Shakti 16th July 2016 Written Update

Shakti 16th July 2016 Written Update by H Hasan

Shakti 16th July 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Pandit ji asking them to do ghatbandhan. Harman’s sister does the ghatbandhan. Pandit ji asks Soumya and Harman to get up for pheras. Soumya feels drowsy. Nimmi runs to her and asks if she is fine. Soumya nods. Harman looks at her. They start taking pheras. Everyone shower flower petals on them. Suddenly Soumya holds her head and is about to fall down. Harman holds her hand. Tu Hi Mera Khuda plays………….Preeto tells Harak Singh that girl is not well. Harak Singh asks her not to worry. Harman holds her hand and is taking pheras. They complete 3 rounds. Pandit ji asks Soumya to come to front and asks Harman to stand behind her. Soumya faints just then shocking everyone. Saya looks on. Harman asks Soumya if you are fine. Maninder and Bebe smiles. Saya calls someone. Maninder asks
people to move and let some fresh air come. He says Soumya haven’t eaten anything and that’s why she fainted. He tells Pandit ji that pheras can happen after sometime, let her rest. Nimmi looks at Maninder signing Bebe.

Surbhi asks what happened? Soumya says she is getting unconscious. Pandit ji says rounds will happen after sometime. Saya says rounds shouldn’t be left, else marriage is incomplete. Nimmi looks at Saya surprisingly. Beeji says it is right, this is inauspicious. Nimmi asks how she will take pheras in this condition. Saya asks Nimmi to let her take the rounds. Nimmi says she is not in the condition to take pheras. Saya says marriage is necessary to happen. I have called the doctor. Surbhi says but how she will take pheras? Harman says pheras will happen and now itself. Maninder and Bebe are surprised. Harman gets up, lifts Soumya in his arms…..Harak Singh smiles…Harman starts taking pheras……..Tera Ishq Ka Meri Ibadat plays………Nimmi thinks this guy will keep my daughter happy and will always protect her, my decision is right.

Harman completes the pheras…..Saya asks Pandit ji to get the sindoor rasam fast. Maninder looks on angrily as Saya is helping them. Pandit ji asks Harman to fill sindoor in her maang. Harman fills her maang with sindoor. Surbhi looks on sadly. Pandit ji declares them husband and wife and says this marriage is complete. Everyone claps. Saya asks them to lift Soumya and take her with her. Nimmi looks on. Harman lifts Soumya and takes her to room. Harak Singh signs preeto to calm down. Doctor asks everyone to go out and says let me check her. Nimmi gets worried. Doctor calls Nurse. Harak Singh says I think we shall take bahu rani to a good hospital. Saya says let Doctor check her first and if he don’t see her rightly then we will take her to hospital. Bebe asks who called the doctor. Nimmi says I called him, as she was not eating anything. Preeto says you did right. Nurse comes out and asks to bring medicine and warm water.

Harman takes the prescription and goes to bring medicine. Preeto asks if she is alright. Nurse says we can’t tell anything. Harman brings the medicines and gives to nurse. Harak Singh tells Harman not to take tension and says you are my tiger son. Maninder says I will see the guests and goes. Nimmi says I feel that my daughter will not be alone after me, and says my decision is right. Beeji says yes. Maninder is happy and says I got freedom from this inauspicious girl. Nimmi hears him and says I know that. She says you have always called her inauspicious, but her husband will make her sit on his eye brows. Maninder asks her to stop talking nonsense. Nimmi says you didn’t know sindoor shakti. Maninder says once the truth is out, sindoor will go. Nimmi challenges him that Soumya will go to her inlaws home and he can’t do anything.

Preeto is worried for Harman. Harak Singh asks Harman to have calm down. Doctor comes out and says poison is mixed in her body. Harman asks who gave her poison, who is snake under the sleeves. Maninder is shocked as his truth will be out. Nimmi looks at Maninder. Beeji asks her not to make an issue. Doctor says she is still unconscious and asks them to pray for her life. Nimmi cries. Harak Singh insists to take Soumya to hospital. Nimmi says no, and says she can’t see her daughter in hospital. Preeto tells Harak Singh that it is motherly’s love which can’t see her daughter in hospital. Soumya apologizes and asks them to have food. Harman says we didn’t come here to do the rituals and says we are in relation now. He says no need for formality, we will wait till she gets fine completely. He says ghatbandhan have happen between the families, and heart and relation are build. He says Soumya will be fine soon. Harak Singh says we will all pray for Soumya and asks her to keep mata rani jagrata. Nimmi says Soumya is very lucky to have you people in her life. Maninder asks what is this new drama. Bebe says Soumya will not be saved and asks him to act as if he is sad. She asks him to help in the jagrata arrangements.

