Shakti 19th December 2017 Written Update

Shakti 19th December 2017 Written Update by H_Hasan

Shakti 19th December 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Harman telling everyone that Mohini will not go anywhere. Neighbor asks what she told you in room. Harman says I can’t tell and asks them to leave. Neighbors get upset and go. Soumya asks what happened? Harak Singh says you hates Mohini, but now stopped her. Soumya asks him to say something. Harman stares Harak Singh and asks him to fight wrestling with him. He challenges him and says now you have to come in ring. Soumya is about to say. Harman says nobody shall interfere between a father and a son.

During wrestling in the ring, Harak Singh falls down. Harman asks him to get up and says last fight is remaining. He suffocates Harak with his hand. Soumya asks Harman to leave Papa ji. Harman pushes her. Veeran asks Harman to leave Harak Singh and asks Varun to stop

him. Harman pushes them. Soumya asks him to leave Harak Singh. Preeto goes inside the ring and slaps Harman, asking if he will kill him. Harman says he will kill him as he is a black spot on fatherhood. Soumya asks Harman to leave him. Harman leaves him and tells them that Mohini is pregnant with Harak Singh’s child. Everyone is shocked. Soumya asks what you are saying? Harman shows the reports. Surbhi says Mohini is pregnant. Harak Singh is also shocked and thinks it seems we had….that night, this means this baby is mine. Mohini thinks I have shock everyone, and thinks she will snatch everything from them.
At home, Soumya asks Mohini why she is accusing Harak Singh. Mohini says how to prove now and says how you will know being a kinnar. Everyone come there. Soumya asks her not to talk about her identity. Mohini says she is just concerned about Harak Singh. Soumya says it matters to her. Harman says if his wife is concerned then he is concerned too. Raavi says when matter is about her mum then she will be concerned. Mohini gets tensed. Harak Singh asks Harman to call doctor. He says lady Doctor Sunita Agarwal will check you. Doctor comes and checks Mohini. She tells everyone that Mohini is pregnant. Everyone is shocked. Preeto is shattered.

Harak Singh asks Doctor to come and check her daily. He goes to drop her. Harman leaves in car angrily. Mohini smirks. Harman goes to Saya and says he wants to talk to her. Saya comes and asks what happened? Harman says you asked us to go and stay with family. He says Harak Singh is going to be father of Mohini’s child. Everyone is shocked.

Mohini tells Harak Singh that she was hungry of love and fell in his love. She couldn’t stop him. She asks him not to ask her to abort the child. Harak Singh says he is very happy to become dad again in this age.

Soumya says she is worried for Preeto. Harman and others knock on the door, and see her hanging from ceiling fan. They are shocked.

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