1. Angel
    August 17, 23:39 Reply

    Yes Daisy if your comments are so valuable and educated , please take them out on a platform, not on a comment page. Voice your comments to the writers they are the insane and psychotic people who wrote all that nonsense.

  2. Angel
    August 17, 07:43 Reply

    People like narine and daisy do not realize that Sartaj is an actor that gets paid to be like that, while you all do not get paid to comment, you are jackasses

    • DAISY
      August 17, 13:58

      You sound so stupid and your such a fool. Your comment is useless. We know he’s an actor and terrible one at that. Don’t call me names you sound so imature and ignorant. Just a crazy girl who deserves a guy just like the actor Raja. And my comments are valuable and educated while yours are just foolish…

  3. Narin
    August 15, 11:13 Reply

    After the physical abuses, this psychotic evil looking face looks even uglier, meaner.

    • DAISY
      August 15, 13:21

      i agree he looks terrible and the acting is disgusting . Its women like the ones that commented below who encourage this type of terrible storyline. Hopefully the two women Victoria &
      Angel experience physical and mental abuse from a man like Raja in their lives. So disgusting to see that women are encouraging and enjoying Raja’s behaviour. Shame on you!!!

    • Narin
      August 15, 15:52

      apparently, and probably, those 2 people you mentioned are one and the same.

  4. Victoria
    August 14, 17:45 Reply

    Lol… I love this guy. It’s great to see the normal, fun side of actors. Sartaj Gill is a darling. ?. I enjoyed watching the faces he made as per instructions of the reporters. ???

  5. Angel
    August 14, 14:45 Reply

    Sartaj you are just so good looking, keep up the great work.

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