Nimmi prays to God and makes the arrangements for jagrata. She tells Mata Rani that she wants to send Soumya to her inlaws place and wants her to be someone’s wife, bahu, dewrani, bhabhi etc and asks her not to break her dream. Harak Singh, Preeto and others come to jagrata place. Harak Singh asks Varun to bring dhol. Varun brings dhol and says Mata Rani will be happy with the jagrata and Soumya will have to be fine. Harak Singh sings bhajan. Nimmi asks Surbhi, how is Soumya? Surbhi says Doctor haven’t told anything and asks her to take care of guests. Nimmi asks Harman to do ardaas to God. Harman says I don’t need to do ardaas, destiny have made her mine, I am here as I can be useful here. He says I have special friendship with mata rani and she will agree. Nimmi says Soumya is lucky to get you. She comes back to jagrata place. Bebe tells Nimmi that Soumya’s truth will be out by tomorrow. Nimmi says I didn’t think that her own dad have poisoned her. Bebe asks what nonsense? Nimmi says I am quiet as I don’t want to expose Maninder infront of her sasural. Maninder smirks looking at Nimmi. Jugni asks Kalsi to make everyone have lassi. She asks Nimmi to have lassi. Nimmi refuses. Beeji asks her to drink it for Soumya’s sake.

Nimmi goes to Harman and gives him lassi. Harman says he can’t have lassi until Soumya gets fine. He says I will have food with her. Nimmi says I can understand and asks him to have lassi for Soumya’s sake. Harman drinks it. Nimmi gives lassi to Surbhi as well. Doctor monitors Soumya. Harak Singh continues to sing bhajan during the jagrata. Harman prays for Soumya’s life. Doctor checks Soumya. Soumya gains consciousness. Doctor smiles. Surbhi comes to Nimmi and says Mata Rani heard your prayers, Soumya gained consciousness. Nimmi says really. Everyone get happy. Nimmi thanks God. They run to Soumya. Nimmi asks Sumo…Harman asks if she is fine now? Doctor says yes, she is okay. Soumya gets up and looks at Harman. Nimmi asks her to lie down and asks how is she feeling now? Soumya says she is fine. Maninder thinks even poison can’t kill her. Preeto tells Harak Singh that they shall do bidaai rasam. Doctor says you can do, but make sure that she is not having any tension. Harman says he will not make any tension reach her, as he will give attention to her tension. He asks her to smile and calls her Gulabo. Soumya smiles. He says everyone face is sad seeing your condition. Harak Singh says God will keep her blessings on them. Saya goes from there. Maninder Singh comes somewhere.

Harman sits at Soumya’s bed side and asks her to say. Soumya asks him to say first. Harman asks are you fine? Soumya nods. Harman says if you are not fine, then I will not be fine. Nimmi asks them to have food and take rest. She says my daughter gained consciousness because of you people’s mannat. Harak Singh asks her to have food with them. Nimmi asks them to come. Maninder knocks on someone’s house and tells something. The man asks do you really need it. Maninder asks him to bring it. He buys a snake and puts it in the bag. He comes back home. Harak Singh asks Maninder to have food with them. Maninder refuses, saying he can’t eat with his daughter inlaws. Harak Singh asks him to have food, and says they don’t care about the rituals. Varun asks Harman not to stare bhabhi, and says she is also coming with us. Surbhi says it is care. Harman asks if Soumya wake up. Surbhi says yes.

Nimmi tells soumya that she will bring something. Soumya asks her to sit with her. Nimmi says your inlaws love you so much, and says they are good people. She says Harman also loves you so much and was hungry when she was unwell. She asks her to come home whenever she wants to. Soumya says if he refuses then. Harman says I am not that bad, and will not stop a daughter meet her mum. Nimmi says you are misunderstanding her. Harman says I am teasing her. He says do you know why I call her Gulabo. He says it is between husband and wife, and asks Soumya, how is she feeling now. Soumya nods. Harman says you are still weak. He asks Nimmi to make Soumya have food. He tells her that she is his ardhangini and have equal right to speak. Nimmi asks Soumya to have food, and then they have to go.

Maninder takes out box from almari and thinks to give it in Soumya’s hands. Jugni’s husband come and says lets keep stuff in the car. Nimmi comes to Harman and says her daughter is very innocent and don’t know how to talk. She asks him not to leave her daughter’s hand. Harman says I don’t want to say any dialogue. He says Soumya is part of my life and I have no complaints with my wife. Nimmi asks him never to change. Beeji says this happens during bidaai. Harman says Soumya is now my wife and I will keep her happy. He promises her.

Maninder tells Soumya that he never tried to know about her likes and dislikes, and calls her daughter. Soumya gets happy and hugs him. He says I brought something for you. He asks her not to tell about his gifts to Nimmi. Nimmi tells Beeji that that Soumya’s inlaws got ready to take Surbhi also. They are shocked to see Soumya hugging Maninder. Nimmi asks Soumya why did he come here? Soumya is silent. Nimmi looks at the box.

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  1. aksa
    July 18, 11:48 Reply

    But I love Harman he is so nice and adorable. He is really cute.

  2. aksa
    July 18, 11:48 Reply

    For goodness sake why cant he leave soumya alone.

  3. aksa
    July 18, 11:48 Reply

    Now the idiot Marindher wants to poison soumya again so he gives a snake to her as a gift I cant believe this.

  4. aksa
    July 18, 11:47 Reply

    The Maha Episode of Shakti was awesome commenting a bit late but I watch all the episodes of shakti and it was just awesome Love u Harman.

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