Savitri 8th April 2013 Written Update

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Savitri 8th April 2013 Written Update by cheena

Savitri 8th April 2013 Written Episode

episode starts with Satya was able to find savitri in a crowed place they are happy to find each other …and they come to their hotel room..Savitri thinks about the whole incident and connects it to the story of the holy book..She decides to tell satya everything about her subconscious fear why she is lost in her thoughts all the time how he (satya) is connected to her previous life whatever happening its all because of the evil spirit …who is connected with their previous life ..

Receptionist comes and tells satya there is a call for him from his friend Dev .. Satya who was trying to talk to his didi on his moblie could not finish because of the weak network He tells Savitri that no other phone is working in the hotel except one at the reception ..then he ask Savitri to wait for him here at the room and goes to attend the call …Savitri who wants to stop him but could not do that ..she is scared for whatever happening and worried for Satya …

there Rahukaal is with his men and Gulika they are looking for somebody ..

after sometime Receptionist comes to the room and give savitri a note ..Savitri who is worried for Satya reads the note ..satya has left a msg saying Dev has arranged a helicopter for them return home … he will join her there in the helicopter ..

Saviti is petrified thinking about the Rahukaal ..she tries to call satya on his mobile but fails ..that time a tribal woman come and request savitri to save them form evil spirit she tells her you are our princes we have been worshipping you from ages and we knew whenever the evil spirit will come you will come here too..he will destroy everything please save us form him .. ..Savitri reluctantly goes with her to the tribal village ..

there Rahukaal is angry and declares to kill everyone who comes between him and Damyanti …

At the Tribal village the tribes start doing pooja near a bonfire ….. Savitri does meditation ..Rahukaal gets attracted to her thinking about Damyanti he sees her as Damyanti and goes towards her ..Gulica suspect something foul and tries to stop Rahukaal but he doesn’t stop goes very close to savitri ..Savitri’s mangalsutra , chudi and teeka brings out the powerful rays which is about to destroy the Rahukaal and succeed to destroy his body but before it could destroy further Gulika picks his (Rahukaal ‘s ) head and flew away …

Tribals are happy to see the whole event ..Savitri is surprised to see how Rahukaal went away she realizes she has power which can destroy Rahukaal ..Tribal starts doing her(Savitri ‘s) Pooja…

precap : Rahukaal tells Gulika he wants his body back (which was destroyed by Savitri’s powerful ray ) He says I won’t let her power work on me I will destroy Satya and take his body …

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