Sasural Simar Ka 9th June 2017 Written Update

Sasural Simar Ka 9th June 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Sasural Simar Ka 9th June 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Ananya comes to her room and is in daze. Aarav asks why she seem tensed? whats the matter? did anyone say anything to you? tell me, Ananya says I try to do so much for everyone but I mess up everything, I brought grocery with love but family thought that I wasted money, I liked bag but didnt even buy it to not splurge money, Aarav says this is the matter, I wont spare the bag which made you cry, Ananya says I dont want to talk to you, Aarav says then how will I live? if I dont see your smile daily then I cant have my day fine, lets search your smile, where did it go? Ananya smiles at his antic, Aarav says now my day is complete, Aarav hugs her and looks on.

Tanvi asks Vikram what he thought now? Vikram says I have tried to make Anjali understand but she doesnt listen and its
useless now, its now or never, I will need your help in what I am going to do, will you help me? Tanvi says ofcourse but whats your plan? Vikram looks on.

Anjali is lying on her bed, window makes noise with wind, Anjali gets scared and closes it. She says lets pass time on phone. Anjali starts looking at her photoshoots, then her pictures with Vikram on their wedding comes onscreen, she gets tensed seeing.

Vikram meets Saroj, Saroj asks what is it that he wanted to tell at night? vikram meet Anjali’s family too, he says I have decided something, Mataji asks what? Vikram says I tried to do everything, he says to Simar that she didnt come around so I am breaking all hopes now.
Anjali cries seeing wedding photos with Vikram. She recalls her sweet moments with Vikram. She wipes her tears and says now way.
Simar asks Vikram what decision he has made? Vikram says we kept using it as threat but now its time to make it true, me and Tanvi will go to wedding mandap now, all are shocked. Simar says what are you saying? Vikram says I know you people this this is weird and you might not even understand but we dont have any other choice, we have done everything and this is last thing, if Anjali doesnt react after hearing about my and Tanvi’s wedding then our relation had no worth, Anjali never loved me and our relation was empty, it was my mistake that I couldnt unite with Anjali. Simar says dont take decisions in haste, will this decision be fine? Vikram says I have think enough, we are tired of thinking, I gave her my property and everything on your saying but Anjali didnt care, she didnt try to save our relation, I feel Anjali doesnt care about my identity, I have lived for Anjali from the time I married but Anjali lives for herself, its enough now, whatever you said, I listened to it, I followed all your instructions, Anjali has to understand my love now, she has to come around, she is leave her ego and come for my love.
Anjali says to herself that I will never go back to Vikram, he has left me for a servant and thinks that I will bow to him and run back to him but its not going to happen.
Vikram says to Simar that Anjali has to bow down, if she comes to stop this marriage then fine but otherwise I will know she never cared for our relation. Mataji says this is not right. Simar says think about Tanvi, every girl has dreams of wedding, we cant put her dreams at stake for Anjali, can Ranvi wear bridal dress in this fake wedding? can you become part of this useless wedding? Tanvi says if Vikram and Anjali’s relation get saved by me wearing wedding dress then I am ready, I have always been with Vikram to make him reunite with Anjali and if this is last step towards it then I am ready. Vikram says to them that I am doing this after thinking, I know you people have many questions but trust me, I wont let wrong happen with anyone. Khushi hides there and listen. Vikram says I will do arrangements of wedding and after that one day will decide Anjali and my fate. Khushi says whose wedding? Vikram leaves. Simar says to Tanvi that what you are doing for my daughter, thank you for that, God fulfill all your dreams, family leaves. Tanvi is in tears, she breakdowns and cries, she thinks what I am doing? this is just a play between Vikram and Anjali, Vikram was never mine, I have to come out, I am just a servant and helpers, she cries. Khushi sees her and says what is happening? why she is crying? there is something wrong, I have to start working and find out what this matter is, she smirks.

Scene 2
Ananya is getting ready in her room. Ananya sees bag which she liked on her bed, she says am I dreaming? Aarav comes there and says no this is true, this is for you, Ananya says this is for real? she hugs him and says I love you, he says I love you too. Ananya says but this is expansive, Aarav says but your smile is priceless, I dont have such bad days that I cant bring a thing which you, Ananya asks how did he know that she liked that bag? Aarav says I know your choice. Ananya hugs him. Radha comes there. She says nice bag, she wears it and asks how I am looking? Ananya says very cute, Radha says I will show it to everyone, she takes bag with her but Ananya runs behind her.

Simar is sadly sitting, Mataji asks what she is thinking? Simar looks on. Radha comes there. Radha shows bag to Mataji and asks how I am looking? Mataji says nice. Simar says you are looking great, where did you find this bag? Radha says its Ananya’s. Ananya comes there. Khushi says its nice bag. Umi sees bag;s price tag and says such expansive bag? Khushi stops her. Roshini asks Radha to give bag to Ananya. Ananya says its okay, she is a kid. Roshini takes bag from Ananya and asks if she bought it? Ananya says no, Aarav gifted it to me, Roshini says he has nice choice, she gives it to Ananya. Ananya goes to put it. Parti says to Khushi that this chance is nice, we have to take advantage of this situation, Khushi smirks.

PRECAP- Vikram calls Anjali, Anjali says you finally remembered me? Vikram says this is important occasion and I have to tell my ex-wife, Anajli asks whats special? Vikram says I am going to marry Tanvi, she says are you joking? Vikram says I dont lie like you, I am marrying her tomorrow in mandir beside old fort. Anjali is stunned

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