our house to anjali. Vikram says this is the only option to show anjali a lesson. Tao ji says vikram is right. Saroj says that anjali can never change. She only wants money. Vikram says tai ji please.. I have lost everything already. My love my respect my marriage. This is the last option. If anjali lives alone shje will realize her mistake. Please trust me. Will you support me? She says yes. Vikram signs the papers.

Pari says to ANaniya why did roshni get radha in such an expensive school. you and rav cancelled your honeymood. Wasn’t that important? We can’t do everything roshni says. someone has to raise the voice. Ananiya thinks about it.
Radha shows mataji bag roshni brought for her. She shows her lunch box and bottle. Mataji says its nice. Ananiya says there is no value for other people in this house? Roshni says what? Annaiya says what is this? Roshni says this is radha’s admission fees. ANaniya says we should all compromise on expenses you ask us that. Then what is this? Roshni says ma wanted radha in that school. Anniaya says so you wasted lacs. What about rest of the people in this house? Why this dual face. Mataji do you even know what you are saying? Pari says arav and ananiya cancelled their honeymoon. And lacs are being spent for this radha who has nothing to do with our family. Mataji says enough. Radha go to your room. Ananiya says what is wrong with that? Roshni could ask us? Piyush says no it was not important. Radha got admission from my personal savings. Not from house accounts. You could talk to roshni alone. You all know how much roshni is doing for all of us. Arav says we all are trying. Ananiya undestands too. Piyush says I know and respect that. Arav says she has a right to have her say. Mataji says enough. Is this how you will all talk to each other now? Anniaya goes to her room. Piyush syas lets go roshni.

Scene 3
Vikram gives anjali signed papers. He says it has everything you wanted. We are leaving this house. Anjali says where are you going? Vikram say for you money is important. For me relations are important. So I am taking them. Anjali says you are so stupid that you are going to lose everything for this girl. Vikram says you will realize who is stupid and who is losing. Anjali says won’t tai ji give a lecture too? She says pass me a pen. I have to sign. Anjali signs the papers. Vikram signs them too. they leave. Anjali says everythin is mine.

Roshni says I thought ananiya understood me. Piyush says sometimes people don’t understand our intentions. Its not your mistake. SImar calls her. She tells them everything. Rosni says don’t worry ma. We will do what you want.

Precap-Vikram and his family comes to Bharadwaj house. Mataji says from today they will live with us in Bharadwaj house.

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